I thought I would tell you about a GP I saw on Saturday (yes, Saturday!). I rang surgery on Friday regarding a sore throat of over 4 weeks. They had no appointments but could refer me to a different surgery which could see me on Saturday afternoon. The doctor there asked me questions about my health and the drugs I was taking, he made eye contact with me and asked questions like "How do you feel in yourself?"!!! He did an examination of my throat and we decided no action was necessary. We then chatted about Pred, diet, lifestyle, exercise, flares. He actually asked what a flare felt like for me!! I told him and I also said that I was scared to reduce below 5 mg because I had a flare when I did that. He said it was okay to linger at 5 mg if that felt right for me. I came away with no changes to medication or advice but feeling a whole lot better about everything . . . just because I felt like he actually saw me. I appreciate that GPs generally don't have time to do this. Not sure how come this doctor did, but it was great! I think people with long-term, largely invisible conditions like PMR need to feel "seen" and given a little pat on the back from time to time!
Nice different GP!: I thought I would tell you... - PMRGCAuk
Nice different GP!

I don't know if you have ever watched "GPs behind closed doors"? It has been on the TV for years, started in 2014, and has been based in several GP practices in London, Bristol, Slough?, Birmingham and Bradford. At least one, the one in Bradford is a teaching practice for GPs with Professor Amir Khan, I think it should be compulsory watching for any wannabe or in-training GP because how THEY treat their patients is exemplary. In Bradford they even dish out hugs!!!

Maybe because he only does Saturdays! 😊 Our surgery does a Saturday one about once a month... have only been once, but seemed much more relaxed than usual.
But good on him, doing what they all should.. as you probably more time..
That’s actually quite heartwarming! 🤗
In fact just a doctor who listens is worth more than the one who talks garbage to us.
Indeed. And it is so unusual that at first I was a little impatient and wondering why he didn't just get on and look at my throat! Then I realised he was doing a full consultation and I relaxed too.
awe that’s so nice to hear a positive story on a GP 🥰 and great that you came away happy and heard!!
was he wearing a red cost and white beard? Great post , good to know drs like that are still around. Wishing you all the best in the new year .
have you had any recent blood tests to check inflammation. I only ask as one of my prominent issues prior to diagnosis was a sore throat. Was referred to ENT consultant who saw nothing, but now i know it is a sign of a possible flare along with what feels like swollen glands in my neck.
Yes they are out there as I discovered when I left my GP practice after over 30 years and moved to another local one. They are magnificent.
You are absolute right about that. Our GP surgery is completely empty now. Not too long a go you would have one GP you saw all the time who would get to know you & your condition & act accordingly. Now the whole system is a complete mess. Why aren't we looking at the French & German Health services which are much better than in the UK. I know this because we have friends that live there.
They too have their flaws - as does the system here in Italy, But that is one of the reasons I am reluctant to return to the UK - I see the same GP and on the same day if necessary. Turn up and wait in a single-handed practice. Works for me.
Why don't they look at them? Because "they" won't make as much money flogging the system to the US insurance companies ... I'm sick of hearing "the best in the world" - the NHS was, isn't any more.
I know this thread is older but I just wanted to give a shout our to our GP practice which we have been with for 44 years and would not go anywhere else 🙂