I'm down to 8.5 mg of prednisone after starting at 20 in April. I had gotten down to 7 but due to traveling and my mistake in taking a 1 mg pill instead of a 5 mg, I had a small flare and went back to 10mg. My pain level is minimal, mostly wrist pain. I can still play tennis! I went to my rheumy for my follow up appt and when he asked how I felt, I told him good, except for the wrist pain. He said he wants me to increase back up to 10 so I have no pain. I don't really want to because this pain is absolutely tolerable. BTW, my CRP was down to .11 form 2.0, and my SED rate was always normal. My question is, do I up the prednisone like the dr said, or stay where I'm at. I was actually going to lower it to 8 starting next week! Am I inviting a flare to start?
Thanks for your suggestions!