So, ever since I got diagnosed with PMR I always wondered what was the cause. Seems nobody knows so leaves plenty of room to speculate. Has any interviews been conducted and studied for the presence of commonalities?
Years ago, pre-retirement our company promoted a healthy lifestyle and presented the best nutritional diets (Mediterranean still wins) and subsidizing memberships to the local Nautilus Gym, like a 40% discount! I still remember my first appointment when this very fit, shapely woman came over and took my BP, measured me for BMI, weight and muscular build and coming up with a program that focused on build up of muscle mass in some areas and toning in others. The one thing that stuck was told not to focus on the same muscle groups each day. More important if using dead weights. Muscle builds by stressing and tearing muscle fibers and some healing time is necessary. So, it got me to thinking…what if…one abused the same muscle groups for 6 hours a day, 3 days in a row? Could enough damage be done to skeletal muscles to cause severe inflammation and a self perpetuating cytokine storm? Forgive my ignorance as it’s been almost 50 years since I cracked open a Grey’s Anatomy textbook (no nothing to do with the TV series) and studied Human Anatomy & Physiology. But…what if? In my case I had spent 3 days under my car removing OEM parts and replacing with better(?) aftermarket parts and doing alignments. So, 2 foot crawl space and I’m repeatedly sliding around (not using a creeper), getting out from under standing, walking, going back under, repeat. I wonder, prior to others’ first symptoms had they been doing a bit of repeated exhaustion of skeletal muscles causing a bit of repeated excessive Lactic acid build up?
So, what got me back on this kick, and fortunately a false alarm? This past week my wife and I went on vacation. Did a LOT of walking, more walking than I probably do in a month and I’m not exaggerating. Well, on day 2 of our walking excursions I felt something I hadn’t felt in a year, an ache in the back of my hams and I’m like, “Oh Crap!” So, found a bench, sat down and relaxed for about 5 minutes, discomfort abated. Ok, that’s not like PMR at all, but I told my wife I was going to be taking frequent breaks (we were at the beach and visiting various small towns so plenty of “park” benches around). So instead of accompanying her into every store I took a break. By the end of each day, I still felt some fatigue in my legs and ankles, but after a break, I could go about 15-20 minutes before the ache reappeared. Next day, no pain (that was different than what I experienced leading up to my PMR ER visit), and during the subsequent day same process. By day 3, I could go quite a while before some discomfort and taking a break. Was I ever relieved!
So what’s my point? Well, 1) I wonder if repeated excessive muscle abuse can lead to PMR and 2) normal muscle fatigue can feel like the beginning of a PMR flare. The only difference is usually a few days after intense workout normal muscle fatigue starts to abate, and rest helps alleviate the pain, with PMR it’s the opposite, rest seems to make it worse and walking reduces the pain. Ignore this observation and the muscle fatigue discomfort will keep getting worse each day until the morning pain is so intense it exceeds one’s tolerance threshold.
No, I didn’t reach for the Pred. But when I got back to the hotel I did take some Ibuprofen!