Hello lovely folks, thank you for your help yesterday.
Spoke to the lady doctor this morning and I am happy with how it went. All my results came back normal and the conclusion was that if it wasn't for my PMR, I am in pretty good health for my age. That aside, she said not to change anything with meds until I get back from my holiday and we can discuss then. I told her that I am keen to get off pred when I can, but I don't want to rush and go through the agony of tapering and then flare and end up back on it again. She agreed with me and I don't think there will be any pressure to taper before I am ready or any faster than I can comfortably manage.
We talked about my arthritis and I said that I thought I was probably slightly better than most people of my age on that score and she agreed. But we agreed that a confounding factor for the PMR might have been the arthritis in my neck, which doesn't respond to the pred that well, but does respond pretty well to a couple of ibuprofen daily, so she wants me to use that as a top up while I am away, with a view to monitoring the situation and a review on my return.
I also told her that I thought that lack of continuity in care has caused some confusion and she says that they are changing the appointment system next month, so it will be easier to stay with the same doctor. She also said that I have a lot of insight into my health and she thought I was doing a great job of caring for myself.
I'm feeling quite cheerful this morning, compared with how angry and upset I felt after the grumpy rheumatologist a few weeks ago. Hopefully, I can stay with the nice lady doctor now. She seems to listen and I feel that I am in safe hands with her. I've been so down in the dumps about the PMR, but if that is all that is wrong with me, apart from a spot of mild arthritis, I have a lot to be optimistic about and I do feel happier today. All I have to do now is keep the bossy asthma nurse at bay.
Thankyou for your support on here. I do appreciate it.