Good morning, yes another update quick recap, awaiting blood and X-ray results before staring MTX. Yesterday the rheumy’s secretary emailed me as follows. Bloods ok. X-rays ok to start MTX chest X-ray clear showed no lesions. WHAT I didn’t have a chest X-ray I even asked the radiologist a chest X-ray hadn’t been requested. I have me mailed her and requested copies of my blood results and X-rays for my records.
I then rang hospital to see when my appointment in respiratory clinic, was told around December as long waiting list unless my GP has fast tracked it. Back on phone to GP surgery by this time I am exhausted and tearful. After much ado the GP has asked for a CT lung scan just see how long I have to wait for that.
I am not going to start the MTX until I find out what my lungs are like as I’m still breathless.
The Methylpredisolone injection of 120mg is keeping things at bay at the moment. I have lost the hair of my arms and my skin is peeling on one arm, I’m hoping this is one of the side effects.
I am still feeling very low in my mood and my euphoria in finding my new Rheumie who happens to be a professor has somewhat fizzled out since the X-ray saga.
Your feedback would be much appreciated.