Hi I will try and explain in as few words as I can !Last July I lowered to 5mg started (20mg July 2021) began to feel unwell, really bad headaches, spaced out, fatigue.
Back and forth to doc, no couldn't be adrenals not been on steroids long enough! Said tension headaches wanted me on amitryptaline, I declined.
Think I wrote about this last year.
So I'm still with permanent headaches nausea and lack of enthusiasm and low energy. I had brain scan, all ok. Eyes checked all ok. Saw rheumi end jan agreed to do synacthen test , Feb 6th. Finally got results in post this morning. Saying adrenals not working as they should which explains why I have been feeling unwell....said referred me to endo in meantime increase by 1 or 2mg to see if I feel better.....
This morning before I had receive letters i had a call from endo he said my function was ok I was working a bit my self didn't know why I had headaches and to start lowering by 0.5 every month. He said he was asked to advised me how to get off steroids and he would test again when I'm at 3mg. This is how he sees I am manage my adrenal insufficiency which the rheumi letter to endo said I had.
My base line cortisol was 155 pre syn test then 307 after .
The endo never mention adrenal insufficiency at all.
I'm so confused and my head hurts 🙈