Hallo all A Happy New Year to all. Get well soon.
Just wanted to post y thanks on here for all useful advice offered. And to give an update.
I have been on predisolone 15mgs per day for about 9 /10 weeks now after PMR diagnosis following blood tests.
The pred worked for me within 12 hrs of first dose an from being unable to move I can now do all I want and need to.
I had been going slowly downhill over thel ast few years but thought it was just old age and grief and the effort nursing husband over 7 yrs dementia coupled with my severe arthritis. He died almost a year ago.
I feel so much better. Much more mobile in everyday living. Even able to have a shower sometimes.
All pains gone even arthritis pains,( from 14 yrs arthritis,) apart from R shoulder which needs replacing and hands which a kind person on here advised they would take a while to gdt better.... but at least they are improving.
After taking pain killers daily for years i now only have an amytriptalene at night.
Only thing is blood pressure very erratic aand a bit of bother with eyes.
Have cataracts in both but they feel irritated and do not work so well.
Can steroids affect them at all?
Sleep much better now the pain has gone or diminished.
Sometimes sleep in the day as well.
If you feel tired then sleep. Even a short nap is good. Sleep heals
Only downside of pred is that I now have an appetite....which is not helpful weightwise.
And they wont give me more than 28 tablets at a time.
I take vit D3 with K....have been taking it for seven plus years.
Also takevit c and Bvits, with R-AL Lip as read it was good fornerve cell mitochondria regeneration in olddies.
I will see the GP sometime in January.
So I can say pred saved my life ..or what is left of it.
I have found this forum invaluable.
Thank you all