Hi everyone
Has anyone experienced leg pain and difficulty walking when reducing Pred? I am on 5 mgs (since 1st Dec) - have been asked to stay on this dose til May by Endocrinologist as adrenals not fully functioning and another Synacthan test booked for May. I was on MTX but stopped in Sept as gastro side effects unbearable. I had a bad knee for weeks - had an Xray on 12th Jan but told it may be 8 weeks before report gets to GP. Meantime pain has started in opposite leg, knee feeling easier but now finding I have little strength to walk. My last bloods were good (13th Jan) and Rheumatologist said he felt PMR was stable but I am wondering if this situation with my legs and walking could be a flare. Today I have gone up to 10mgs of Pred and thought I would see if that helps.
Any helpful advise? Thank you so much.