Issues post shoulder surgery: Sorry long post... - PMRGCAuk


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Issues post shoulder surgery

Tiggy70 profile image
158 Replies

Sorry long post:

Hi everyone, this post is not really a PMR/GCA issue although I do have PMR. You are such a supportive group and I’m wondering whether anyone else has experienced what I’m currently going through. Just over 4 weeks ago I had extensive arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery (using a nerve block and sedation).  My shoulder was so painful and wouldn’t heal by itself I reluctantly decided to go ahead with the surgery. I had the surgery as a day patient.  It was obviously very painful post surgery but I was coping until my stitches were removed two weeks post surgery.  I woke the following morning to find that I had had a major leakage of fluid from the site of one of the incisions.  I had to return to the hospital to see my consultant.  Suddenly I was experiencing far more pain and stiffness than prior to the leakage.  I have been back to the hospital regularly and the wound did appear to be healing ok.  However last Sunday I noticed that one of the other incision sites was looking a bit inflamed.  Last Monday I had my regular monthly PMR blood tests.  On Tuesday my blood results came back with extremely high readings. My ESR was 63(normally 9) and my CRP was 106 (normally 1).  My Gp surgery were alarmed and I was called in.  My shoulder was becoming extremely hot and inflamed so I had another visit to my consultant who put me on antibiotics.  To cut a long story short the shoulder got much worse to the point where I had to have it drained last night. (The worst pain I’ve ever experienced!).  I was back at the hospital this morning to be checked and I’m now on Penicillin 4 times a day in addition to the other antibiotic.  Add steroids, diabetic drugs and pain relief into the mix and I’m taking 34 pills.  Some need to be taken with food and the antibiotics 1 hour before or 2 hours after food.   There’s not enough hours in the day!  I’m seeing my consultant again next Monday when he will decide whether I need to have more surgery to see if I have a deep infection, This time with a general anaesthetic and possibly a 2 night stay. I knew there were risks with the surgery compounded by being a diabetic and on steroids but I really had no choice as my shoulder was deteriorating badly.  If you’ve got this far with my post thank you.  I’m not looking for sympathy as we all have our crosses to bear (although a virtual hug would be nice🤗).  I just wondered whether any of you have been through this and can offer me any advice. Thanks, Tiggy70 x

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Tiggy70 profile image
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158 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

So sorry to hear your tale of woe, can’t help on the practical side of things, except to send a virtual, very gentle hug 🤗🌸

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you. I’ve now realized I’ve posted the same message twice. I’m blaming it on brain fog with all the medication 😵‍💫😵‍💫

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Tiggy70

Not necessarily you - if happened yesterday -so just as likely HU….!

Westley profile image
Westley in reply to Tiggy70

my thoughts are with you and i was particularly interested as i too have been offered replacement surgery, or reverse shoulder op not quite sure what that is, but you letter has definitely made me wonder if perhaps i could endure the shoulder pain without risking an operation. my surgeon did tell me some time ago that not all operations can relieve the pain. and you certainly prove that!! i wonder if my vasculitis would stop the healing, not sure what to do. i do hope you will be feeling less pain soon Tiggy and that the doctors can help you. lots of gentle hugs xxx

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Westley

Hi Westley, thank you for your hugs, much appreciated x. It’s a difficult decision to make regarding surgery. I think it depends on how much the pain is affecting your quality of life. I love to swim and after the rotator cuff tear wasn’t able to do it. I could float around on my back and do my own type of doggie paddle but a 30 length fitness swim was definitely out of the question. Over a period of 8 months my shoulder deteriorated badly. At the time of the surgery I had 2 full thickness tendon tears and a 50% tear in my bicep muscle and bone spurs from osteoarthritis pressing into my shoulder. A full tear will never heal as it can’t reattach itself. The decision to have surgery was taken out of my hands. I’ve been very unlucky to get an infection in my shoulder. I still have a very long way to go to get full movement in my shoulder and be in less pain🤞According to my surgeon 6-12 months. I’m hoping that when the issues with the infection are over I can focus on my physio therapy. On a positive note I’ve read that replacement and reverse replacement repairs are less painful with a shorter recovery time. Good luck with your decisionxx🌺

Nightingales profile image

Sorry to hear that Tiggy. You must be feeling awful. I was hoping it would all be plain sailing. It sounds like they might have been a bit delayed in starting the antibiotics. However awful it might sound if you need it exploring and draining then needs must. I don’t want to sound alarmist but best familiarise yourself and family with signs of sepsis and don’t hesitate in going to A&E if you are worried.

Very best wishes for a quick recovery.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Nightingales

Thank you Nightingales and for the link. My GP was concerned about sepsis and joint inflammation. Last Thursday evening she told me to go down to A&E which I did. We had to wait one and a half hours ‘outside ‘ A&E to be triaged. I then waited another 4 hours (inside this time) to see a doctor. Nothing was done as I was told to wait until I saw my consultant the following day. On the triage form I was given they did give me a sepsis score. They checked my BP, stats, temperature, respiratory rate which were a little high but in the normal range.

Nightingales profile image

oh for goodness sake, talk about adding insult to injury. I hope you have some good pain meds and can knock yourself out. Gentle hugs.

MrsNails profile image

Hi Tiggy - so sorry to hear what has happened to you - it must be very alarming & painful.

Do you have a Thermometer so you can keep a check on your Temperature, fitting all the drugs in at the right time plus before or after food is difficult but it would be helpful if you made a list of the times & how to take (before or after food) & tick them off once you’ve taken them.

If you have any concerns ring your Surgery or your Consultants Secretary or the Ward you were on, just keep an eye on your temperature as along with pain it’s the best indicator on Monday but if it’s tomorrow try 111 or go to A&E

Also ensure you take your pain Meds regularly as that will keep the pain more manageable.

The addition of the Penicillin May make a big difference - what was the other antibiotic they gave you?

Hope you improve soon 🙏🏼 🍀 💐


I see Nightingales has given you information on Sepsis (not to frighten you but to be aware)

Longtimer profile image

🙏....Virtual hug!

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Longtimer

thank you x

Tiggy70 profile image

Hi Mrs Nails,

thank you for your advice. I have been taking my temperature regularly. My face seems to get flushed a bit but my temperature is normal. I’m doing as you suggest and writing my drugs down and ticking them off. ‘Alexa’ has also been reminding me when to take them as well. I take 8 prescription drugs for my PMR and diabetes and when you add in pain relief and antibiotics it is a lot. The other antibiotic is Ciprofloxacin. I do feel a bit spaced out. I can’t take opioids so I’m relying on Paracetamol and Ibuprofen for pain relief. I’ve avoided ibuprofen for over 2 years since diagnosed with PMR and taking steroids. I think it’s a case of needs must! 🌸🌸

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Tiggy70

The paracetamol will help with your temperature as well - if you can tolerate Codeine the Drs may add that in to help with the pain.

You’ve some good cover with the AntiB’s there so hopefully they’ll kick in soon 🙏🏼

Keep us posted x

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to MrsNails

Because of the number of tablets I’m taking I was going to try to reduce the paracetamol a bit taking one 500mg tablet 3 times a day instead of 1000 mg each time. I take Ibuprofen (2x200) 3 times a day. I haven’t reduced the ibuprofen as I thought I might benefit from the anti inflammatory effect. Unfortunately I can’t take Codeine. It causes my blood pressure to go into my boots. My shoulder is obviously painful from all the work done inside but at the moment I’d describe it as extreme soreness from the wound drainage yesterday and this morning.🌺🌷🌺

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Tiggy70

I’m not sure about reducing the Paracetamol to a half dose rather think about reducing the Ibuprofen which is harder on the stomach.

Maybe also start taking some Live Yogurt to protect your stomach & ward of the possibility of Thrush.

Its not easy when you have to take all this Medication - but the antibiotics & additional pain killers are temporary.

I remember when l was on Chemo l had to give myself an injection every day for a week each cycle to bring my white blood cell count back up but it’s side effect was horrible & l hated doing it - it almost made me want to cry - not the jab but how it affected me, so l know how you feel but you’ll get there. 💐

Frewen1 profile image
Frewen1 in reply to Tiggy70

Came to your post late, can only add my hugs to everyone else's and hope things are improving. x

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Frewen1

Thank you x🌺

Koalajane profile image

I hope you start to improve quickly. Best wishes and a virtual hug from me

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Koalajane

thank you🌸🌸

PMRpro profile image

Virtual hugs winging their way xxxx

I really do worry about the day surgery concept - it is so easy to miss the signs of infection and when you aren't there, it means a delay before the right treatment can be started. I'm a bit surprised you weren't on prophylactic abx.

Hope it clears up now.

Just to say - if you get any tenderness in tendons, especially the achilles, get medical advice immediately, Ciprofloxacin and pred together than lead to a greater risk of achilles tendonitis than cipro alone.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to PMRpro

Thanks for the hug. My consultant did dither a bit about starting me on antibiotics as I am taking steroids, pain relief and so many other drugs. When my shoulder started looking inflamed he put me on them. I do find that he asks me what I want to do rather than saying this is what we need to do. He’s the expert although he did say yesterday “ideally we need you off the steroids, they’re affecting your healing”. I reminded him that’s not an option as I still have PMR and coming off them quickly would lead to adrenal insufficiency. I’d assumed that orthopedic surgeons would be aware of that fact. Thank goodness for this forum keeping us well informed and safe 🌺

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Tiggy70

They just aren't used to long term pred patients. But that really WOULD put the cat among the pigeons!!!!!

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to PMRpro

Yes, I just don’t want to be that person😫😵‍💫

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Tiggy70


Nextoneplease profile image

Oh hugs indeed Tiggy 🤗🤗xx

What an awful time you’ve had. I can’t really add to the advice already given, but I wanted to tell you that my wound got badly infected after a knee replacement. I ended up in hospital on intravenous antibiotics. This is not to worry you, but rather to reassure you that it was all sorted eventually and that I would still say that the knee replacement was brilliant, one of the best things I ever did. It just took a while to heal……🥺

Take care of yourself, and get to doctor or hospital asap if anything seems not to be right.

Hugs again, it’s horrid I know xx

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Nextoneplease

Thanks. I’m sure it will all be fine in the end. I’m a bit of a worrier and tend to expect the worse. My son tells me off for being a glass half empty person. He’s just the opposite x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Tiggy70

A half empty glass can always be refilled ...

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to PMRpro

So true!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to Tiggy70

Don’t worry about being a worrier Tiggy. You’re going through a rough time which will soon pass. If any changes occur you’re not familiar with go to hospital. I’m currently nursing hubby with sepsis and it is scary. Big hugs to you. You’ll get through this. 🌺

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Telian

Thank you Telian. I’m so sorry to hear about your hubby. I hope he makes a full recovery very soon.💐

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to Tiggy70

Thank you Tiggy. This is his sixth sepsis and no less worrying. This time it came on in bed and I could feel the rigours coming from him before he knew what was going on. If enabled me to act quickly.

Best wishes to you. 🌺

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Telian

Gosh poor chap. Sepsis is very scary. Sending a hug to you too at this worrying time x🫂

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Telian

Hugs to you too Telian xxxx

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to PMRpro

That’s so lovely Pro, thank you. Hugs to you too with all I read you have going on. Plus, I hope you don’t mind me saying, it’s that time of year for you. It is for me with my sister soon but today it would have been her 70th birthday. Her dear husband has sent me a photo of family flowers he’s taken to her from us all. 🌺 xxxx

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Telian

It is - thank you for remembering. This weekend last year was the switch from not too bad to the downward slide. Next weekend was the awful experience of the most useless OOH GP ever ...

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to PMRpro

…. and the memory never fades - look after yourself you do enough for others…..

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Telian

I have been quite surprised at the things that have triggered memories. My physio appts are next to the new palliative care station that has been up and running for 3 months - and one day I met our lovely palliative care doctor who had come into post on the Monday before the descent. Too late for us but knowing she was there helped. We had known her almost ever since we have lived here - I got a very big hug.

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to PMRpro

As you say too late for yourselves but comforting in a way - the hug was nice……

123mossie profile image

hugs Tiggy, hope things improve soon, you could do with a full dose of paracetamol to keep on top of the pain, no need to under dose on that.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to 123mossie

Thank you. Yes I think I need to take more paracetamol and less ibuprofen. I’ve taken 34 tablets today and I’m going to bed with a stomach ache. Apart from drinking loads of water I’m not sure what else to do😵‍💫

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Tiggy70

But don't take more than the daily dose of paracetamol - very narrow difference between dose and overdose.

MamaBeagle profile image
MamaBeagle in reply to PMRpro

My mother did that once, inadvertently, she was really unwell, I worked out what she'd done, then gave her a warning about what could've happened😏

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to MamaBeagle

So easy with all the cold remedies and stuff where people don't realise they contain paracetamol too. And taking it when you drink alcohol makes it even worse.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

I fractured my humerus in my right arm, last Saturday (own fault). It was the first morning of my holiday in Dorset . I was told to take paracetamol and codeine. I’ve given up on the codeine, but continue to take paracetamol- daily maximum. I don’t know if it’s ‘overdosing’ as I feel the need to take them every day, I wonder if there’s a buildup this way, but only take them when the pain is strong.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Not if you don't take more that the recommended dose in any one 24 hour period...and for a better overall affect you should take them regularly, not ad hoc.

Sorry Dorset had that affect on you, hope you weren't trying to climb Durdle Door illegally...🙄

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

No no! 🤣 DD is one of those places to avoid these days with all those people! It was our first morning’s walk at Durlston Country Park. As the gravel path was steepish, I decided to walk on the grass verge and became tangled in brambles and fell. I knew then what it meant, having fractured my other shoulder two years previously. Agony and shock. I am now convinced it was the distortion I get when walking, as I have a prism on my glasses for double vision, as well as them being varifocals. Went to Swanage cottage hospital ( lovely) and then sent to Poole A&E. Felt so guilty about my partner and also my friend, wasting their day as it was beautiful weather in Dorset! The staff were absolutely lovely. Was there 7 hours, but did get X-rays done. I was given a sling and codeine. Will find out the next plan of action now that have been referred back to my GP.

I wanted to remain in Dorset as I wanted the other two to make the most of their stay. They did lots of walking and went over to Brownsea Island to photograph the red squirrels. At least I had a lovely view from a large window overlooking the bay and Old Harry rocks. I didn’t feel up to going out, which was a good thing or I would have felt frustrated! On the last afternoon I went for a check up at the cottage hospital, and for a wander. Felt like I’d just arrived, but then had to go home!🙁

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Glad you were well looked after - please come back again when you can and enjoy it ….

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

I only discovered Dorset 4 visits ago, and love it( along with Northumberland, North Norfolk, Suffolk and Anglesey. Devon is a regular as friends and relatives are there). You are so lucky to live there! I live in the Peak District which also has many visitors, but I do like the sea! I will have to come back again as I wanted to revisit places and also visit Dorchester.

Such a pity my accident happened on holiday. I was so in shock when I fell that I had forgotten that my shoulder was fractured as well as my humerus. All of it is still swollen and black and blue! Now waiting to hear from my hospital as I would have had an appointment at Poole yesterday had I stayed on.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Please do come back - my son lived in Peak District for a long time, but always wanted to come back to Dorset -which he has now. Don’t think his wife can get over his much warmer it is down here -but they did live half way up a peak with snow drifts for much of the winter ….

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

Unfortunately the house prices are so much higher in Dorset. I looked in estate agents windows. Couldn’t believe that even small terrace houses were so much more. Prices up here have increased, and some of the lovely larger ones are only affordable to people from London and the South. My sister lives in a plain terrace house in Richmond , and it’s worth a million and a half. Quite a number of the properties near me are holiday cottages. I’m sure your son’s wife appreciates the move to Dorset! With my falling record I’m not looking forward to the snow and ice of winter. I’m up a steep hill too!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

House prices absolutely bonkers - we moved to current bungalow over 25years ago….and I’m not intending to go anywhere….

My son was moving jobs from Liverpool to London, and decided they didn’t want to live near London again ( before children they lived in East Moseley, so not that far from Richmond) - and as you say prices around there are just bananas….

Fortunately they moved in just before Christmas 2019, and we all know what happened a few months later…..

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

There are people with lots of money around. My sister’s new young neighbour knocked on her door, and she thought he’d come to introduce himself. Instead he offered to buy her house as well and would pay over the market value price! She felt. hurt as she is a widow, and felt that he wanted her out, as he then put notes through her door, asking if she’d changed her mind!

I feel I ought to move at some point as my house is three storey and two flights of stairs. Not good in my current circumstances. A bungalow is the answer!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

That’s a bit cheeky….

We moved into bungalow after hubby had his triple bypass - and decided it was our last move. Had plenty of those over the years with him being in HM Forces.

Not many bungalows being built nowadays, and all the big old houses seem to be sold to property developers and replaced by blocks of flats/apartments- certainly in Dorset seaside towns.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

Yes I’ve noticed that there don’t seem to be any new bungalows being built. So many houses in all directions where I live, that places are linking up, where there used to be green fields. I think it’s the same here with flats or apartments ( sounds posher) and sad to see some of the big old houses go. I always think of Dorset as in Thomas Hardy’s day!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

Relatively very expensive for ground use - so the end product is expensive. Too expensive. The trouble with flats in the UK is there are so rarely lifts that are monitored 24/7 like here - any block with more than 3 levels must have a lift with a contract in case it decides to go on strike!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Some of it is ….especially if you want anything done in a hurry….we definitely don’t do hurry in Dorset! 😳

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

Oh no - what a shame. Not the way to spend a holiday anywhere! I spend most of one in hospital with a broken leg once - over xmas at that! I hate walking on steep paths and gravel or grass makes it even worse!

You are better taking the pain relief regularly, not waiting for the pain to be so bad you need it. You could have combined ibuprofen with paracetamol - you can take the full dose of each in the 24 hours safely, same with codeine - but you would have needed a PPI or H2 antagonist to protect your stomach with the pred and all.

Were you somewhere inconvenient for the ambo lot to pick you up? Though hopefully not so inconvenient you needed the helicopter...

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

I thought I had replied to your message, but I think my mind ‘s been all over the place. I’ve only just remembered that I have fractured my right shoulder as well as my arm. Don’t know why, as it’s so painful as are my shoulder blades! I think I was in a state of shock for a while.

When I fell I was at the start of a walk from Durlston , walking towards the cliffs. I made the mistake of walking on the grass, being caught in brambles, whereas I should have stayed on the gravel path like the others. I’m always wary of gravel. In the past I’ve taken a few tumbles, but I think that now, because I have osteoporosis, low bone density and am thin, I am more prone. The frustrating thing is that I fractured my left shoulder two years ago, and have to go through the same thing again. Last time I didn’t have a replacement due to the risks of Covid. This time I hope not, but it might require one, though I would rather give it a miss! Am so squeamish. Now waiting for hospital appointment at my local hospital. . When I fell I went to Swanage cottage hospital nearby, but then to A&E in Poole.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

All sounds a bit horrible! Hope it all goes well.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

My partner’s not too happy having to ferry me back and forth to hospital again -especially as it’s a repeat performance. That’s as well as the other departments I am waiting to hear from, apart from this. I can sympathise as I did venture off the path! Yours happened on holiday too! My sister came up here for a break and was rushed to hospital with a burst appendix. Jinxed!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

Maybe holidays aren't as good for us as it is rumoured!!!!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

Have just thought about it. I remember now that two years ago I was in Dorset for a week and was ill for three days. In Venice I had flu, so whisky was sent to my room., but these weren’t accidents, so might not count!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

We’re just running out of space here, so no wonder no bungalows. Onwards and upwards. I remember my dad saying in the 1970s that ‘they’ won’t be happy until England’s covered in concrete. He died in 1980. It’s coming true, as there will never be enough houses as populations explode. Too depressing!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

The thing I dislike most about English houses is their stairs! My Scottish houses had lovely stairs, much shallower treads and wide. I crawl up English stairs wondering when I'll get to the top!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

The stairs in other houses in my Terrace are very steep. Mine were altered before I bought it , and are wider. I never got round to a handrail on my top flight. My poor Staffie once ran up the stairs and rolled over and over all the way down. She had arthritic legs too. Very stoic!

Bcol profile image

Nothing I can add to all that's been said so lots of hugs and good wishes and I hope that things start to improve soon. 🤗🤗

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Bcol

thank you. I’m trying too stay positive 🌸

Lone_gardener profile image

Dear Tiggy

Total sympathy with the shoulder , I broke my shoulder 4 yrs ago and ended up having a reconstruction, the metal work that was originally put in was subsequently taken out ( it was designed to do this ) But oh boy was it an uncomfortable process , my only advice is get a whole load of comfortable different shaped pillows as the only way to sleep was sitting up ,I also wasn’t allowed to lift my arm above elbow height for a few weeks but still had to do physio .

Wishing you all the best and hoping you have lots of help post op


Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Lone_gardener

Hi, thanks for your reply. I knew that rotator cuff surgery was going to be painful and I did as best as I could to prepare myself. Sleeping and wearing the sling 24/7 is hard. I have a wedge pillow and 6 other strategically placed pillows which I’ve nicknamed my ‘nest’. Problem is when I do get to sleep I submarine down the bed a bit. I was due to start physio last week but because of the infection it’s been put on hold. With my husband’s help I’ve just managed a lovely shower and hair wash - bliss !!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Tiggy70

Can you put anything at bottom of bed to stop you “submarining” down ?

Haven’t got reclining chair have you? (Not for bottom of bed obviously, but instead of! )😳

Know what you mean about shower and hair wash……🥰

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to DorsetLady

I’ll try another pillow under my knees. We do have recliners on our sofas but I just couldn’t get comfortable enough to sleep 😵‍💫

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Tiggy70

No sofas don't seem to be as good... never mind, just a thought...know what its like not to be able to sleep well after op...

Lonsdalelass profile image

oh dear, sending a big virtual hug, wishing you a pain free outcome as soon as possible. It sounds dreadful. All the very best Tiggy70.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Lonsdalelass

Thank you, I’ll get there!🌸

Ridge profile image

Oh poor Tiggy! Lots of virtual hugs and please keep us posted. What a horror story. Just keep fighting and don’t drop any pain meds otherwise you could need higher dose later.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Ridge

understood, thank you 🌺

Jackoh profile image

what a terrible catalogue of events Tiggy. Do hope the pain will soon be under control and healing will happen, slowly but surely. Sending you virtual hugs! Xx💐

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Jackoh

Thanks, the hugs are really helping. You are such a wonderful bunch 💐

Poshdog profile image

loads of virtual hugs x really feel for you - hang on in there

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Poshdog

Thank you. x

GrannyJane profile image

Poor you, I’m sending lots of virtual and gentle hugs! Can’t add to all the wise advice but do take care and hope you will be pain free soon.🤞😘💐

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to GrannyJane

Thank you x

Spanky2019 profile image

So very sorry you are experiencing all this. Nothing to add but prayers and healing thoughts your way.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Spanky2019

Than you so much 🌸

Abykarma profile image

Hi Tiggy, I'm a newish PMR addition to this forum. Having had several painful shoulder ops (but no complications) I am totally sympathetic to your situation and wish you a successful outcome and healing soonest. I had an extensive shoulder operation in January. It was at the end of January that I became aware of pain in my shoulders, arms and hips - this was the PMR manifesting. I had quite a few months when I was unsure whether the shoulder pain was from the op or PMR, although my GP had put me on 40mg Pred on diagnosis and I had a very good total relief from pain, except in the operated shoulder, which took a few months to become pain free - the physio itself was painful but must be done. Your ordeal at A&E sounds awful, so sorry you had to endure that. Sending you my very best wishes and a virtual hug.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Abykarma

Thanks. The current state of the NHS is very worrying.🌸

Visby profile image

so sorry for your shoulder problems sending all good vibes your way and a good hug 🤗

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Visby

Thank you, much appreciated 🌸

Pixix profile image

rotten luck…yes, I’ve had post operative infections, sadly they are fairly common. When you get a new antibiotics or after 48 hours taking one you should feel a bit of improvement. If not. Then seek medical advice. I had a very large (too big for orthopaedics) tumour removed from my leg by a plastics surgeon,…and within 5 days there was a 4” round patch on my leg that was completely black. He operated on that the same afternoon. I had to have a huge skin graft & now have some very ugly scars & don’t wear shorts!! 3 weeks in hospital, instead of day surgery, & two large wound sites! But nobody’s fault…these things happen. Hope you improve soon, sending hugs, S x

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Pixix

Hi, gosh it sounds like you have really been through the mill too. Pleased it came good in the end. At my age (72) I’m not really worried about the scars I just want to get better.🌸

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to Tiggy70

thanks! Yes, I had 8 surgeries in one year, & after one I was paralysed from the waist down for six weeks…as for shoulders, the injections have worn off, so I’m Hopeful my doctor may be able to inject again before the year end!! I was on 32 pills a day before polymyalgia entered my life nearly 3 years ago now, so I understand completely! BUT beating your infection is very very important, if no improvement in 48 hours, seek medical advice again, pretty please!! S x

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Pixix

I’m seeing the consultant tomorrow night when he will make a decision as to whether I need more surgery to wash out the shoulder. By then he’ll have my blood test and culture results. To my untrained eye it’s looking a bit better on the outside but it’s what’s going on inside that worries me☹️

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to Tiggy70

I’m with you, it’s the inside that’s important, but trouble there should show up on your blood tests. Good luck, hope you don’t need further surgery, but if it’s the quickest & best way to clear the infection……um. Hugs, gentle ones, S x

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Pixix


AshPen9 profile image

Oh gosh, what a time you're going through Tiggy70. Definitely a virtual hug on its way to you. Grit your teeth and use the fantastic advice and support from all of the forum members to help you through.

Tiggy70 profile image

will do , thanks🌸

Suet3942 profile image

you poor thing. What a hard time you’re having ! Hope things improve soon 🌸🌸

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Suet3942

thank you 🌸

herdysheep profile image

Dear god, what a tale. Shoulders are so awkward, but a bit important! Virtual hugs and as much comfort as any number of pillows can muster. When I have to sleep sitting up, I do find a fat hardish pillow under my knees helps to reduce submarining but our bodies do what they want when we are asleep (just like pmr). The pain wakes us up and we start the rigmarole again.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to herdysheep

Thanks I’ll try a pillow under my knees tonight. The difficulty has been maneuvering everything with just one good arm. 🌸

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Tiggy70

I know...been there -TSR right shoulder just before Covid hit... so no managed physio... which has had a detrimental effect on triceps..

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to DorsetLady

I’ve been doing what I can to keep my arm moving a bit during the day but it does seize up during the night.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Tiggy70

Yes, it does, fact of life I'm afraid...

herdysheep profile image
herdysheep in reply to Tiggy70

I put my under the knees pillow in place before I get into bed. Easier than trying to do it once in. Just a bum width from the sitty up pillows usually does

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to herdysheep

Thanks, I’m going to try that tonight. At the moment I have a king size bed to myself which is good. My husband helps me to get comfortable when I go to bed. Problems arise later if I need to get up to spend a penny in the night. Not a major issue but getting some quality sleep is essential at the moment🌸

ClarkB profile image

Really feel for you Tiggy, and to think I was feeling sorry for myself with a fractured arm. Initially they thought it was my shoulder and it is very swollen. My arm is very plump with liquid, but was told it will disperse.

I haven’t had a shoulder op like you, but two years ago I dislocated and fractured mine. I was supposed to have a replacement, but then was told that due to Covid at that time, age and my weakened immune system, it wasn’t a good idea. I was given physio and exercises, and although not back to how it was before. I have managed very well - until my fall in brambles last week. This time the right side. I know people who have had successful shoulder replacements, and it’s unfortunate that you have these additional problems. I am no longer on steroids, but still feel I have PMR flares, but don’t want to return to them, as I have other conditions and medications. Hopefully someone will appear who has had the same experience as you are having. If not perhaps there’s somewhere on HealthUnlocked there are people who have experienced your situation and also a site which covers your specific condition. I do feel I know the people on here, and don’t want to venture into the unknown! 🦋

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Some of us are other forums, although most not as busy as this one for sure.... I do contribute on the arthritis ones occasionally and do watch the vasculitis one for info...

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

I might try venturing out there then, as I do have arthritis too!

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to ClarkB

Sorry to hear you’re having problems too. My shoulder issues started last November when I tripped and bumped into a wall. It was nothing really but instinctively I put my arm out straight to break my fall and that’s when the damage was done. Apparently putting a straight arm out is the worst thing you can do. That’s when the tendon was torn. Having to wait until September to have the surgery has compounded everything. At the time of the operation I had three torn tendons and osteoarthritis issues which had to be sorted. Initially my surgery was scheduled for July but unfortunately I contracted Covid and had to wait two months before the surgeon would touch me. I haven’t looked on any other forums and don’t think I will. Sometimes it’s better not to know what might happen! Hope your arm feel much better soon. 🌸

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Tiggy70

it’s a pity you had such a long wait, but I’ve found that’s how it seems to be with all procedures. When I fractured my shoulder I had no chance to put out an as I had hit the ground before I knew what had happened. I slipped on a patch of old ice on a potholed pavement, and simply crashed down. I always make sure that I have good textured soles on my shoes. However I wasn’t helped this time, as despite being aware of the ground I walk on, I went on the grass instead. Someone else might not have had a fracture, but with osteoporosis and a low bone density I am more prone. At the hospital I was told that I might have come off worse because I am thin with not much flesh on my bones, yet I eat large meals!

I hope that when you’re finally sorted with your shoulder it will have made all the difference. - just unfortunate that you’ve had these additional problems meanwhile. I try to be much more careful now, but am told that sometimes I’m over cautious.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to ClarkB

I tried physiotherapy for three months but the pain just got worse. My GP referred me for an ultrasound scan but there was a 10 week wait. (We we’re in the midst of Omicron at that time). I paid privately for an MRI scan which revealed the tear. I then had a consultation (private again) at which point I was told I would need surgery. I said that I wanted to have it done on the NHS. The consultant said the waiting time on the NHS was well over a year and my shoulder could get worse or be inoperable if I waited that long. I decided in the end to deplete my savings and go privately at a cost of £7,400. The surgeon was right about the delay though as my shoulder had deteriorated badly😖

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Tiggy70

How are you getting on Tiggy? I understand you were having a consultation yesterday. I had to go to my go practice to sort out what was happening about mine. I hope that you are having something done now, but it had seemed to be tricky the other day. No wonder you felt as you did. I think you were right to go privately, despite the cost as sometimes the waits are just too long. When I was first diagnosed with ‘could be Polymyalgia’ I was told by GP that there was a three month wait to see a consultant, and they didn’t want to risk putting me on medication. I went for a private consultation, within two days and was immediately prescribed! It’s so difficult for people who can’t afford to get the money together when it’s urgent to get treatment.

I had forgotten that I have fractured my right shoulder this time, as well as my arm! Wondered why it was so painful, but the whole area is! I think I was in such a state of shock that I was confused! The whole area is unrecognisable! Now I’ve done both shoulders with a two year gap!

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to ClarkB

Hi, Thank you for thinking of me. I saw my consultant yesterday and again today. He’s keeping a close eye on me thankfully. My shoulder is looking much better but still leaking a lot of fluid. Today he had the culture result which surprisingly came back negative. Some of blood test numbers have gone down a bit. It’s very sore but not quite so painful so I’ve tried to reduce my pain meds. My main problem at the moment is my gut. I’m prone to episodes of IBS and the strong antibiotics are triggering it. I have to take Flucloxicillin 1000mg 4 times daily on a empty stomach. As soon as the tablets hit my stomach the pain starts. I’m taking them with loads of water and in between times having a daily probiotic drink and Activia yogurts. I’m not allowed to reduce the dose of antibiotics and I’ve got another 2 weeks of tablets (112) to take! If my culture result had been positive I would have been having surgery again tomorrow 😩 . I’m just taking each day as it comes. He wants to see me again on Friday. The hospital is a 15 mile drive from our house - I think the car will be able to find its own way there soon!

So sorry to hear you have fractured your shoulder and your arm - we don’t do anything by halves do we? You have my utmost sympathy- we will get through this x🌸🌸

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Tiggy70

Well Tiggy, I hope things are continuing to look more positive for you now. I know what you mean about other conditions- I have the same! Our car also knows it’s own way to hospital. The odd occasions we have driven straight past, as we are going somewhere else I have had a sense of elation! Before my accident I was already waiting for other consultations.

I am having to get in touch myself with Orthopaedics again today. It’s already 12 days since my fall, and initial diagnosis in Poole, and I’m still waiting for an appointment now that I’m home. I was told that there’s a10 day window if an op is required.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to ClarkB

Hi, I’m still hanging in there thanks. My wound is still leaking but looks much better. The antibiotics are playing havoc with my gut as I have to take them on an empty stomach. I’m seeing the consultant again tomorrow. I do hope you get your appointment sorted soon. Although I hate doing it I think we have to be persistent at the moment particularly as in your case where more that one hospital is involved. I hope you get things sorted soon and that you don’t need surgery🌸

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Tiggy70

I realise it’s 3 days since your post Tiggy. How have things progressed for you now?

I’m feeling the stress of using my left hand to do everything! You mention my case of more than one hospital involved. Worse than I imagined. I have just been passed from one perso to another, from ny GPS to hospital and vice versa. A receptionist even told me to go to A&E or privately!I was supposed to have X-ray on arrival home, following initial one in Poole. Still had nothing, and no hospital appointment!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

I'd complain about that receptionist. You might get somewhere via the ED, they can refer you to fracture clinic. Again ...

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to ClarkB

Hi, my wound is improving slowly thank you. It looks nothing now but continues to weep a bit. I’m still taking the megadose of Penicillin daily. My concern now is aching in my other shoulder and I’m worrying that my PMR might be flaring. I’m seeing the orthopaedic consultant tomorrow so I’ll mention it to him but I’m not holding my breath that he’ll know anything about managing PMR. I do hope you get sorted soon x

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Tiggy70

Thankyou Tiggy. Perhaps I should sneak in along with you to see an actual consultant! My PMR’s on the back burner for now along with my other conditions!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Tiggy70

How are you doing now Tiggy, with your shoulder? I wonder if it could have been transferred pain from your other one? Are you back at home now? I am allergic to penicillin so it is somewhat limiting.

Well I haven’t got very far. Apart from being told that I would need an op, as my shoulder bones are so misaligned, not the same as my left one which healed by itself, though obviously not perfectly. As it was 5pm on a Friday night, they wouldn’t do a CT scan. I had to wait until the following Monday which I had to cancel because my partner had caught Covid. I was given another appt for next Monday, but nowI’ve caught Covid and feeling rotten! Had avoided it so far. Will have to cancel that too! It’s 4 weeks since I injured my shoulder. It’s still so painful, especially with the sling at times, and my poor left hand is having to compensate. Must limit my typing now. Goodness knows what additional trauma is affecting shoulder as am in bed or trying to do things which involves using right hand too. There was supposed to be a two week window for doing my shoulder In the dark n

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to ClarkB

Hi, thanks for asking. I’m 6 weeks out of surgery and still having big issues with my shoulder. Two of the arthroscopy sites where the instruments were inserted during surgery have not yet healed. I’ve been back and forth numerous times to the hospital to see nurses and my consultant. At one point I thought I may have to undergo further surgery but the culture from the wounds came back negative for infection. I find this hard to believe as my shoulder hasn’t healed yet. I’ve been on the antibiotic Flucloxicillin (maximum dose 1000mg 4 x daily) for three weeks already and today have been told I need to stay on them for another three weeks. I had X-rays done on Tuesday but nothing untoward was discovered. I’m not feeling well with all the drugs and I’m concerned that my PMR is flaring as I have aching in my other shoulder. By now I should be having proper physiotherapy but at the two appointments I’ve already had the physio is reluctant to do too much fearing she may spread any infection. 4 days ago I thought I was making progress but over the past 24 hours my scars are starting to look a bit pink and hot again. I’m just hanging in there hoping that things will improve soon.

I’m so sorry to hear that you now have Covid. That’s the last thing you needed at the moment. I hope you get over it quickly and can get something done soon to your shoulder. My shoulder started with a quite uneventful fall against a wall almost 12 months ago. It’s brought it home to me how something so innocuous can develop into something serious. Thinking of you, Tiggy x

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Tiggy70

Sorry to hear you are still struggling with your must absolutely fed up with it (polite understatement!) 😊

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to DorsetLady

yes I’m thoroughly fed up with it all. I was told my PMR and diabetes would slow down my healing but this wound infection is the worst. The antibiotics are struggling to get on top of it!🌸

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Tiggy70

Oh bother (or other well known expletives!)... 😲

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Tiggy70

I hope that your scars are calming down since yesterday, and not continuing to trouble you. I assume that you are at home Tiggy? I still can’t take it in that I managed to fall again and damage my good shoulder. I’m constantly being told not to be too timid when out walking, but it’s difficult when accident prone. Given ageing, being thin with low bone density, osteoporosis, and double vision I instinctively feel cautious! I can understand what they mean though. I realise now, yes that I should have exercised more, but I was never into classes or sport. I see that you enjoyed swimming, which is so beneficial to health. I had only recently joined group exercise classes through the physio department, prior to my fall. These have had to be put on hold.

Due to Covid I may have to cancel my CT scan on Monday. The worry is, how long can my shoulder be just left? I put the sling on, take it off , never sure what’s best! I’ve been told to keep my shoulder down, to even it out with other one. It feels very different. Then I’m told to raise it a bit as ball joint is in the wrong place. I can see and feel it. As your fall was 12 months ago, did they not suggest back then that your shoulder would self heal or you would need an op? Or did the problems develop later? Mine was a month ago and I knew there were two alternatives. Two hospitals in Dorset and now Derbyshire only added to confusion and delays in initially treating me. I think I’m more angry at myself for getting in this situation in the first place, and the feeling of guilt at taking up hospital appointments. 😔 x

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to ClarkB

My scars are still a bit pink and sore and I’m still taking mega does of antibiotics. I think they look a little less angry than yesterday so I’m hoping and praying things are going in the right direction. I had to wear a sling for 6 weeks post surgery, day and night. My sling had a band around my elbow which held my arm in close to my body. After my fall last November I was told by my Gp to go to A&E as I was in a lot of pain. I had X-rays and was told no bones were broken and that I had soft tissue injuries. I had 2 physiotherapy sessions (one in December and one in January 2022) both over the telephone because of Covid. In February I was still in pain and having difficulty moving my arm. In March I was fortunate to go on holiday to the Maldives. Part of the holiday package included a back massage. Two days into the holiday I had a massage. I told the masseur to be very careful around my right shoulder but she pressed really hard and I think that was the point where the tendon fully tore. The following morning I couldn’t move or raise my arm. My holiday was ruined as I couldn’t swim or snorkel. On my return to England I paid privately for an MRI which revealed a full thickness tear in one of the tendons. At the time of my surgery in September the shoulder was much worse than expected (2 fully torn tendons and one 50% torn). I hope you get your CT scan very soon and can move on from this. I’ve just come back from my Gp surgery. I was supposed to have my flu vaccine today (already delayed from 2 weeks ago) but they were concerned that I’m on antibiotics and that my immune system is already compromised. The gp has told me to wait until my shoulder settles down. We just have to take everything one day at a time! My thoughts are with you and I’m sending you a very gentle virtual hug x🌸

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Tiggy70

Your experiences with your shoulder sounded dreadful Tiggy, especially the Maldives episode. It’s certainly a long journey, but hope your scars are finally beginning to heal. People seem to have such varied experiences with shoulder replacements, depending on the causes of injury of course. I hadn’t realised that your injuries didn’t include broken bones. It sounds very complicated. Someone I was at college with, fell and had a replacement on 18 Oct and is now at home recuperating. I fell on 8 Oct and still no closer to having mine sorted. However it hasn’t helped with catching Covid, and missing last week’s CT scan and again the one for today. Over the weekend I have felt dreadful with the Covid symptoms, and had to stay in bed, just when I thought I was getting a bit better! I worry that this long delay in op, will create more complications than had it been done straight away. I now have to phone the hospital to cancel my scan and consultation, and also another department over an entirely different procedure! Yes, one day at a time Chris- ( although you’re still Tiggy!) Hope you get your flu jab soon. I had mine along with the Covid booster, but still caught it- hopefully milder, despite it not feeling that way! x

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to ClarkB

I hope you are getting over Covid and starting to feel better. I had Covid last July. I was given antivirals which helped a lot but I suffered with fatigue for a good month. I saw my consultant again today. It’s not good news with my shoulder. He’s booked me in for further surgery this coming Friday as my wound is not responding to antibiotics. I’m having arthroscopic surgery again to investigate what’s going on inside and washout the shoulder. I’m upset as I have been more independent over the past couple of weeks and have to rely on my husband to look after me again. I was due my Covid booster this Saturday so I will have to postpone yet again. I hope you get sorted very soon. Let me know how you’re doing, Tiggy x

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Tiggy70

Sorry to hear that, do hope all goes well ..🌸

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you 🌸

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Tiggy70

All the best for the surgery

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to PMRpro

Thank you. I’m trying to stay positive 🌸

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Tiggy70

Hi Tiggy, I’m so sorry to hear that it wasn’t good news concerning your shoulder. I hope that your further surgery has gone well and is successful this time- once and for all. It must be painful right now, I imagine. To think we are in this position due to a fall. I can’t guarantee ( to myself) that I won’t do it again!

It must be especially frustrating for you that you feel you are losing your independence once again due to your op and that your Covid booster has to wait. My apologies for not replying sooner. I have been feeling awful for the last few days, due to Covid and with no energy whatsoever. It’s all such an effort, even having a wash. Everything seems to have built up , and my son has problems which I usually attempt to advise on, currently without much success. Having Covid has really interfered with dealing with my shoulder issues. I am supposed to see the consultant on Monday. I really hope that I can go, as it’s over a month now and I don’t know if I am doing the right things in terms of exercise, or if I’m doing even more damage! All the very best and hope you feel better soon. x

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to ClarkB

Hi B, sorry to hear you’re still suffering with Covid. When I had Covid last July I suffered with fatigue for over a month. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that you can keep your appointment on Monday and get some answers and the right treatment. I had my revision surgery yesterday. I was very nervous as I knew what was coming. I went in at 8.30 am and was home by 6.15 pm. I had a nerve block and sedation again. He took lots of swabs to do cultures and debrided a lot of inflamed tissue. One of the tears is compromised and he had to remove part of a suture which was flapping around. He couldn’t put in another suture as the tendon is very weak (probably because of the Prednisolone). He washed the shoulder out with 6 litres of saline. I’m seeing him next Friday when I’ll know more. As I type the nerve block hasn’t completely worn off but I’ve been taking pain meds regularly since I got home last night to hopefully be on top of the pain when it comes. I’m finding it difficult to take deep breaths but that happened after my first surgery for a couple of days. I’ve still got to take mega doses of penicillin for at least another 2 weeks😫. Fingers crossed that all will be well this time. Let me know how you get on on Monday, all the best Tiggy xx

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

When I broke my leg here in Italy, the consultant arrived and announced the diagnosis followed by starting to say "We will operate tomorrow unless you want to go home to the UK ..." By the time he got to "go home" I was enthusiastically accepting his first offer! I have never regretted it. I was working on the assumption they did it every day, my home hospital wasn't at the centre of a very large ski area. My suspicions were confirmed when I eventually got follow-up when I got home.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

At least you got follow up! I’m still waiting to see someone at local hospital! My Practice hadn’t acted on Poole hospital’s letter to arrange X-ray on arrival. Still haven’t had one. It was a visiting Physio at my Practice who contacted the hospital with my details. However I have spent a week trying to see someone and have constantly been transferred to someone else by phone. I was supposed to get a callback on Friday, but nothing. I might as well have stayed on in Poole. My shoulder should have been X-rayed within two weeks. Back to my phone calls tomorrow!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

That was 28 years ago!!!!!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

it will be too late for me if I have to wait that long!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

I would go to the ED - who can hand you over to the fracture clinic. And report that receptionist who told you to go privately!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

Is ED same as A&E? I went a while back with my eyes and had to wait 7 hours.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

Yes, the latest name for A&E, 7 hours isn't bad these days - but it seems to be that or wait weeks????

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

First thing I’m go to try and speak to a gp at my practice. They should have dealt with the info concerning X-ray in the first place! I ought to have known the forA&E as they are building a new one at Chesterfield, and had forgotten the ED bit.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to ClarkB

I do hope you get sorted soon. It’s not good enough. There have been a few times in the past when the system fails and I’ve fallen between the cracks!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Tiggy70

It hasn’t happened to me before, but I am waiting for other appointments from ages ago and not heard anything. Many others must be in the same position!

Myfoe profile image

ensure they didn’t leave a piece of gauze or what have you behind causing your infection I know it sounds far fetched but yes it happens went from 180lbs to 89lbs looked like death after months of suffering before wife noticed a tiny thread she pulled on it and a 2ft long by 1” wide gauze soon followed..

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Myfoe

Ooh😩 that sounds horrendous. The problem is when you are going through this stuff you don’t want to upset your surgeon. I think mine is already pi***ed off with me because he knows I Google everything and I keep questioning him.

Miacaro45 profile image
Miacaro45 in reply to Tiggy70

Never apologize for asking and questioning your doctor. That is his job to be there for you at all times.

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Miacaro45

I think they’re beginning to accept that a lot of us research the internet. The problem is that we read the worst case scenarios and fear the worst which doesn’t help with our stress levels. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing!

Doraflora profile image

oh, Tiggy70. What an horrendous tale of woe & such an awful ordeal for you.

I can’t throw anything into the mix other than send you an enormous virtual hug. xx

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Doraflora

Hi Doraflora, many thanks for the hug. X🌸

Miacaro45 profile image

Only the best to you.

Tiggy70 profile image

thank you 🌸

A77bruin profile image

Hi Tiggy:

Trust me when I say I feel your pain, literally. I started on prednisone in July 2021. By August 2021, my left rotator cuff tour. A couple months later my right rotator cuff tore. Prednisone is definitely not a friend to tendons. This time I was on approximately 20 mg of prednisone. My orthopedic surgeon would not operate until I was down to 5 mg. By March 2022 I was down to 5 mg and my right rotator cuff was operated on. Unfortunately because I waited so long, not by choice, it failed. Three months later I had left shoulder replacement because that rotator cuff was too far gone as well. In November I will have right shoulder replacement. That is three shoulder surgeries in eight months. So when I say I feel your pain, I feel your pain.

Take care.

Tiggy70 profile image

Hi, Thanks for your reply. Gosh you have been through it. 3 surgeries in 8 months is a lot. You did really well to get your Prednisolone down to 5mg. I’m on 8.5 mg. How are you after your left shoulder replacement? I read that it’s a less painful surgery than rotator cuff and recovery is a bit easier. I asked my surgeon if I was a candidate for it and he said something like “oh you’re nowhere near needing a replacement “. I think he may have changed his mind when he saw how bad my shoulder was a month ago when he got in there! I wish you well with your November surgery. Like you I just want to put all this behind me. All the best, Tiggy.

4840 profile image

I am so sorry what you have to go through. The day surgery was offered to me, too because of my right rotator cuff pain. I continued with Physical Therapy which has been helping some. The cortisone shot helped me the most to be able to drive my car. I still live with bearable pain.

I was told by my Physical Therapist that I should avoid surgery at all cost.

My heart goes out to you!

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to 4840

Hi, Thanks for your reply. If I could have avoided surgery I would have. My surgeon wouldn’t give me a steroid injection as he said it can could make things worse. My problems and pain we’re getting worse by the month particularly at night. When he did the surgery he found I had full tears in my supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons and 50% rupture of my biceps tendon. I also had bone spurs caused by Osteoarthritis which he removed and he shaved a lot of bone away including 5mm off the end of my clavicle. I was also told to avoid surgery by my PT but in the end surgery was the only option. I knew there were risks having PMR and diabetes but I couldn’t envisage going through the rest of my life in such pain. I do hope that you can avoid surgery🌸

Sanekate profile image

Sounds absolutely awful - I hope you recover well

Tiggy70 profile image
Tiggy70 in reply to Sanekate

Thank you 🌸

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Update on shoulder surgery

awaiting shoulder surgery and some of you asked me to let you know how I got on.  I had the surgery...

Feeling Overwhelmed, too many issues. New hand and shoulder pain? PMR?

severe pain in the left shoulder. Have had shoulder pain in both shoulders anyway but this new...

Need Shoulder Replacement Surgery

My shoulder is destroyed from osteo arthritis and is painful 24/7. My surgeon won’t operate until I...