Just had an odd reaction to my flu jab. Like many of us here, I decided to get separate jabs rather than the two-together that most centres are giving in the UK. I felt alright for about two hours then a huge fatigue swept over me, legs weak, neck stiff, slightly light-headed. Thought it might be low blood sugar so managed eggs on toast and an apple for lunch, slight improvement. I've been happily on 5mg Pred for nearly a year, just holding that while two hip replacements are done, one last May, the second in November. No problem with that dose for last op + anaethetist's top up during the op. But my symptoms were suspiciously like adrenals so I took a further 5mg. and went to bed. I felt cold, couldn't get warm so used hot water bottle and slept for 3 hours. I woke up feeling almost myself. 12 hours later my arm is very slightly stiff -like it usually is after the yearly flu jab. Do you think this was adrenals, or just the body getting going on producing immunity? No flare symptoms as yet. Very glad I decided to have separate jabs.
Adrenals and flu jab: Just had an odd reaction to... - PMRGCAuk
Adrenals and flu jab

Interestingly enough, I had exactly the same reaction as that after my Covid jabs, particularly the cold bit, even though I should have been warm.
My wife had something similsr after booster jab but she's not on pred........
I had my fly jab on Saturday. Currently on 4.5mg of Pred. The actual injection was very painful, which was unusual for me. My upper arm muscle was painful immediately and although it faded a bit it continued to ache. Aches then spread up to my shoulder and acroos my shoulders to the other arm as the day progressed. I woke feeling generally achey during the night so took a paracetamol which worked. I felt generally under the weather the next day but not too bad. The following day (Monday) things had improved and I was just left with a slightly painful injection site. Throughout this I was concious of worrying about a flare but decided to monitor it for 24 hours. I was left wondering whether the very psinful injection was the fault of the nurse or my PMR/ Pred affected arm muscle!
I should blame the nurse if I were you. My arm hurt badly after my first Covid jab. I wasn't on pred. My arm was fine when I walked into the building. It had started hurting by the time I walked out. Not a pin prick. A nasty muscle pain. I think I was injected badly.
I had the same reaction to the 5th and 6th jab. It was so painful when the needle went in then when she injected the serum the pain was excruciating. Had no problems after . My arm has remain achy to date.
First four jabs were no problem. I am on Pred 😊
I too, had a similar reaction. I had my Moderna covid vacc 9 days earlier without any reaction and have been feeling really well (current dose of Prednisolone 10mg down from 40mg). Went and had my flu jab Wed afternoon and spent most of yesterday on the sofa with aching muscles in my shoulders, upper arms, and neck and feeling shivery and hot/cold. Took 2 paracetamol three times throughout yesterday and had the best night’s sleep since this awful illness began - 6.5 hrs without waking!! This morning I’m 90% improved - no shivers and with just a twinge in neck / upper arm muscles. So it must have been a reaction to the flu jab. I was due to start tapering 1mg per month as from this weekend but I’ll wait to see how I’m feeling.
Incidentally, I’m still under the care of my local hospital’s consultant rheumatologist for whom I have nothing but praise. Last month the duty GP from my doctors’ surgery phoned me to say she wouldn’t give me any 1mg Prednisolone tablets (as I’d requested on my repeat prescription) as I needed to drop from 10mg to 7.5mg and so I could cut the supply of 5mg tablets I have in half and use those! Despite having a letter from my Rheumy with my tapering plan and asking them to keep me well supplied with the relevant tablets. Our practice has recently gone into ‘special measures’ after a scathing CQC report which failed them in 4 out of 5 areas! So I went to the pharmacist to complain and she looked at the letter on file and gave me the 1mg tablets as prescribed by my rheumatologist and told me go to her each month and not the GP as she can dispense what the rheumatologist prescribes.
I'm sure it's down to how good the nurses are that give these injections. Hubby and I both had our flu jab last Friday. We never felt a thing and for the first time ever no muscle pain whatsoever....didn't even feel tender to touch. Now still deciding on whether to get our 5th Covid jabs. One minute I am and the next not. So much info out there with the pros and cons. Things is immunity really doesn't last that long, so we'll be getting topped up every few months. 5th covid has two components in it so maybe that's why people are feeling poorly after it. Defo not get them both together. The nurse told us that she did and almost called an ambulance she felt so ill. I certainly don't need that right now !

Would hazard a guess that it was an unpleasant reaction to the flu jab….and the paracetamol has sorted it out ..but a few days will tell.
As I’ve said before -for any vaccine -with or without GCA/Pred I always take paracetamol 24hrs prior and 24-48 hours afterwards. Might be worth bearing in mind before next one.
hi Ihave my flu and covid boosters booked for Saturday, I’ll take your advice re paracetamol 👍thank you for that advice.
Carole x
Morning 9lives, I had both flu and Covid (No.5)last Saturday, flu in the right arm and Moderna Spikevax Bivalent in left arm. No reaction to flu jab at all, which is totally normal for me, but had a mildly tender and slightly sore upper arm for the Covid one the following day but that was all. That's the first time I've had any sort of reaction to Covid jabs.
I had covid and flu jabs together.I had flu like symptoms,woke in the night with uncontrollable shivering.I was shaking,took 2 paracetamol and it eased then felt hot.Fatigue the next day then felt fine! I'm not on pred anymore.Arms a bit achey .I'm sure it was a reaction to the flu jab.
Yep, me too. I had both flu and Moderna booster, one in each arm, and had first reaction I’ve ever had from any jab that night - yr description above was exactly my night and next day. Pretty sure it was the flu jab, tho’ as I’ve never had any reaction to flu jabs before, it may well have been the combination of flu/booster. I think I wd have asked for them separately had I known…
Think it’s different from one individual to the next. I had my Autumn ‘Covid’ booster (the Moderna bivalent) on the 19/9 and the Flu jab 26/9, and other than a slightly tender arm on both occasions I was absolutely fine. I’m taking 2.5mg of Pred.
I m following this with interest as I have my flu jab tomorrow. I'm in the process of reducing from 6 to 5.5, I took 5.5 this morning and will be taking 6 for the next 2 days.
Should be okay as you are back on higher dose for next 6 days, but I wouldn't attempt tapering until fully over vaccine..or any other "unusuality"....
A week here or there in the great scheme of things is nothing.
Thank you, I'll take note of that. I'm being a bit impatient because I was just about down to 5.5 before I went to stay with my daughter in the US and i went back to 6 for the journey and ended up staying at that dose. I had some busy days when I got back too so it was a while before I started reducing again.
I know, but as often said, if you learn anything with PMR/GCA it’s patience!
..and a lower doses, there really is no rush (even if you’d like it to be)….
Always better to take little steps forward, than big steps back…😊
I agree that some discomfort is caused by it’s the way it’s dispensed. I’ve always had a flu jab at a pharmacy. The pharmacist has lots of time and always says ‘hang your arm down and relax your muscles’. I’ve never had a problem. But when I had my Covid jab the nurse just jabbed it in, I felt it rushing into my arm and it was painful for a few days.