I'm 63 and new to this group. I contracted PMR 2 years ago, a few days after having the flu jab. My doctor agrees that the flu jab may have triggered PMR but there is little evidence to confirm this and his advice is to have the jab again this Autumn (I didn't have it last year) as my immune system is now already compromised and so I'm more at risk of infection (and Covid 19). Just wondered if anyone has any advice or insight? Many thanks for all the very supportive contributions on this site.
Should I have the flu jab: I'm 63 and new to this... - PMRGCAuk
Should I have the flu jab

Hi and welcome,
I had flu vaccine all through GCA with no issues, and would recommend you do - I think this year probably more important than usual - those with our illnesses are going to need as much help as possible through the coming winter.
Thuis is nhs advice -
PS - it would be good if you could put a bit of info on your profile please. When diagnosed - doses etc, and where you live (country) - medicines and protocols vary and although charity is UK based, members are world-wide. Helps us to help you

Hi and welcome.
Yes, yes and yes again! Especially in the current Covid climate. As I just wrote to someone else, it may have been the flu jab 2 years ago that triggered the development of PMR - but you might not have had the jab and had the flu and IT did the deed. There is no single trigger and many of us had never had a flu jab but developed PMR - like me.
I didn't start getting regular flu shots until after I'd already been suffering from PMR for a few years, so no connection there. I would recommend not only the flu shot but also pneumonia protection if you can get it. There are a couple of pneumonia vaccines which protect against different strains and I don't think they can be taken at the same time but something like a year apart. My husband has always suffered from allergies and also he would get pneumonia at least once a year until he got vaccinated. A few years later our new doctor gave him a shot for the second one and said to him she could justify giving it to me as well because I was on pred. (I had the first one a few years ago, after I got PMR). Unfortunately she didn't actually remember to bring it up when I had an appointment and I have never remembered to ask her, but now that I'm 73 I'm thinking I will follow up.
(PMR since 2014, pred 2015 to present, currently 1 mg)
Get vaccinated.
For a long time here flu shots were only given to vulnerable people, those over 65 and younger people with certain conditions. I don't know about health care workers. It seems to me it was a relatively few years ago (from the perspective of my now fairly long life) that everyone was encouraged to get flu shots. I did have one the year of h1n1, I must have been 62, because younger people were dying and I believed in being part of "herd immunity" to protect them. Later when I heard about PMR and flu shots I checked my dates to see if there was a correllation and found that several years had elapsed before PMR took hold. I can't remember exactly when I started to get flu shots annually but it was certainly after I already had PMR and was on pred, and closer to 70 than 65. I've always kept up the other recommended adult vaccinations; probably the habit was inculcated when we still had to have a smallpox booster in order to travel across borders.
I have had the flu jab since being diagnosed with PMR and had no problems. Last year I was also give the pneumonia jab as well. Yes have the flu jab
No correlation between my Flu and, Pneumonia jabs and my getting PMR so, even though we are all different, get the jab. Probably even more important than usual this year. Peter
As an employee In an NHS organisation, like all NHS employees, we were entitled to an influenza vaccination despite being under 65 and possessing no pre-existing conditions - herd immunity being the key and staff are seen as spreaders of the virus due to their involvement with caring for the sick and vulnerable. We had quite low uptake from staff and it was in that regard we used to make huge efforts to encourage colleagues to be vaccinated, particularly our clinical and nursing colleagues who were the most resistant cohort - incredibly we were setting an example. So despite being fit and well and not categorised at risk, apart from 2014/15, where I actually caught flu and despite working in large primary and community care facilities I only caught “mild” influenza once in over 20 years. I believe that year that the vaccine was way off the mark and the strain we caught whilst virulent was not severe. Subsequently I left the NHS, was aged under 65 etc and no longer entitled to free vaccination, I paid my local pharmacist for the facility - it is relatively cheap and easily available.
As newly diagnosed with CGA and currently on high dose steroids, combined with the fact that I am now aged 65, I am entitled to a free vaccination again, however, whilst I will get vaccinated, I will continue to pay for that facility. My reasoning behind this decision is that in the UK I find the process in some surgeries of holding mass clinics disgraceful. Large quantities of elderly lined up like refugees in a line waiting to be processed, piles of discarded coats etc and little if any regard given to patients. It is unnecessary and in our organisations we prevented it occurring and success rates of uptake increased in staff and patients.
Sorry I digress. Personally I will be taking influenza vaccine, but at a pharmacy where whilst I will pay about £10, I will not be stood in an huge gaggle of people (I am very immuno suppressed at the moment) and I will not be delivered a service which is provided at the most beneficial to promoting GP profit.
Finally, whilst I have been critical of the annual system employed at some GP practices, for many, particularly the isolated elderly, the annual influenza party is an event which is enjoyed and for some sparks memories of childhood and “pass the parcel”.

If you tell the pharmacist that you're entitled to receive the flu jab under the NHS, they will have to complete a form with you but it should still be free, mine has been in the past
Of course, you are right! They have a contract too! Should remember that, my brain is not quite as sharp.
Just had a thought though that as I am taking such a high dose of steroids at the moment that I should just check that they are content to dispense it: can’t see any problems, plus it will be another month before they get stocks in.
Last year I chose to have the under 65 flu jab without the adjuvant that is in the over 65 jab. I am 77 but was worried that the adjuvant would cause a PMR flare as it is an immunity booster. I had the jab at the local pharmacy on the NHS. I shall endeavour to do the same this year.
Hi and welcome WillOllier!
I found 10 mgs of Amitriptylin then one hour before sleep,vmade me feel comfy and sleepy, it really helped during a sleepless phase of the illness. I will be having any non live flu jab and pneumonia jab. In this miasma of disease I don’t want to risk anymore. Your jab may have been the last straw in a long line of stressors and PMR was triggered.