I mentioned I have some sort of prolapse.I couldn't get in to my Dr til this Monday.Personally I think iam in too much pain and suspect inflammation again.My arms ache,my back and alot of pain from the navel down.I don't know anyone with which I think is a uterus prolapse to ask if the pain is this bad.I just got down to 11 mg but this has been where I run into trouble.
Could I be flaring: I mentioned I have some sort of... - PMRGCAuk
Could I be flaring

You mean you have flared/symptoms have returned at about 11mg before? That would suggest that you need just a bit more - and if the prolapse is stressing you (and it will) then you are even more likely to flare.
You could try taking the usual approach to a flare - if a bit more pred helps the symptoms, you will have some evidence to show the doctor on Monday.
Thank you for the quick response.You are right iam very stressed because if I walk or stand it hurts more at nite.Iam struggling taking care of my husband feeling this way.Our healthcare is so poor who knows when I ll get in to a specialist.
It will have to be symptom management for the moment - and kick up a fuss about help. I think everywhere in the world is struggling at present.
Yes it seems that way.I was suppose to start methoextrate but it made me sick for a few days .I am letting my reumy know I want to wait.
My rheumy recommended taking half the dose before bed and the rest next morning as reducing the nausea problem - and it was one adverse effect I never had to worry about! It was the rest that made me stop. MTX injections also reduce nausea.
Could I ask why you stopped taking methoextrate?
The fatigue mostly - could barely walk home from the village and functioning was important! But it also triggered adverse effects that are usually blamed on pred that I had never experienced with pred alone - although I had had similar problems with methyl prednisolone which I was on for some months. All disappeared when I switched to prednisone.
I could have written this.I also have a heart problem that causes breathing difficulties.
I have tried getting down to 10 mg three times.
Pain is worse in the evenings and I have great difficulty standing up.
I now have an electric bed and get a good sleep so that is a bonus.
I have a face to face with GP tomorrow and an appt at a pain clinic May 29 with a physio appt prior to that so I am.being well looked after. .still waiting for eurology appt
I hope you can get the help you need. 👃