Hi everyone. Since February this year I’ve started to develop pain in various parts of my body. First it was my left shoulder which I put down to sitting awkwardly for too long. This pain seemed to randomly come and go. I was doing a lot of sport back then and attending regular spinning classes. I then got terrible pain in my left hip and thigh which also spread to my knee. This I put down to a spinning injury, so stopped spinning. To cut a long story short I continued with other sports and then got pain in my right hip and sciatica down my right leg and into my foot. I stopped doing everything sportwise and this made everything much worse. I couldn’t sit down for the pain which was now in my backside. Deep tissue massage has helped a bit and I can now sit albeit uncomfortably.
This week I have now started to develop pain in my right shoulder and at the base of my neck. I’ve had a lower back MRI which was clear and am awaiting the results of a hip MRI.
I get no stiffness apart from when I get out of bed but I’ve been like that for years. Once I’ve walked to the bathroom I’m fine. My energy levels are fine. My esr and crp are normal. I’m 52 years old. I just cannot shift the constant pain. Sometimes the shoulder pain stops then comes back. I sometimes get pain in my thumbs and big toes. And couple of times I’ve woken up unable to swallow without extreme pain and feeling like I’ve dislocated my jaw. I also wake up in the night with a painful ear as if ive squashed it too hard. The left bottom/hip pain is a burning sensation. If it’s bad I also feel like the left side of my face is going numb. I’ve been doing physio since February and although this has helped a bit, I cannot shift these pains. One physio has suggested pmr but my GP dismissed it when my bloods came back normal. Could this PMR or just a collection of sports injuries? Any advice gratefully received.