I started getting pain in my right jaw, the point near the ear where jaw bones meet. It hurt to open mouth wide and very sore eating. I had an emergency appointment with the dentist and after thorough exam of my teeth, which were all good, he examined the area in question and listened and felt the joint. It does click and almost feels like it moves in and out of place - very painful. He diagnosed TMJ. After discussing my current situation and asking if I had had a bereavement or a lot of stress ( i recently lost my beloved German Shepherd very suddenly), told me tmj can be brought on by stress etc. Advised soft food, soft massage, anti inflammatory, and showed me gentle exercise. Anyway I had a telephone appointment with my doc about something else and discussed with him , discussing possible GCA. After questioning me , he believed it does sound like TMJ but to call immediately if I had any other symptoms. Yesterday was dreadful, pain everywhere and I seemed to have a reaction to brufen, very nauseas and off balance. Today I doubled my steroids to 8 and stayed away from brufen. Still painful on opening mouth wide and eating but nothing like yesterday. Doc is ringing back tomorrow to check. Any thoughts please?