I posted 2 weeks ago about the fact that I’ve been asked by the nhs to book my 4th jab. My gp won’t give me the appropriate paperwork and have asked my rheumy secretary to contact him to see if he will provide it. I booked an appointment at our local pharmacy last week and took along the nhs letter and a copy of my prescription to no avail. I argued but he wouldn’t do it. So here I am in limbo whilst restrictions have been lifted. Very worrying.
4th jab a no go: I posted 2 weeks ago about the... - PMRGCAuk
4th jab a no go

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Sue - have you tried a Walk In Centre? Are you still on MTX? The Walk In Vaccination Centre's can access your NHS Records
I booked mine on line & it was simple - let me look for the link for you.
Angela x
Hello. I got an email to say I needed the fourth booster. It said I could take that email or letter about my third to any walk in station and get it. Luckily, my GP is on the ball and I had it there.
That is awful, my surgery were happy to provide a letter and it was accepted at the drop in clinic
I had my 4th jab at a walk in centre just take the letter/email with you and they will give you the jab. GP's are just being lazy.
Our walk-in pharmacy/centre accepted my third vaccine letter, and so I can only think that when they did not accept your letter, they were making a mistake.
Hi, I had a similar situation, I never received invite for third vaccine, but when I brought this up with my doc he phoned a few days later to invite me for the 3rd, when I went I was told it was a booster.
Anyway when it came to the 4th, my husband got a letter from the nhs, but not for me, I’m in the extremely clinically vulnerable group and have been from the start, my doctors said they are no longer doing vaccines.
When I questioned this with rheumatologist dept they immediately said I most certainly need 4th vaccine, and sent me a letter via email. I’ve just been for my jab, they did ask for letter or proof of eligibility, I only just got it out of my bag and they said fine, gave me moderna.
Try your rheumatologist dept.
Has your GP given any reason for not giving you any paperwork? As the others suggest try a walk in centre.
I've received my email about booking my 4th....not sure I want it though. I think we'll all eventually be getting boosters for Covid next year as it will end up being just like the flu. Fingers crossed both myself and hubby haven't caught Covid and I've been told we're in fact protected by being on steroids. Not sure if this is true or not. Would be interested to learn how many in fact have taken up the offer of the 4th vaccine out of the numerous numbers of us that have compromised immune systems.
Bieng on pred does NOT protect you from catching Covid. Whether it subsequently makes the illness less bad is another matter - but even mild Covid can lead to Long Covid while the vaccines also reduce the risk of that.
No, you're right. Probably doesn't protect us from catching it but lessens the illness. I heard Kate on telly this morning saying had they known about the affect steroids would have had on her husband Derek they would most certainly have helped him. The programme aired last night about how Derek is getting on. Watching it today......looks like he has a very long way to go, poor man.
Possibly - but the use of steroids in cases of Covid is very different from being on low doses of pred for PMR/GCA which you are. They use dexamethasone for severe cases - a much longer acting and stronger corticosteroid and at much higher doses to manage the cytokine storm which did so much damage.
There is no "probably" about the vaccine - that it doesn't necessarily stop you getting the virus is obvious from the number of breakthrough infection. That it lessens the illness is also obvious from the ICU figures - now ICU has at least 75% non-vaccinated patients and the rest are people with severe pre-existing conditions who previously would almost certainly have died.
Thanks for that. I'd better get it done. I have asthma too. Strange how my husband hasn't received a text to get the 4th jab too. Type 1 diabetic with CKD.

Hi, I had my 4th last Wdnesday

I had my 4th when it was due

I had my 4th on January 8th .. I got a message on my phone from rheumatology.. I’ve since had other invites from NHS

I had covid at Christmas, even though I'm on steroids. It was fairly mild, but seemed to last longer than others I knew who had it. I was still testing positive after 11 days 😕
Did you get a text from the NHS? That was sufficient for me. What a peculiar response to get from a GP.
I know Jane. They are so unhelpful. X
I had exactly the same problem as you did Sue. To ing and fro ing by phone and in person with receptionists giving me differing information. 111 said I HAD to have a letter, but GP just refused.Eventually by chance a local pharmacy did it when I produced the NHS letter. Bonkers!
I really don’t understand this - if you have been called for the jab, whether by letter or text, that should be enough evidence that you are eligible wherever you choose to go for it.
Hi SueMy GP wouldn’t give me a letter and I don’t have a rheumatologist so I booked my 4th on line quite easily and I was pleasantly surprised!
I phoned my surgery to check how to get the paperwork and they just advised that I didn’t need it and were holding a walk in clinic that day - so 4th done and dusted - I suppose it’s the luck of the draw!
Sorry to hear that. I had the same info from the NHS so I contacted my Rheumatologist who said I didn’t meet the criteria. I had to be on 20mg or a lower dose plus Mex. . I’m current on 7mg after 2years with a couple of flares. However my GP said I did meet the criteria, provided me with a letter and I had my 4th vaccination last week. There is too much confusion and not enough care.
"There is too much confusion and not enough care."
Sums it up nicely!!
I have had the NHS letter inviting me for a fourth jab. I’m now off pred and was on 5mg for second jab and 2mg for my third jab. Do you think I need to take it? My last conversation with my rheumy in January, I did ask him why I was offered antivirals when I caught covid whilst on 1mg of pred, his answer was I was in the system for last 5 years so the computer just sent it out!
Reading all of these posts on the 4th booster is really intriguing which leads me to question whether I should be contacting my GP to request a letter for the 4th booster, I have not received a letter from the NHS so I am assuming that a dose of 8 mg at time of first and second vaccinations and present dose of 6 mg prednisolone means I am not considered immunocompromised.
To be considered CEV it was over 20mg per day or over 10mg per plus an Immunosuppressant or a Biological.
We’re you Shielded at the beginning? If you were that would give you an indication…..
I have posted all the relevant information l can find in my Covid Post in FAQ’s & highlighted it today in a Separate Post.
Twice contacted my surgery (once by phone, second by letter) but, after several weeks, still waiting for a response. Now the UK government has announced extra jabs for all over 75's 'in the spring' so I'll wait for that. My surgery is hopeless at paperwork.
Hi I asked my GP about a letter but he said not doing them and take the nhs letters for 3 and 4 jab - a confirmation also asked for prescription - first 4 jab appointment cancelled so re booked - checked with GP again - no letter - I don’t have a rheumatologist so guess I will be turned away
Hi Suet3942Sorry to hear you are having such trouble.
My Surgery booked mine . No bother at all.
Hope you soon get your 4th. Looks like over 75s and vulnerable are going to all get in April 😊
Used a walk in clinic fortnight ago, now sporting a huge bruise and stiff arms for couple of days. Took my doctors letter with me, which they didn’t even look at. Worth a try at the walk in ones.
Same here. GP said they were nothing to do with Covid jabs! I also requested blood test forms and the only one sent to me was for liver function - which I have never had before! I despair of the current situation 🤔
I'm having problems too. I spoke to the Dr. He said give the letter to the Office Manager. I took a copy of it before I did. That was last Wednesday 16th February. Not hearing anything I rang again yesterday. We have an Indian lady who I have problems understanding at times so I'm not sure what had happened. Anyway I made it plain I needed the letter. She was going to send an email to the O.M. who is not in on a Monday. Hopefully she will do it today but obviously nothing was being done if I had not rung again.Why not? Chasing chasing.....
I had a letter from NHS to book my 4th jab so went to GP to ask about it. Told I would be notified when they had the vaccine, got a phone call a few days later inviting me for the jab this Sat. Success!
My GP provided a letter for me and I am off to get my 4th vaccination this morning. Will your rheumatologist write a letter for you ? That said if the NHS has requested that you are given the 4th vaccine surely the centre should honour that.
Health Secretary statement on spring COVID-19 booster vaccinations - GOV.UK
I just took mu letter to the local walk in centre, they just glanced at it, the place was empty so didn't even need to wait I asked the doctor if my husband could be inoculated, he said yes send him in if you're at risk you don't want your husband to give it give it to you, so he had his as well.
Hi Sue,
I think you are very unfortunate with your GP. I booked my 4th booster jab last week then rang my surgery and my GP is providing the letter with no queries at all.
Good luck with a walk in vaccination centre, I hope you get your 4th jab.
Also anyone in the UK will start having to pay for lateral flow test kits from April 1st, they are £20, so get stocked up before then.👍
Ditto! Pop up vaccination Centre told me steroids =no fourth jab
My G P says I don’t need it at dose of 4mg steroids. He’s adamant. Waiting for next round of jabs, but see only 75 & over & severely immune compromised. I’m not convinced that PMR & pred at 5mg pred means you are severely compromised & that some of us just don’t need it, or qualify for it. The criteria were set by the JCVI, I guess I trust them! Steroids under 10mg on their own without other drugs don’t appear to me to be a reason to have one. But I think some centres don’t really care, they will just jab anyway.
If you look back at what the Guidance was at the start of the Pandemic you can see it was over 20mg Pred per day or Pred 5mg & an Immunosuppressant or Biological. This was to Shield Patients & be classed as CEV or CV
I think it’s quite different for those on pred + biological or immunosuppressant. I don’t think many here are on over 20mg a day with PMR, but GCA is different. I think, though, that there may be a lot of people here who perceive they are CEV, but aren’t! I may be wrong! There still seem to be posts from people fighting hard to get another vaccine, but who just aren’t vulnerable, perhaps? Or who aren’t really eligible to receive it? I guess there will be many more posts soon as they’ve announced another one for the spring for CEV & over 75’s! Ah, I see you’ve posted the news above. Stand by….! Good luck, S xx
My rheumatologist doesn't recommend a 4th shot. He informed me that an Omicron shot is being worked out and will be available to the public in the foreseeable future. He would like me to take that one and keep masking (of course).
The Rules are different in the U.K. - even across the Devolved Nations - ie Scotland, Wales & N.Ireland.
Hello Suet3942 I had exactly the same problem. I went to a drop in centre and was refused the 4th jab because although I am 'vulnerable' I am not 'seriously vulnerable' !! They even refused by friends 91 year old father because he wasn't vulnerable enough !
Update on what I said earlier. I've been rung by the Office Manager. I was told the Dr. is far too busy to write everyone who needs one a letter. She is referring me to some hub?? who will arrange it. I said I had no transport. She will see if I can have a home visit. So watch this space.
I received an email from the NHS for 4th jab a fortnight ago. Rang my Surgery and was given an appointment straightaway for a GP to give me this. However, latterly I have come down to a fairly low dose of Pred. I have asked for a test to assess my immune system but another GP just dismissed this with “why”. I figured that if my Doctors were not concerned whether my immune system was coming back to normal, I should have the 4th jab just as a precaution.
My Surgery are usually very good. 🙂
I received 3 NHS requests/invitations to take the 4th jab! When I went along immediately after the first request to take it, my name was on a list they had at the desk. I've had PMR for over 3 years and after many flares am on 7mg. Was on 8 when I had that 4th jab.
I had my 3rd jab (Pfizer) when on 27mg of prednisolone, six months after my double jabbing with 2 AZs was completed. Then I had my 4th jab (another Pfizer) 3 months later when I had tapered to 23mg. Both were prompted by an NHS text message to those on the original shielding list.
In the US you have to wait five months after your third jab. And when I’ve called the rheumatologist office for the antibody therapy when my husband and mom had Covid I was told I didn’t need it because I was only on 10mg of prednisone daily. So I’m sure they will not see me as moderate or severely immune compromised. 🥴
I think you can go on NHS web site & book it through nhs.uk/book-covid-booster ot telephone 119 & ask them to book it for you or alternatively go to walk in centre - while they are still operating . I was fortunate my GP contacted me about three weeks before I had received notification from NHS

Suet3942 has now had her booster so I'm turning off replies.If you're in a similar situation to her, please read through the thread.
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