I'm after advice from the experts here re the timing of my 3rd Covid vaccination please. After my TCZ jab my white cell/neutrophil count is always reduced but usually returns to normal by 3 weeks. I've been reading about when to have the vaccine and advice is confusing. Do I wait until my white count is normal for maximising efficacy, or have it 2 weeks before TCZ is due, to give it time to start working? Anyone know about this please?
Timing of third Covid Vaccination : I'm after... - PMRGCAuk
Timing of third Covid Vaccination

I think this is one for your Consultant to advise you on.
Rhuematologists are not versed in this area. I thought that perhaps this was something that had been asked on here before. I can't find any literature myself so I guess I'll just go with the flow. No problem, thanks anyway.
Hi LemonZest11
I have TCZ injections every two weeks. For all my vaccine jabs, including the 3 covid ones and the flu vaccine I have had them in the middle period of my TCZ injections.
I generally take the TCZ on a Wednesday and feel good by the following Wednesday so it is around then that I had the vaccines, give or take a day, then the TCZ again the Wednesday after that. My consultant and GP both agreed that this was the best way to space them out although no-one really knew for sure. Hope this helps.
Yes is does!! Thank you Frenchduck for responding. You are confirming my instincts. Today, after not hearing anything and butting heads against brick walls, I decided to have the 3rd vaccination in the very middle of my TCZ cycle … that’s tomorrow so I’m going ahead. I appreciate your willingness to respond. xx
Great. I hope it goes well. I had the usual slight side effects that other people have reported and I just rested for a few days until I was back to "normal", although not sure what that is anymore 🤒xx
Yes, I hear you. I had absolutely no side effects from the first two, and so I thought that perhaps I hadn’t been able to form a strong immune response, hence my query about timing of the third. We’re all feeling around in the dark, but isn’t it reassuring to have friends like the ones we have on this forum. Again, thank you for your reply. 😘