Have had a positive test result for Covid. Feel like I have a nasty cough and cold! So far. Just keeping to my pred 12.1/2 dose. Have same giddy bleary feelings I’ve had since starting pred so assume it’s just that! Doesn’t come in to the Covid symptoms! Thankfully all aches and pains are in obeyance! Is that a word ???
Covid and predisolone: Have had a positive test... - PMRGCAuk
Covid and predisolone

Abeyance is the word!!
Are you sure the symptoms aren't on the Covid list? They have changed a lot since the start!!
The ZOE study keeps adding symptoms as they find them:
Thanks. Yes I did check! Who knows? I haven’t got a temperature or lost if taste or smell.. but cough very phlegmy .. as I said more like a cold. Wonder if others have had bleary eyes and a bit of dizziness since steroids
I think quite a few people would complain of dizziness. When you say bleary eyes - could it be due to dry eyes? That isn't uncommon both with PMR and also with pred. Dry eyes often manifest with lots of thin tears that make your eyes stream!
My eyes were so dry they decided my second cataract didn’t need doing yet even though optician said it did. I use my drops four times daily and still have bleary eyes.
Oh goodness!!! Are you driving ok?
Actually I am, it does clear in between and that’s why the eye surgeon said the cataract wasn’t ready go be operated on. Saying if blinking refocused the vision it couldn’t be the cataract. She even told me I had 20//20 vision!Must say my eyes have been good since my first cataract procedure.
Close reading is my problem now - always had good long vision.
So don’t know what’s happening with the dry eye - will go see the optician if the 4 x a day drops don’t improve it. I have Blepharitis as well.
I was about to ask that question. I get blurry vision that clears with blinking hard. I knew it wasn;t cataracts (no sign last time) but it is a pest!!
I use a liposomal spray which I find better and more convenient than drops.
I’m currently using prescribed Gel Tears (additive free) and never had any problems using it. I’ll talk to the optician first and GP if it doesn’t improve. I’ve had allergic reactions to eye drops in the past.
Glad to hear about dizziness! Hadn’t read that. Eyes ? More like sticky! Certainly at the moment as I have this very phlegmy cough etc … Covid ?!?! Always want to pin something down!!! At least I haven’t got actual pain at the moment ! Thanks fir your time. Think I may have thrush too?? Think that is a pred side effect!!
I am constantly suffering with painful blurry eyes. Bath them with warm pads and drops throughout the days but it seems to be increasing. Although my steroid intake is down to 3mgs. I wish you well.
Have you checked the sick day rules in respect of Covid and Pred?
I've had the same cough with phlegm these last 4 days. Eyes a bit bleary. Have woken with head pains at temples and eye pressure 1am and 2am. Paracetamol 500mg has no effect. I switched to taking half the pred dose to counter the head pains so 20mg and the balance 20mg at breakfast. It was the only way to stop the head pain, enough to make me want to cry. Should I get tested for covid perhaps and maybe that bug or just a simple cold is affecting my body's immune reaction and giving the CGA a chance to cause problems. Like you no pain from my PMR. No thrush being a bloke
Have you got a Lateral Flow Test handy but whatever order a PCR online it’ll be with you in the morning & send off. Alternatively you can go to your Local Test Centre.
I’ll add the link for you.
Get Well Soon
thank you. I'll order one now. should have been prepared. Had both pfizer but that's no guarantee. whatever next.
I have similar symptoms to you cycli, plus feeling very tired.
Have you taken a Covid Test either Lateral Flow or PCR?
I tried to get a COVID test last night but it said I wasn’t eligible as I didn’t have the symptoms of COVID-19. I tried to get the Lateral Flow test, but didn’t manage to complete the process. I will try again this morning. The symptoms seem similar to those of the Delta strain to me. Thank you for responding MrsNails, I have RD.
yes I have been feeling a bit more tired than normal. Have had a good 3 weeks of positive progress but this has set me back a bit.
Bedwell - How are you feeling today? 💐MrsN
Did have a slight crisis in the night! Coughing.. but basically not feeling too bad. I have been sent a package of Ayurvedic remedies specially for Covid free!!! From the Ayurvedic clinic! They are amazing and have had excellent results.
I had Covid in February …a mild dose fortunately. I had a nasty cough but no runny nose or phlegm, a few days of diarrhoea and no appetite at all. I had a ‘muzzy head’ but no problems at all with my eyes. I was taking 7.5 prednisolone at the time the symptoms started and had a positive test. I did double the dose for a few days but was given dexamethazone at the hospital and re-started the 7.5 prednisolone once the course had finished. I’ve had no after effects and am still tapering slowly and down to 6.5 now. Hope this helps and hope you’re feeling better soon.
Hi Hummingbird, just wondered if you were advised to increase pred when you contracted Covid? seems a double increase rather a lot. weaning down again can take time?
It is short term adrenal cover and the weaning process isn't the same. You can take a higher dose for 7-10 days and then drop back to the previous dose without tapering. But all should be done with medical supervision.
Hi Rene. I found the advice on this forum and decided to follow it as it sounded like a sensible thing to do. I only took the extra dose for 3 days before I was in hospital. Once the doctor knew that I had PMR and was taking Prednisolone, he asked if I had doubled the dose and said I had done the right thing. He also said that the steroids had probably helped to keep the symptoms mild. The dexamethasone is also a steroid so I was told not to take any prednisolone until the course of tablets were finished .. which was after I was discharged and then to go back to the dose I had been taking… which was 7.5. I had my fingers crossed but I didn’t have any problems and I kept at that dose until I felt I could carry on with the taper. So I’m now down to 6.5 and all is well.
Hi, this is very interesting where you admitted into hosp beaus of Covid? I guess you were double vaccinated?so pleased you are now feeling better.I have been really anxious about contracting the vrus and how it may affect me.
Hi Rene. At the time that I tested positive for covid my husband was in hospital for a biopsy - he had just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Two days before he was admitted I thought I had the beginnings of a cold … sore throat and a cough but not feeling particularly ill. Four days later I had a phone call to say that he had caught covid and was quite poorly so my family booked me in for a test as soon as possible and the following day I had a positive test. They all live about an hour away in different directions and were very concerned so my daughter ordered an oxymeter from Amazon to be delivered to me. My oxygen levels were 94 so she rang the NHS helpline for advice and they sent paramedics to check me out. They decided to take me to the hospital …’just to be sure’ they said. I was a bit put out as I didn’t feel ill at all but they assured me that it was only for precaution and I’d be back home later ….but to pack a bag ‘just in case’. After all manner of checks including a chest X-ray they decided that I was to be admitted. My biggest concern was that I might be taking a bed from someone who was really needing it, but was assured that I wasn’t! So, I was given an oxygen supply, some tablets and stayed there for 4 days. The good thing was that my husband was in a ward 2 floors below and the staff very kindly arranged little visits for me to see him. This was a blessing as sadly he died a few days after I was discharged - the covid was too much for him.
No, I haven’t had any vaccines. I’m not good with medicines and chemicals and have had reactions in the past. At the moment I’m happy with this decision but will keep my options open.
A few weeks ago I had a phone call from the hospital asking me to go for a chest X-ray to check if I had any damage from the virus. I agreed to go as I thought it would help with any data …and also for my benefit even though I felt fine - and it was all good so am now officially discharged.
Hope this is of interest to you … and sorry that it’s rather a long post!
I thought if you test positive for Covid you have to increase Pred to 20mg (10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening) as per “sick day rules”Does this not apply if you only feel mildly ill?
Lateral flow or PCR? Lateral flow have a higher incidence of false results.
That’s why I did PCR test. Result positive on Friday. Got what seems like a bad cold and these itchy eyes.?NHS driving me mad! They sad if I didn’t answer all the questions on the phone they would come to my house! What sort of a world are we in. ????
a mad house Bedwell. We are in a box ticking world where responsibility for making decisions has been risk assessed and litigation minimalised by following a set porocedure. Achieving a required number of correct responses frees them to operate without risk of blame. It applies in every area now not just health.
They couldn’t cope because they didn’t have a box to put freelance in!!! They needed a place of work with an address!!
That's the problem with boxes. Wrong size, or not enough. None ever fit my profile. Oh for someone who has the confidence to back their own judgement. Sadly those days are past. Somehow you'll get through. Hope you feel better soon.
Hope you feel better soon! Rest & more rest & gallons of fluids. Xx
Thanks. Exhausted?!!
Not always easy to tell what is symptom of predisolone and what is Covid! ? Perhaps it doesn’t matter!!!!
I think it matters but picking them out is almost impossible. So many are so similar to other possible causative conditions that even diagnosing the disease is difficult. I'm trying to determine exactly how my GCA and PMR react to the current dose of pred. Having another condition like covid doesn't help. Hope you are feeling better.
Gp just rang. Agreed just stay on present pred dose. Feeling a bit sorry for myself today?I must say. Some sun would help.. this grizzly grey is not much fun.
I can really sympathise with you having reactions to certain medications. I have the same problem which has been the main reason I haven’t wanted to have the vaccine. Just to have one jab is enough to make me worry, but to have two doses plus boosters and flu jabs really concerns me.
I do feel that the vitamin D3 and K2 that I have been taking for a long time as well as a healthy diet helped to make the symptoms mild. But who knows?
Regarding treatment for covid when testing positive - I don’t think that’s going to happen, unless being admitted to hospital is a necessity.
My son in law, who is prone to having a nasty cough when he has a cold, had mild covid but his cough persisted for weeks. He tried to get dexamethasone after I’d told him that I’d been given it in hospital, but he was told that it was only available for hospital patients. It did go eventually but I’m sure he would have benefitted from having some treatment.
So I think the only alternative, if you are unlucky enough to get it, is to look after yourself and sit it out and wait for it to pass.
Ayurvedic herbs.. sent out for free.. am sure helped my bad cough and phlegmy throat. The Ayurvedic clinic have been posting Covid package of herbs free to anyone with Covid. Amazing!

Doctors using or saying they use invermectin for Covid are irresponsble - it does NOT help in Covid infections and hospitals are being inundated with people who have taken overdoses of the stuff.
Remdesivir is another matter but there was conflicting evidence to back its use as late as the spring.
but it was approved by the FDA for limited use:
The numbers of breakthrough infections are very low - as of the end of August about 13,000 in the US, compared with 173 million fully vaccinated persons.

I have said all along: vaccines are only part of the solution, the non-pharmaceutical measures needed to be continued as well. But too many of the politicians don't like that idea. No-one ever claimed the vaccines were 100% proof against Covid infection and some people will still be ill. And some frail or elderly people are still at risk of serious illness or even death
Now got a urine infection!!! On antibiotics… all I need….