I have got down to 3.5 mg, been on steroids for 5 years, I was recently in hospital when they did a blood test and said there is an issue with my liver results. I don’t drink alcohol or smoke and wondered if this could be anything to do with my reducing of the steroids?
Abnormal liver markers: I have got down to 3.5 mg... - PMRGCAuk
Abnormal liver markers

Sorry - don't understand why you have entitled your post "adrenals"?
I wasn’t sure what the symptoms of adrenal problems are, people seemed to mention that when you get on a low dose your adrenal glands might not work properly 😕
Haven’t had anything back yet, had an ultrasound and a ct scan waiting for results. I’m 9.5 stone and 5ft 3
1964-karina - are you overweight for you? Are you carrying excess weight around your tummy? I would change the Title of Your Post to something like ‘Abnormal Liver Markers’ rather than ‘Adrenals’ - you’ll get more responses - otherwise it’ll only be people who actually read all the posts - you need a punchy title to attract attention….
You can change the title by pressing ‘More’ then select ‘Edit’ - see photo below 👇🏻 Then a Blue Box will appear saying ‘Edit Response’ select & continue as that will Save It
Hello Karina,I don’t drink or smoke either but was told several times over the last 18 months that there was a discrepancy with my liver function tests. Weight stable and no obvious symptoms. I then developed very high blood pressure and was sent by my GP to the AMU. The doctor there diagnosed steroid-induced hypertension and explained that the liver results had been abnormal because of the pressure of blood flowing through the liver caused by the hypertension. I’m no expert but this seemed to make sense and since starting antihypertensives liver function tests have returned to normal. My excellent GP requests a LFT monthly.
I wish you well, but assume as you were in hospital they had been monitoring your blood pressure. Just thought you might like to hear my story.
I’m in the same boat! Liver blood markers were high on diagnosis in April 2019 and kept going up. I’m down to 10.5mg, 5’5 and weigh 10.5 stone. I eat well and teach exercise classes. BP normal. But type 2 diabetes due to steroids. Liver ultrasound scan result blew my mind: severe fatty liver disease. Because my markers have come down by staying off alcohol for 12 weeks they’ve diagnosed alcoholic fatty liver disease. I’m not alcoholic and drink socially like my friends.
Could all this be due to steroids?
I hope your problems resolve. Steroids and PMR affect us so badly.
Hi HelenDaisy Are you sure they didn’t diagnosis you with NAFLD - Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease? That’s what l have - caused by the Steroids….
I was also borderline Steroid Induced Type2 Diabetic Hb1Ac of 47 - l had a Fibroscan which although showed a severe fatty liver & pancreas there was NO Fibrosis 🙏🏼
I lost Two Stone - see my Story in FAQ - but l got my Liver Markers down to within Normal Ranges & my Hb1Ac down into 30’s
I take Methotrexate so it was imperative that l could achieve more normal markers.
Technically l don’t drink but have the Odd Celebratory Glass.
Kind Regards
Mmmm - but HOW do you drink socially? How many units of an evening and how often. The definition of "alcoholic" is very vague. Technically NOT Type 2 but steroid induced diabetes - it is different. As MrsN showed - it can be managed by cutting carbs - I will explain if you like but no time just now.
There is a condition called fatty liver which can, after some time, manifest into non alcoholic cirrhosis. My brother-in-law has never had a drink in his life and he has cirrhosis of the liver.
I too was told my liver enzymes were high, I had been very ill at the time and ended up in hospital twice, fist time pneumonia and then a bowel obstruction. I’ve have numerous abdominal scans, ultra scan, pet scan ct scan and none of them have said anything about my liver, just my lungs. My doctor still insists it’s my liver but has not referred me to anyone regarding this, I stopped drinking anything alcohol at all since January but she has never done a liver test since, I was never over the top with drink so where and why my doctor is going with this is beyond me, however I’m still worried .
Hope you get sorted.
NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) causes raised liver enzymes
"ALT, GGT, AST are markers of liver injury and may be useful surrogate measures of NAFLD. ALT is located in the hepatocellular cytosol, whereas AST is mostly within the mitochondria. In fact, NAFLD and NASH have been reported to be most common causes of chronically elevated liver enzymes and is often the tipping point for further diagnostic evaluation.[6] A recent large UK study determined that NAFLD detected by USG, was the most common cause of abnormal liver biochemistry."
Thank you for the info, but why didn’t any of this show up on the scans?
Just occurred to me - have you been using paracetamol?
maybe once in a while but not on a regular basis, I was taking them maybe 2-3 times a day just before the bowel obstruction was diagnosed at A/E, that was only for a few days, but then only for severe pain.
Just it can cause raised enzymes without there being anything to see on scans, How high are the results? Did they specifically LOOK at your liver?
as far as I know they looked at the liver, certainly the ultra scan did as I specifically asked him , they also discovered a lung nodule with the ct scan so I assume they would also report any other abnormal results. I also had a pet scan that showed calcification of the arteries in my heart. I had ct scan at A/E they found bowel obstruction .
Forgot to add, the ultra scan was to look at my liver, I asked him re the liver and he said no it was fine, what he didn’t tell me was I had fluid on the lungs from the pneumonia, my doc sent me back to AAU.
In that case - don't know. Though I imagine you can have raised enzymes if there is early damage without visible structural damage. And there are other causes of raised enzymes including medication and autoimmune disease, and PMR/GCA can preseent with raised ALT/AST though a lot of doctors are unaware of that. Not sure if they go up in a flare.