I have tapered to 1mg prednisolone daily but pain and stiffness in neck and shoulders has increased and I have minimum ability to turn my neck from side to side.
My ESR was 11 in May and 17 in September according to my GP within normal range.
Has my ESR and CRP taken again on Monday and my results show abnormal ESR but normal CRP.I don't know the numbers as my Rheumy's last letter to my GP was to send him the results which she has done (the receptionists can't read/give the results to me). So 17 months in I expect I am going to be told to increase the steroids 😥. My ESR was 67 when first diagnosed.
I am thinking, my brother and I had a bit if a scrap (not proud of it)and he pulled my arms really badly,hurting me, that was Friday and the bloods were taken on Monday. Couldthis have affected my result?Has anyone else had raised ESR and normal CRP?