Hello Everyone hope you are all doing as well as possible. Here in Western Australia we have been most fortunate for some time now with no community transmission of Covid for ages- although the Delta variant is running wild in other parts of Australia - and causing havoc with still relatively low immunisation rates - it has all become a 'race' to up these numbers asap !
In the meantime I have managed to develop my own 'new' issues relating to long term Pred (still at 12mg) which I have been unable to taper due to my ongoing (5 years now) PMR/GCA. While I was recently (fatally) 'congratulating' myself on NOT developing many of the long term side effects of Pred (although I have had some - cataracts/weight gain/osteopenia) my dental health was covertly fast deteriorating. In one year I have gone from a relatively stable mouth to having a bridge 'fail' (mind you it was decades old) some decay and two other abcesses. A real PAIN to say the least and hard to get fast attention even in the less pressured health system we have here. I ended up taking antibiotics - and the Metronidazole component made me violently ill for 48 hours . Worth noting (I discovered later) is that if you have low Neutrophils it isn't a good idea to take this drug). Anyway my dentist was surprised at the rapidity of the changes in x-rays from 1 year to the next. Now I am wondering what I will do with my remaining noshers for the longer term - as I DREAD hours in the dental chair - and the thought of (let alone expense) many implants etc etc. Wondering how others have done/doing with their teeth and if they have experienced any rather sudden changes and the decisions they have made !?
Nothing cheery here I'm afraid - but in light of so much suffering in the world at present I feel indulgent in this personal 'protest' against my 'wee' challenges' - just hope most of you are currently 'OK' !! All the best
PS. our constantly rain drenched garden is looking lush this year - although the weeds also abound !