I'm confident it starts with FBC profile then ESR then I lose it!!
Can anyone read this bloodwork request? Please se... - PMRGCAuk
Can anyone read this bloodwork request? Please see photo and translate if you can. Thanks in advance.👍

I think there are thyroid function tests in there( tft). Vit D, ANF, can’t decipher much else. Awful handwriting!
CBC, Profile,ESR, Cold febrile P(protein), CPK, TFT(thyroid function test),) Ferritin, Vit D, Rheumatoid factor, ARF(?)
How about: FBC profile (full blood count); ESR; CRP; globulin / EP (Electrophoresis); CPK; TFT; ferritin; vitamin D; rheumatoid factor; ANF (anti nuclear factor)
Not sure, but I used to work in the NHS and I've got lovely handwriting!

FBC profile, ESR, CRP, globulins/EP, CPK, TFT, ?ferritin, vit D, rheumatoid factor, ANF
creatine kinase (muscle enzyme not raised in PMR)
immunoglobulins / electrophoresis - blood proteins and differential testing using electrophoresis
Thyroid function tests,
ferritin (I think) - indicator of iron status and also raised in chronic inflammation
antinuclear factor ( southtees.nhs.uk/services/p... )
I worked in the lab years ago, before computers and printers. I would have sent that back with a request for it to be written properly - there is no excuse these days. And like Rugger - I have lovely handwriting too I see we agree on the contents ...