Hello all ! This is my first post as I’ve only just found you after struggling with PMR for 4 years. Prednisolone has apparently contributed to cataracts in both eyes and I’m keen to have surgery. Does anyone know what the minimum dose of Pred is for cataract surgery?
Cataracts and PMR: Hello all ! This is my first... - PMRGCAuk
Cataracts and PMR

Not sure there is an official minimum dose, it probably depends on surgeon’s views. I think I was on about 8 or maybe 9mg when I had mine done…..almost seven years ago. So you need to discuss with him.
My surgeon was fairly laid back about everything, he’d been working previously for Medicine Sans Frontiers in India, so probably the level of steroids was a minor thing compared to some of his procedures.
I was on 10mg of Prednisolone when I had mine done this year (March & April) I did drop the hospital an email first to see if there was a minimum dose but they said the 10mg I was on was fine, might be a good idea to check with the hospital just incase different hospitals have different rules.

Hi and welcome! What kept you? Or more to the point perhaps - how did you find us in the end?
Depends on the surgeon - most are very laid back and one was recently quoted as saying the pred would be helpful post-op. But if one is iffy - ask for another opinion.
How I wish that everyone who is given long term pred was told that Pred + Sunshine are not good buddies.
Those that already wear spectacles should change them to re-actolite rapide.
Those that do not wear spectacles, should invest in a good pair of sunglasses.
Pred + sunshine will cause existing cataracts to grow. If no cataracts present the combination can start them to grow.
My optician immediately, 2 weeks after being diagnosed with GCA, changed my existing specs and insisted on night time driving glasses. Yes, I had the beginning of cataracts. BTW they have never grown, same size as they were five years later when remission came along.
I wish that at that time Bridget had explained why she was insisting on the change. I think she must have thought I had enough to take on board. BTW I had not told her about GCA when I went for my appointment, 5 mins into the exam, she stopped and said 'you must go to hospital now and I will call them and tell them you are on your way". I asked why and she said it looks as though you have GCA. I then told her I had been diagnosed........two weeks previously.
Around a couple of years later at a support group meeting an Optician whose Mother had joined the group, asked to come as a speaker. Yes, it was then I found out about Pred+ Sunshine and so did the rest of the group. That optician accidently got a lot of new clients.
I’ve got my pre- op on Friday so will find out , I’m on 8mg at the moment and hope that’s ok , I’ll post on Friday what they tell me x
Good luck. I should think 8mg is fine. Have you mentioned that you are on steroids to your surgeon?