Well, fancy that, the virus is obviously that clever that it knows not to affect "important" business leaders
BBC News - Smaller firms express anger at quarant... - PMRGCAuk
BBC News - Smaller firms express anger at quarantine exemption plans for big businesshttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57644437

I don't know whether to laugh or cry - the supposedly top brainy money grubbers are beyond belief. 😢😭🤔🤔🤔
It's all really upsetting me at the moment, stuff like this.
I know we have to move out of this and open things up but I honestly feel like cannon fodder. The government has been totally silent on the immunosuppressed and expects us to go about our business in July when no one is wearing masks and doesn't have to isolate.
And with the new symptoms being hayfever like doubled with no isolation and no masks. Like I say, cannon fodder and I really feel like I will contribute to those hospital figures. But that's ok, I'm dispensable having underlying conditions.
I've decided to try Pilates in the studio tonight and am panicking about that. Group of around 10. No masks. I'm not sure it's a good idea but I have to do something.
Please, feel free to challenge me - I need it!
I can't challenge you as I quite agree. However I'm not upset, just b****y livid!!!! So don't get upset, just mutter a lot. I find it confuses those who insist on agreeing with all the stupid rules (or lack of them). AND continue to be very careful. We may rule the World yet and then "they'll" be sorry .....................
Whilst I am pleased that England won the football last night, it annoys me that 10,000 people in Wembley Stadium were allowed to cheer and sing without masks, yet we are not permitted to sing in church with masks!