I had written I'd been in the hospital with a bad infection and it seems to be taking me a long time to bounce back. PLUS, for the last 4-5 days I've been experiencing some jaw pain and jaw sensitivity. I've had a headache 'forever ...I know I had it June 3 and I've been taking Tylenol every day.
Wondering....the rheumy took me off Actemra because of the infection and I have remained at 14mg of Pred each morning. My instincts tell me I should increase it but wondered by how much and for how long? Could the lack of Actemra be making these other symptoms worse? I did call the Dr. today finally but did not hear back. My GP had me make an appointment with a neurologist also because I've been having some focal seizures. While getting the IV infusions of antibiotics, they were pretty frequent for a few days and have now settled down to 4-6 a day...they only last seconds, but I haven't had them for years.
I just feel like a mess!!! and I'm hanging on to your apron strings. How many stones do I want to look under? When I think of some of my senior heroes on here...I should turn over every single one. Sometimes I don't feel I have the energy~π