Lots of tears today: Hi all. Having a really... - PMRGCAuk


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Lots of tears today

13 Replies

Hi all. Having a really strange day woke up this morning in tears so just thought I'd been dreaming but all day the tears have been non stop and I cant stop but for no reason and dont know why. Prednisolone or menopause?

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13 Replies
Purpleazalia profile image

Hi Karen, I can't answer your question but hope you have a much better day tomorrow 😊 Looking at your posts with all the ups and downs you've been through recently, you do seem to have had a lot to deal with and I hope things settle down sooner rather than later.

PMRpro profile image

Any of it, all of it, and after 4 months it is probably just all sinking in what you've been through with the diagnosis and changes to lifestyle. Now as spring starts, it becomes more obvious than during the winter. Plus a lot of people are beginning to feel a sense of almost anticlimax over Covid and that is also very unsettling.

TheMoaningViolet profile image

Hi Karen, we've all been there. Hope you feel better soon. x

SnazzyD profile image

Sometimes it is just too much day in day out. At first I don’t think we process it early on like with many other life changing events or illnesses and eventually the dam bursts. Chuck in a load of medications, hormonal changes and it’s overwhelming. Oh and Covid....

hello karen, tears are a good way for your mind and body to release pressure, stress and worry , whether triggered by menopause, pred, stress, or exhaustion. The word 'tears' has the word 'ears' in it ..... so listen to your body, let the tears flow, and be kind to yourself. Go with the flow and I do hope you'll soon feel better once the flood subsides and you float into safe harbour... If not, maybe see someone who can help you see this bit of your journey through safely, hugs , polly.

Rottsuzi profile image

Hello Karen I can feel the same at times 🥲 I think it’s the rollercoaster ride we are on and think everyone is right we need to accept this illness and how it has changed our lives and having to change our lifestyle in a big way , is so good to talk to people that do understand how you are feeling and what we are dealing with . Hope you feel better 💕

Oumaof2 profile image

Hope you're feeling better today Karen, and those tears have given you some much needed relief from the stress and anxiety of if it all... One day at a time for now.... 💐

S4ndy profile image

Hope you are feeling better. I got very tearful when I was first on prednisolone. It does get easier. I found trying to find something nice to do every day helped. Like feeding and watching the birds or planting some seeds etc. It will get easier 🙂♥️🙏

CarolF1312 profile image

Hi Karen, hope you're feeling a bit brighter this morning. I have days like that too. Thankfully less frequent these days but just one extra health issue however small can tip me over the edge 😭I think its a mixture of Prednisolone and coming to terms with the fact that for a period of time ( hopefully not too long 🤞) we're not quite the person we used to be.

Take care

Galloping profile image

Hi Karen, I’ve been on prednisolone for about eighteen months, beginning with 20mgs and now on 3 mgs. I’ve never felt my mood was altered by taking them so perhaps it is menopausal. If you can see your GP face to face it might be a good idea to have your hormone levels checked. Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks everyone. Still the same today. Got my weekly phone app tomorrow with dr hopefully will be all cried out by then if not will see what she says.

HeronNS profile image

I've been thinking about this post of yours off and on since I read it. Have had episodes in my life like this. I put it down to for some reason our emotions come very near to the surface, and whatever in us which usually works to control them is on holiday somewhere. First time it happened to me was after the birth of my first child. I was not depressed, I simply found I was tearful. Other times there have been reasons for being unhappy, although I venture to say the tearful episodes did NOT conincide with depressive periods, but the tears just came very easily. This pandemic year and health issues seem to have been particularly conducive to tear production. I suspect it may have something to do with stress, releasing of stress. Just go with the flow (pun not intended).

Edit, a few minutes later: Just read this post on Twitter: "Friend: I’m sorry about the lockdown, are you okay?

Me: I’m in the car crying, listening to The Greatest Showman and eating McDonalds.

Friend: Oh no! I’m so sorry.

Me: What? No I’m fine. This is what I do almost every day anyway."

Did mentioned it to gp yesterday on my weekly appointment not that I needed to cause it was obvious. She cant be sure if it the menopause or the steroids cause pred can either make u feel really happy or really low, so this is going to be checked weekly now as well when I get my weekly pred appointment, tears not to bad today so hopefully it just menopause then it will come and go, rather than it being pred making me low. Really appreciated all yr kind words thank you so much

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