I’ve recently started taking prednisone after being diagnosed with PMR. I’ve been feeling very fatigued. Does anybody have any recommendations for a good multi-vitamin that won’t interact with prednisone? I found this nutranize.com/product/predn... . Has anybody tried it?
Multivitamin to alleviate prednisone side effects - PMRGCAuk
Multivitamin to alleviate prednisone side effects

Hello there, can you give a bit more detail about when you were diagnosed and how long you’ve been on Pred and on what doses? It makes a big difference to advice given. My first impression is that this is expensive and some of the claims have a little * saying that they have not been evaluated by the FDA. Autoimmune conditions are complex things and fatigue often comes with them. Whilst an excellent nutrient rich diet is essential, it isn’t a magic bullet to get rid of the downsides and popping a vitamin pill isn’t a quick fix. The fatigue can also depend on your dose level and adrenal function or even if you are not on enough Pred which is why it helps to know your dose.

In general it is fair to say you'd be better spending the cost of any multivitamin on good food. The fatigue is mostly due to the autoimmune part of the illness and possibly though not necessarily the pred - some people think they have wings, some people it flattens. All the vitamins in the world won't really help - a good quality diet with good protein and lots of different coloured veg and a bit of fruit will do you much better. The vitamins and nutrients from food are better utilised by the body than any pills.
Being on pred doesn't cure PMR - it manages the symptoms. The actual disease is still active attacking your body and making you feel as if you have flu - and making your muscles intolerant of exercise. That is what creates the fatigue - and something you have to learn to manage with pacing and resting. Being on pred doesn't mean you can go back to pre-PMR living I'm afraid.
The links here will help explain:
The one vitamin you probably do need is vit D - but almost certainly no others.
I totally agree with PMRPro, why do you need a multi-vitamin? If you have a particular problem such as low vitamin D you take Vitamin D. However in general a good diet is much more effective unless you have been told that you need supplements. A lot of supplements sold are just making money for the suppliers.
I think may be better to pace your exercise and programme in a nap to deal with fatigue
Excellent advice from our PMRpro . I had to readjust my mindset in the beginning . Once I accepted that my body was telling me it needed a rest, and I readjusted my lifestyle accordingly , I was more at ease . Pamper yourself for awhile.