Thank you everyone for your replies and useful information. I’ve kept using the Tylenol with the heating pad but turned up the heat as high as I can stand it on sacral joints and hips and spent more time resting which has really helped. Going for walks is still painful but bearable. I’m going to ask my GP for the stronger Tylenol and also get back on a better diet as I’ve gone way off over the last few months which should help too.
Pain relievers for osteoarthritis: Thank you... - PMRGCAuk
Pain relievers for osteoarthritis

Are you sure it's osteoarthritis? My osteoarthritis seems to be way better since I bit the bullet and began treating a PMR flare! As I'm taking no more pred (7.5) than the amount I took back in the beginning of this journey when the OA discomfort reappeared after tapering initial pred (15) which had relieved all aches and pains, I'm now assuming most of what I've felt the past few months, other than a definite knee injury, has been PMR building up, although I blamed OA.
Not sure! I’m so tired of trying to figure out what pain is caused by what!
The hip pain is just on the left side, sacral pain on both sides. Arthritis in the right knee that predates PMR/GCA
I’ve been stuck at 13 mg since last fall, I lost my good rheumatologist and have been getting pred from my GP. Been afraid to taper ever since! Lots of stress. I don’t want to up pred to see if it helps. Just tired of it all.
I have had my two Pfizer shots last one two weeks ago, and so I can taper now without worrying whether pain is the virus.
I had a really bad right shoulder. I discussed it with my physiotherapist and we agreed it could well be referred pain from my arthritic neck and treated it as such. For the first time my magic physiotherapist was not able to help. What did help was my taking 7 mg more pred than I had been (10 instead of 3) for a few days. I still haven't got below 7.5 although I think(hope) I'm heading in the right direction, but slowly. I still feel some residual discomfort in the shoulder, but it isn't agony and I can do everything I need or want to using that shoulder whereas a few weeks ago I couldn't do up my bra at the back, could hardly turn my neck, and when I began to think about wearing a scarf to bed to keep my neck really warm I finally remembered that that is where I'd been for months back in early 2015! I'd got to the stage where I was just like I'd been before diagnosis and pred, only it took a while for it to dawn on me. I still am a bit astounded at how thick I was! I suppose it was subconscious denial.
The proof was the rapid response to the increase in pred.
HeronNS, have you tried doing up your bra at the front and then turning it around?
Well, yes, obviously! I only do that when I can't do it the other way! To me it's an admission of defeat and a sign of creeping decrepitude. I'm determined to stay as well as I possibly can, and hopefully pop my clogs at a ripe old age but before I'm bedridden and demented.
Oh my goodness! Have been doing it that way since teenage years. Decrepitude must be well and truly advanced by now. 🤭😂
Well, to each his own. 😊 It's not something I ever needed to or thought of doing until I couldn't do things my way. I think it's completely different if it's simply the habit of a lifetime. 😎
To be honest, being able to do that easily suggests you have your fastening too loose! If my bra is fastened where it should be, it is something of a struggle to turn it round!
Yes, probably should get fitted. Presently I can’t wait to get it off when I get home as elastic and anything rubbing my skin causes rashes and itching, so no bra at home. Sometimes I even whip out to the supermarket in a loose top and braless Pretty sure it’s a histamine reaction. I have already eliminated high histamine foods and am not breaking out in hives day and night so just hoping this will eventually go. The rashes go within the half hour - just a nuisance.