Emergency bloods were good, ie.. esr and crp within normal limits ( but then the last two were) gp seems to have accepted I may be among the 20% with no increase! Pred now back to 7.5mgs until I see rheumy in two weeks. Personally I think that's too low because I am now having white flashes in my right eye, and typing is a problem, my legs are now wobbly and I feel feel unwell, so resting as much as possible. Have been taken off Amitriptyline and prescribed Zopiclone because of Atrial Fib and sleep has improved.
Should I be concerned about flashes of white ligh... - PMRGCAuk
Should I be concerned about flashes of white light in my eye?

Have you ever had an Ultrasound Scan, to look for abnormalities in your arteries? My diagnosis was difficult and finally this was the diagnostic tool that worked.I would return to your Opthalmologist. Your dose may not be high enough if you actually have cranial GCA.
Hi SJ thanks for your reply. Yes, my rheumie sent me for an US and nothing showed up, but over the last few weeks my eyesight has deteriorated and reading and jigsaws for distraction have been more difficult. Now typing is difficult. Just read some old replies about flashing lights, so maybe not too much to be concerned about. Good to talk to you again.
Flashing light can be a symptom of retinal vein occlusion.
I was told by my optician/optometrist to go to A&E should such symptoms occur.
I had that before diagnosis for GCA. My bloods and biopsy were fine. However, other serious eye conditions can do this so I’d get on it asap.
I had similar symptoms over Christmas. Also, vertical and horizontal lines bent and wiggled (just in my right eye). The LED screen on my clock at night was black. And stoplights were yellow instead of red. And they cannot seem to get me a correct prescription for eye glasses that works. My Ophthalmologist tells me I have Macular Degeneration at told me to get off steroids as soon as possible. So my Rheumatologist is currently switching my meds to Hydroxychloroquine. I still don’t know if it working for my PMR, but so far, so good. I haven’t had any spikes yet and am currently down to 1mg Prednisone per day.