Hi, I woke this morning with a fairly noticeable bleed into the white of one of my eyes, is this a side effect of large doses of Pred, currently on 30 mg having reduced from 60 over last four weeks? Have PMR andGCA since early ast month.
Bleeding into white of eye.: Hi, I woke this... - PMRGCAuk
Bleeding into white of eye.

Hi Dovelady
I had several experiences with burst blood vessels in my eyes whilst on steroids and one day I awoke with both eyes affected - looked fit for Halloween for a few days. I did get them checked out with both my optician and my ophthalmologist but was told there was no cause for concern. I've been off steroids for about 10 months now, and haven't had a red eye since (I hope I don't regret saying that!)
just to be sure every thing is ok I would go to A&E better to be safe than sorry
Thanks for the very speedy reply, much appreciated, I was unsure about what to do so I guess Keep Calm and Carry on, it does look a bit alarming though. I am seeing my doctor next week so will wait and mention it then.r
Have just phoned my GP and she wil phone back for phone consultation in a bit, better be safe than sorry. Thanks Steph and Celtic.

probably nothing to worry out, although I went into a bt of a panic first time it happened. It's because the steroids thin the skin, blood vessels etc, and why you bruise easily. But best to get it checked, at least it puts your mind at rest! Best wishes, Dorset Lady.
I had the same thing happen to me. Woke up one morning and one of my eyes was filled with blood. I thought at the time that it was a side effect of having had cataract surgery on my eye, and it was never suggested that it was due to taking steroids, but it seems likely it was having read this!
Am learning something new every day!
My doctor did not even realise that the two things were related. Just goes to show you that doctors/nurses need to be more clued up on our condition!
It seems there are so many side effects of the dreaded pred!