Ok need a bit of help and guidance please. I am on weekly Tocilizumab injections and my doctors have just informed me that I have a uti, I remember when the nurse talked me through all the dos and don’ts when having these injections and one of them is you have to stop injections if you need antibiotics, so just wanted a bit more detail on what I need to do. My next injection was due tomorrow and I will collect the antibiotics tomorrow. Should I not have injection tomorrow and just start tablets and when can I start injections again? I have left a messsage on rheumatology answer phone asking someone to ring but not sure when this will be.
Clarification please 😊: Ok need a bit of help and... - PMRGCAuk
Clarification please 😊

I would think they would tell you to leave this week's shot of TCZ - the idea is to let the immune system be less suppressed and that won't happen if you have it early. The usual instruction is to start once the symptoms have all gone - but they might say to wait a bit longer. They will have got back to you by them (maybe )
Unfortunately it wasn’t my normal doctor, who know all about my conditions and medications etc and they notified be via text so was unable to clarify with them. One of the nurses from rheumatology has just rung me and confirmed I stop TCZ until the infection has cleared up. Thank you for your advice DadCue
I started my injections again as soon as my antibiotic course was completed.
No don't have your Injection if you are on antibiotics,i had uti and had to skip mine.They tell you not to take it in some cases i have had to miss two injections.But it's fine just take it when you are better.Good luck.xxx
I had to miss 2 TCZ injections when my neutrophil count went down, but as soon as the next blood test was satisfactory, I was told I could resume my injections, which happened to be on a different day. So now Wednesdays are TCZ days instead of Fridays!
Hope your UTI clears up soon.
I keep the dipsticks at home. Have always found them useful. Xx
I have been thinking about getting some. Where did you get yours from Jackoh?