I had a telephone appointment with my GP this morning and during our conversation the subject of COVID vaccination came up and whereabouts I fitted in the roll out, well apparently as I am on Tocilizumab, Pred and Leflunomide I am now classed as extremely clinically vulnerable, it’s difficult getting my head around that but hey ho it is what it is. Within an hour of her adding me to the ECV list I received a phone call to go up and get my first vaccination this afternoon, so a positive out of a negative. I received the AstraZeneca vaccine. I will let you know if I get any side effects, though having read other posts the second one could be the worse. Only time will tell.
Who Me?: I had a telephone appointment with my GP... - PMRGCAuk
Who Me?

That’s efficient!
That’s great news !
Lucky you...mentioned it to nurse yesterday....I`m on the list she said....same as you ECV, well that`s what our friend Matt Hancock keeps telling us.....
See Tigger was back in his red cupboard again today!
I'm having my first AZ dose on Saturday. Congratulation to the NHS and PHE for the speed of this roll-out and for the Gov's VAccine Task Force for securing doses of the vaccine, and to the MHRA for developing new guidelines to enable rolling review and for working around the clock and doing a thorough review of all of the data. We have so much to be thankful for.
Me too the AZ on Monday...hubby had his 2 weeks ago, again the AZ, he's been fine.

It’s been nice to see the positive information that has come out today about this one. I didn’t seem to have much of a reaction though I did get a headache yesterday evening and I couldn’t get to sleep till 3 even though I was so tired but don’t know if that was related or just one of those things. Hope yours all goes well.
I often can't get to sleep until 2/3 am and sometimes don't sleep all night. Could be age related or du to the Prednisone.
Had my Oxford one yesterday - achy arm and slight headache after 13 hours - took Paracetamol just left with a bruised arm that I only know about if I touch it. All good.
I had the Oxford one as well and it’s been good to see the positive information that has come out today. I did have a headache after and for some reason I could not get to sleep till 3 this morning even though I was really tired but apart from that all good from the vaccine point of view. Good to hear you’ve had yours done as well.
Funny about the headache - I felt really good on the day of vaccination my head was the clearest it had been for years and got better as the day went on. When I went to bed the head got fuzzy so took paracetomol. Managed two hours sleep then fuzzy head woke me up - palpitations and pulse of 101. Never really went back and too soon to take more paracetomol.
When I did get up the headache went!
All day no headache. Bedtime arrives - not long after lying down it started again - couldn’t sleep because of it. This morning up and about can feel it lifting without taking anything!
So for me it doesn’t like me lying down. I will mention it to the nurse when she comes to the house to give hubby his. Just interested if anyone else has experienced the same.
That is very strange but I can imagine, like me, we have so many weird and wonderful symptoms happening that it is always difficult to know which or what has caused it. My doctor is really used to me starting the conversation with ‘got another strange thing going on’ 🤣
I am so happy for you! I am a little envious, because I live in the states and our roll out of the vaccine is so messed up. In the state I live in, they have not yet vaccinated all the health care workers who are in the first tier. Now they are starting to vaccinate the people who are age 65+, teachers, then law enforcement, then prisoners, etc. I have heard nothing for us who have under lying conditions that make us more susceptical to Covid. There are not enough doses to go around. I think I'll be lucky to get my vaccine by the summer. Crazy!!!
But like I said, I am so happy that you got your shot!!!!!