Can I ask you wonderful people your thoughts/advice about slow tapering please before I speak to my GP next week. Had a flare and been on 10mg of pred for 2 months. Started tapering as in Kate Gilberts book ie 10mg for 6 days, 9 mg for 1 day, then next week 10mgs for 5 days and 9 for 2 days until down to 9mg for 7 days which will happen next week.
Do I stay on 9mg for a couple of weeks and then start to taper to 8 or do I stay for a month at 9 and then taper to 8? Would value the excellent advice of this forum which often answers questions before Ive asked them! It would be interesting to hear if anyone has experience of this method of slow tapering. I feel I was encouraged to taper steroids too quickly last time around and had a couple of flares but the last one was pretty bad. Now have osteopenia and been placed on risedronate as AAcid gave me more joint pain. Have some aches since starting the risedronate so its difficult to know if its the taper or the risedronate. I'm an active person and reading posts i realise i have to learn to rest! Apologies for long post I think I'm only coming to terms with this 14 months after diagnosis as honestly thought after reading the NHS advice on PMR that I would recover quickly and easily. Whilst here can I wish you all a wonderful xmas and hope 2021 brings happiness and better health.
Also thank you to the Dorset Ladies who i mistakenly privately messaged this post, couldn't manage to do as you advised so rewrote post! Trish