Does taking prednisolone predispose to uti and make treating an infection difficult. I took a course of keflex and infection cleared or so I thought but it's back again a week later. I am abroad at present and have a supply of keflex so can take another course. Has anyone had similar problems. Currently on 3mg of pred started on 15mg 20 months ago. Thanks for reading.
Prednisolone and uti: Does taking prednisolone... - PMRGCAuk
Prednisolone and uti

I’m sure the Pros will have good advice: I haven’t found this but a friend who is susceptible to UTIs hasn’t had one since she was told to drink more coffee( for other reasons ). Enjoy your stay .
I’ve had issues with my Kidneys & last year a month never went by without antibiotics 😳 drink as much water as you can. I did have a 3month Course of AntiB’s as well, my Bloods now show my Kidney Function has improved but l still get bouts of pain & am scheduled to have a different type of scan at some point.
Remember sometimes it’s easy to blame the Pred for everything & it may not be connected at all, speak to your GP when you get home.
Best Wishes
Adcal gave me the symptoms of cystitis and when my doctor took me off it, the symptoms went away. Poor you, it really used to get me down. No infection showed up though. Perhaps yours is reoccurring because your immunity is compromised?
Thanks fo the reply. That's what I wondered. Whatever it is it's miserable.☹
Same as SheffieldJane for me. I was ok on Adcal for over 2 years but suddenly started getting cystitis symptoms. They cleared if I stopped Adcal for a few days so I was pretty sure it was responsible, having read about other people having this issue on here. Spoke to my GP last week and he’s taken me off it now. You’re right, it’s miserable.

PMR and pred can both predispose you to irritable bladder problems - and it isn't unusual for the bacteria to "hide" in the bladder wall. A lot of people swear by d-mannose to flush the bacteria out. And of course - keflex may not be the right antibiotic for the bacterium concerned - it might weaken the bugs enough to reduce the symptoms but enough are left to grown fast enough to cause problems again. You really need a urine culture to find out but obviously that isn't an easy option if you are away from home. But most pharmacies would have d-mannose so you could maybe try that:
Was the urine cultured and the organism found to be sensitive to Keflex?
No I'm abroad at the moment and took the keflex I had with me hoping it would do the trick. Which it appeared to have done. But about five days after stopping it I got uti symptoms again.
It might be that this organism has only partial sensitivity to Keflex, in that it kills off some but the strongest survive, only to build up again. A culture would be handy, especially if you’ve had courses before. There is also the situation that has gathered more attention in recent years, when bacteria hide in a biofilm. This is a slimy layer eg on the bladder wall in which organisms hide, relatively protected from antibiotics. I gather the treatments for this are directed at breaking down the matrix of this substance but I don’t know much about it.
I'm just getting over a urinary tract infection, something I haven't suffered with for yrs and yrs. I finish the antibiotics today. One day of feeling pressure and it went, but still showed up in urine sample...maybe Pred does predispose us to it.