Got on the scales to discover that I have put on over a stone so time to embrace a low carb / low sugar diet I think! Have also bought a Fitbit so it will be interesting to track my sleep patterns. Also, last ‘visit’ to rheumatologist did not go well. I got a text a few days ago to say that it would be a telephone consultation again as a number of the team are shielding which means I have not actually seen anyone since late December. And, apparently the lab failed to test my cpr levels on last lot of blood taken so there was not much she could say / advise. Lovely woman is however working through her lunches to try and get through the list so will try and fit me in in the next 4 / 6 weeks. I know that there are people who feel worse than me but I really feel that I would like to see someone - am conscious that my left side is weaker than my right but would like an assessment. Having said last time not to go down to 2 mg without seeing someone she now said go ahead so not sure what to do. Could try it I suppose? Also - another symptom of adrenal insufficiency is waking up tired .
Not a great few days: Got on the scales to... - PMRGCAuk
Not a great few days

Hello. It’s never too late to go low carb and you’ll reduce the risk of diabetes either developing or getting worse. Although I was low carb from the start and weight was not an issue, at your low doses I still needed it to keep on the level.
Blood tests are not the be all and end all and really, symptoms rule. How do you feel in terms of pain and stiffness?
Re the muscles, have you become deconditioned? I lost a lot of muscle bull and my upper body was utterly feeble and the none dominant side seemed even more so. People do tend to have one arm stronger than the other. You could speak to your general doc but beforehand take notes on how it is weaker, as in what movements. Also, look at differences in colour of the skin, nails, any swelling off the hand, temperature. Do the pulse feel appreciably different. If you have a bp machine, do three readings on each side and see if they are very different.
Re the adrenals, one thing I noticed was after being a morning lark all my life I could no longer wake up in the mornings. Everything felt like a huge effort and I was very emotional, especially late afternoon. I had to take it very easy for months until these feeling subsided. I stopped my Pred ultra low salt diet too as sodium deficiency can be a problem with poor adrenal function.
Have a read of this so you know the signs of real trouble.

I wouldn't be in a hurry - Prof Dasgupta keeps patients on 2-3mg for a long time, sometimes indefinitely, as it reduces the incidence of relapses. If she is happy - I would be too.
You could try tai chi, perhaps? There are some excellent free instructional videos on YouTube. Google Ian Sinclair.
Many thanks for google suggestion, was just looking for free tai chi videos.
I'd taken classes a few years ago, but two things happened, the classes ended when the instructor wasn't able to do them any more, and I moved and kind of forgot to keep it up. New Years resolution - do tai chi every day - and I had to relearn the moves. I discovered Ian Sinclair and found the videos really helpful for reminding me how to do the moves and I think they should work even for people who've never taken classes. Like yoga, never do anything which hurts! I like Sinclair because, unlike the prizewinning tai chi experts, his demonstrations are very accessible and doable.
Another thing to look for is "posterior view" videos because then you can just follow along the moves rather than having to remember which is left and which right....