Good afternoon ladies and gents' I hope you are all as well as can be while enjoying the lovely weather.
I wonder if once again some of you might be king enough to throw out a few things for me to think about. I had my appointment yesterday with my rheumy who told me quite some time ago that; a,) Due to a systemic inflammatory problem as yet unidentified,two visits to the Covirad unit,pneumonia and non Hodgkins lymphatic cancer my case apparently isn't an easy one. b,) I now take morphine 24/7 due to crushed T4 and damage to T5-T7. c,) She believes the initial high dose steroid,60mg, caused some damage. Doesn't say what.
She has now put me on 15mg MXT,tests every two weeks etc,Dexa scan on Thursday with the intent of either bringing me off Pred' or running it parallel to MXT.
I have read lots of opinions about this drug and have my own reservations,e,g, if I am being treated for an unknown why change from Pred' to MXT? One set of side effects in exchange for another.(I presently have five with Pred' plus appropriate medication to counteract,)
What will MXT achieve that Pred' doesn't ? I am on 20mg/day with no PMR symptom pains at the moment.I am on 100mg morphine/day so can this hide PMR pain ? I can see my situation is weird but I lack the broad based knowledge to be able to grasp the bigger picture.
All comments would be welcome because within the next day or two I have to decide.Thank you.