I have had oral thrush for a couple of months now, Treated it with Corsodyl mouthwash to no avail. Got Nystan mouthwash off Doc last week and five days later —- no better. Any advice would be appreciated. Doc is calling me later this afternoon.
Thrush in mouth: I have had oral thrush for a... - PMRGCAuk
Thrush in mouth

You may need a lot longer if it is well embedded in your body. The Mayo says 3 to up to 14 days,
I needed oral nystatin to swallow - and that was thrush not due to pred!
Thanks PMRpro. I thought I’d ask him for some Nystatin tablets as well as the mouthwash.
Can you get them again? I needed them for months and it made such a difference. But then they stopped prescribing them - years ago mind!
Yes. I’ve just spoken to the Doc and he has prescribed the Nystatin tablets for me. Get them tomorrow. Hope they work. He said give it 7 days and phone him again if no improvement.

I needed s couple of courses of Nystatin to get rid of mine.
But once gone, never returned.
Hello. Sounds like the duration of treatment wasn’t long enough as PMRPro says. The Corsodyl, if it was a basic Chlorhexidine type, isnt very antifungal. When I had oral thrush and inflammation with chemo, I found that the Corsodyl itself was causing the inflammation to intensify as it was such an irritant.
You just poked my memory!
"This study showed that 200 μM farnesol modulated C. albicans in a dual-species biofilm with S. mutans, but did not exhibit antimicrobial activity against S. mutans. Moreover, it seems that S. mutans provides conditions that support the growth of the yeast form of C. albicans. The mouthwash Corsodyl® reduces S. mutans, but was not effective against C. albicans."
If your thrush is due to C Albicans - Corsodyl won't work ...
Hope this doesn't confuse the debate but having tried Nystatin,which failed,I am now 1 week of 2 inti Fluconazole which does seem to be working.
Seems you might be on to the better option!
Hello, my first venture into replying, rather than reading.
Baking soda (sodium bicardonate) I had a good result. Half teaspoon of baking soda in cup of warm water, swish well and spit.... I may have gone for a bit more soda!
I did changed my tooth brush more often, but not daily as recommended with thrush being fungal.
This post resonates with me .. I have had sore tongue, burning sensation and bitter taste in my mouth for 2 months, the only thing that resolved it is eating 🤦♀️. Dr prescribed nystatin as thought it may be oral thrush as it can be a side effect of Pred. Took it for a week with no improvement so she then prescribed daktsrin gell, tried this for a week, no improvement. In the meantime dr sent me a mouth swob. I heard yesterday that this came back negative but dr sats this can happen if you’ve been on treatment so she has now prescribed a different tablet to try but is also sending me for blood tests to test for B12, thyroid and diabetes. Last night I googled burning tongue as my tongue feels as it does when you’ve eaten soup that’s too hot! I came across lots of information on Burning Mouth Syndrome, it can be related to auto immune illness and the symptoms tally exactly with mine, I’m keeping my fingers crossed it’s not that as it can continue for years and there is no treatment but whatever it is a just want to get rid of it, between that and the blurred vision I’m feeling fed up. Good luck and I hope the latest treatment works .. good advice from others to stick the treatment out for longer than a week.
I had exactly your symptoms too, after lots of courses of Nystatin drops , my GP referred me to the hospital. I have a patch of lichen planus on the inside of my cheek too. He diagnosed burning mouth syndrome too. No treatment , can be stress related. I have it again now, I bought some biotene mouthwash for dry mouth. It helps a little as does chewing sugar free gum. On a follow up appointment the chap I saw then suggested diluting a 1 mg pred tablet and swishing it around my mouth as sometimes it can be really sore. 🙁🙁
Thank you York54 . I will try your advice. It’s awful isn’t it? Im kind of hoping it is oral thrush rather than BMS as there is no cure. good luck, I hope things improve for you
Oh York—- It’s just not fair is it? My tongue feels slightly burnt too!!
The Sugar free chewing gum is great but sadly gives me stomach ache!
Oh no, I hope the fluconazole helps 👍👍👍
Yes. The Fluconazole has cleared 90% of the thrush. My Doc has just prescribed me a second course to hopefully get rid of it completely.
He says that some people need a very small therapeutic dose for a long time If it that does not clear it all.
Thanks So much Phoenix. It’s a bugger isn’t it!! My Doc has changed my meds already after five days from a Nystatin mouth wash to Fluconazole pills for a week. Crossed fingers and I’ll let you know the outcome!
please do, good luck
Thrush cleared 90% after a week of Fluconazole. Been given another weeks supply.
Good news! I’m so pleased that you have had success. I am taking my last fluconazole today but I still have the burning tongue and sour taste in mouth. I’m beginning to think it’s not thrush after all but burning tongue syndrome or acid reflux/GERD. Whatever it is I wish I didn't have it!
Hi Phoenix. Although it is 90% improved, I also still have the foul taste in my mouth, and a very slight white coating on my tongue in the morning when I wake up. I have just started my second week of Fluconazole and am now also using Corsodyl mouthwash as well. I also steep my toothbrush in diluted 6% Hydrogen peroxide Solution after every use.
Have you spoken to your Doc again?
Please check it is not tongue claudication . It is very rare but I had it in the intial stage of pred at 60 mg . I was also taking Folitrax then . We discontinued it and somehow the Claudication settled down . We still do not know Reliably how it got resolved though .......
I really think it’s thrush—-there is no pain or redness on the tongue , just a white coating on it and also on my inner lip which I can wipe off.
Yes I agree that if there is no pain - then it must be thrush....... I remembered how terrible the misdiagnosis for me was ...... and therefore just gave my narrative. If it was claudication there would be intense pain coupled with a whitish reddish coloration on tongue ........ If no pain then obviously it is thrush
Also no doctor was ready to believe it was tongue claudication . The symptoms were severe burning and pain in tongue especially on eating food , severe redness of tongue esp on sides and the mouth as well and the docs kept insisting it was thrush and treating it so with no results.
If it is Thrush ( Candida Albicans ) then ask your doctor to prescribe Mycelex Troches. This works better than Nystatin.
Hi there is a product from Canesten specifically for mouth thrush I’ve found effective.
I use Clotrimazole 10 mg troche. If you have an active infection you suck on one of these five times a day for either a week or 10 days I can't remember, and they're actually quite tasty. I have to take it prophylactically to keep me from getting thrush because I get it so easily.