I'm starting with a new NHS rheumatologist, saw her for the first visit last week.
On the same day I saw a new gerontologist, an 'Elderly Medicine' specialist.
Both questioned the PMR diagnosis I was given five years ago.
My recent bloods are nearly all "in range".
The initially raised inflammatory markers went down to normal as I began 5-weekly depo-medrone injections in 2020. With increasing mgs of prednisolone from March 2021 the markers have stayed normal. And my latest blood sugar test is now down to 'normal' too.
Yet I have stiffness, aches and pains, weakness, horrrid itchiness across various body parts at different times, very poor digestion, increasing incidence of blood bruises of various colours continually on left lower leg and now right forearm, and extreme fatigue and brain fog on more days for hours at a time. My left ribs hurt, and I've been experiencing painful, tight, rolling muscle spasms under the lowest left rib every day for over a year, getting worse.
The new Rheumy wonders if I might have fibromyalgia. Her recent blood test for rheumatoid arthritis is normal (I was recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis).
She wants me on methotrexate soon as I must get the preds dose down from current 11 to 8.....
Any thoughts from anyone? is it possible I no longer have PMR or was mis-diagnosed back in 2019?