Lockdown benefits: Yes, there are some!! Ive... - PMRGCAuk


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Lockdown benefits

Fergyfish profile image
65 Replies

Yes, there are some!!

Ive finally got my head round what pacing really means ..... Im not working, getting out of bed rather late, pottering round the house doing what I feel like when I feel like it, having a walk once a day but somewhere very quiet and making sure I touch nothing whilst out, cooking everything from scratch and eating well. And guess what....Im feeling much better!!!

So whilst I THOUGHT I was pacing before....I now realise I was making a hash of it!

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Fergyfish profile image
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65 Replies
PMRpro profile image

I'm sleeping better than for ages - no-one in the building getting up for work at stupid o'clock (the first is soon after 4am). Even the neighbour's dogs don't want to be walked at 5am as usual ...

Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to PMRpro

Very glad to hear it...sleep helps everything. ,☺️

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to PMRpro

That’s a point. Dogs are barking less, they must have been lonely.

Yellowbluebell profile image

We have all been there even without the present situation, where we think we have slowed down and are resting when in reality we have just been trying to convince ourselves we have. Enjoy your pacingxx YBB

Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to Yellowbluebell

Yes, or slowing a bit...but nowhere near enough!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Fergyfish

I dont have an inbetween mode to switch over to but luckily when not at work can happily sit and quilt which makes me slow down whether I want to or not!!xx YBB

Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to Yellowbluebell

Not being able to go to work just now has made a huge difference, despite being part time.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Yellowbluebell

What a lovely hobby to have, so meditative.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to SheffieldJane

I love designing and making quilts and have always at least one on the gox

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Yellowbluebell

Send me one please!!😂

in reply to Constance13

You need something on you when whizzing on you speed machine. 👍

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to

But a "quilt"!!!!???

in reply to Constance13


in reply to Yellowbluebell

I wanted to ask what gox meant then 🤪

Mellow-Yellow profile image

I find I’m as languid as a teenager...no urgency to do anything..reading in the afternoon as it’s too hot for me to garden..walking dogs early morning has me wandering round our little wood taking time to sit on a tree stump and admire violets and primroses,listen to the birds,admire two recently born calves,and just genuinely appreciate what a peaceful haven I am lucky enough to live in.My house is a mess and I don’t really care.😊


Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to Mellow-Yellow

That sounds very mellow indeed. ....

And I for one hope many of us can hold onto some of this once we're released from lockdown...

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to Fergyfish

Yes, my son said yesterday, many people will choose now to work from home, rather than rush about on tubes, trains and traffic....we`ll see...

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Longtimer

I think there will be a lot of changes - probably for the better.

Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to PMRpro

Fingers crossed!!

But I do need some company again!!

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to PMRpro

For only a time I fear!

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

Hope so....

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Mellow-Yellow

When I had to tell my cleaner that I would have to put her on a forced leave I (and her) were very upset. Being 80 years old with very debilitating arthritis I was VERY worried about housework. At first I tried to do everything she did - and was really surprised at what I could still do - I thought!! Reality stepped in very quickly.😏

When I was bedridden for two days I thought "how ridiculous - dust/dirt or health"?? Now I do what I must and the cleaning will be done after lockdown.

I'm not good at doing inactive things so I do get "itchy feet". Sewing, knitting, other hobbies are difficult. I spend too much time reading and using my ipad.

SheffieldJane profile image

My aches and pains are far less. Maybe finally PMR is getting the stress-free rest it demands.

carolBF profile image

I made a coffee yesterday and realised I was taking my time making it instead of thinking have I got time to make this, this was a eye opener because I didn’t realise I was rushing from one job to the next with out a breath, trying to fit 10 jobs in a hour, even gardening is so enjoyable.

My pmr is also much less painful even though I am down to 6.5mg now.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to carolBF

Things can be left to an seemingly endless path of free days, starting tomorrow. This is the first time in my adult life that I have felt this.

Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to SheffieldJane

I know what you mean... but must admit the endlessness also scares me somewhat..... Knowing there are things around the house which I could get on with keeps me going ...even if I dont do them. So i may come out of lockdown still with a list of things which need doing and cross with myself for not having done them!!

Meanwhile, less pain and fatigue is good ...

York54 profile image

We are retired and yet this lockdown has slowed us right down,

We do lead busy social lives, which I do miss, but this slow pace is so soothing. I even started a jigsaw yesterday and got an old cross stitch kit out from years ago that I never got around to.😄😄😄🌈🌈

Longtimer profile image

It is so quiet, my OH hates noise, but is sitting in the garden so much now...just listening to the birds, and watching them go in the birdbox......no planes "practising". either...lovely.......it must be wonderful for those living near airports...

Mellow-Yellow profile image

Yes I agree ...this experience just emphasises on what really is most important in day to day living and the joys of nature are just so therapeutic..😊

Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to Mellow-Yellow

Which I why I fervently hope people stick to the rules, and we dont get a stricter lockdown which stops all people being able to walk outside. For those in flats etc its just so important....

Mellow-Yellow profile image
Mellow-Yellow in reply to Fergyfish

I absolutely agree it really is vital to stick to the rules..it just doesn’t make sense to me why you wouldn’t ..the stakes are too high..on many levels.Being cooped up indefinitely in a high rise flat with children is unthinkable.

in reply to Mellow-Yellow

Some are going to parks and playing football and cricket.... We were talking the other day about greater Manchester police getting over 1,000 calls over the weekend before last about people gathering. 494 garden parties, some with djs and bouncy castles, were broken up. 166 "street parties" stopped. 🤦‍♀️

Suet3942 profile image

Yes I’m with you . This is the first time that I’ve reduced my pred and not been in pain for a while. Is it because I’m resting more and not going line dancing and working in a charity shop. Perhaps, a lesson to be learnt.

My position is the opposite. Having retired early on ill health years ago, I usually have a great routine only interrupted by blips in my overall health issues. After 4, almost 5 weeks of not being able to walk outside 3 times a week my body has gone into full blow flare. My mind doesn't mind being at home, though I can't say it's been without stress for several weeks now. So it's more pred and even more gentle stretches for a week to see what happens..😳

Jackoh profile image
Jackoh in reply to

Sorry to hear this Poopadoopy. 😘

in reply to Jackoh

Thanks. 😘🤦‍♀️

Jackoh profile image
Jackoh in reply to

I know at one time you were driving out just a little way to be on your own for a short walk with the dog. Are you not able to do this at all now Poopadoopy.? Excuse this if it’s a stupid question! Xx

Had sent this to myself!! Now redirected to you Poopadoopy

in reply to Jackoh

No total social isolation. I have had to shimmy into the yard when no one in but no. The car hasn't moved since day minus4...x

Jackoh profile image
Jackoh in reply to


Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to

I hope it improves soon for you...be kind to yourself!

in reply to Fergyfish

I am trying...we all have a little whoopsy every so often...that a flare not anything else. 🤦‍♀️

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to

I know that feeling, with facet joint Arthritis now diagnosed, have mostly been in since January.....now lowering, have hit big fatigue....

Should now do my stretches.....just can't face it, but know I must....in it together.....

in reply to Longtimer

Yes keep those stretches going. It does stiffen up quickly with OA and facet joint issues. It does cascade if you aren't careful. Make sure you do some nice gentle ones today. 🌻😊

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to

Now going to....have to do them on blanket on the floor...hardest part getting down and up again.....I have vertigo for a while when lying down, then when getting up, like a drunk I imagine!......doesn't work on the bed too soft.....

in reply to Longtimer

I would be struggling getting off the floor! Well done in advance. 🌻

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Longtimer

You couldn't get a board to lay on the bed?

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

Good idea, will get my surfboard out and try that first.😉.....but seriously will get OH to look in the garage....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Longtimer

The handle bit on a surfboard will stick in your back ;)

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

Quite right, silly me....

in reply to Longtimer

As pmrpro says try a board. I have an 8mm bit of plywood across or along my bed under the quilt for a harder surface. It's only about just over 3ft by 2 ft and is light but strong. It's supposed to be for doing out the floor and lower false walls in the bathroom. But I stole one to lay on the bed for stretching on bad days.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to

Good idea.....

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

So sorry Poopadoopy. Some routines are essential.

in reply to SheffieldJane

Indeed. I was expecting it to go full blown as well as the other things that aren't helped by inactivity........though my kitchen has never been so clean....including all the food in the house!

Jackoh profile image

Yes I think mostly all of us have had to redefine what we were doing before and have gone from what we thought was pacing to real pacing!!

Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to Jackoh


Not sure how unfit Im going to be...but that can be addressed more later.

I am climbing the stairs twice for every once I need to go upstairs ...and banned myself from the downstairs loo routinely!! 😂

in reply to Fergyfish

This fitband I now have doesn't count the stairs via elevation like the last one did. I got to a few thousand feet high on the medal with that going up stairs. 🥵

Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to

Ive lost mine....and think itll only upset me if I find it...so im not looking!!

in reply to Fergyfish

It is depressing reading at the moment.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Fergyfish

I know how unfit I have become - I did the stairs down to the bio-bin and back, I live on the 2nd floor. Hmmmmmmm. But I haven't been able to do stairs since just after New Year because of achilles tendon problems.

Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to PMRpro

All we can do is our best in our own circumstances and you keep your brain very fit!!

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to PMRpro

Big improvement then! Stairs every day from now on.😂 Same as me - I start tomorrow!!🤪

Denis61 profile image

I’m happy for you!

Take it easy and keep safe.

Skysey profile image

Hi Fergyfish. I am glad the pacing is now going well and you are eating and sleeping better. I have been in lockdown and have not been out for 4 weeks. Although I think I am pacing myself, I always find jobs to do in the house! Normally, I don’t find it easy to sit and relax but I am beginning to have rests in the late afternoon before dinner.

I had two useful telephone consultations with my neurologist and neuroopthalmologist last week. I had a flare of my GCA a day later. I had flashes of wiggly bright lights in the outer part of my visual field in both eyes. They think it may have been an aura from a migraine. I didn’t have a headache. Since then I have had these flashes on and off each day. This scares me. I researched it on the internet and it mentions vitreous gel in your eyes drying up and causing pulling/tear on the retina. I mentioned this to my eye Consultant and he said no as I would have had other visual disturbances such as dark floaters etc. Have you or anyone with GCA experienced these symptoms?

On the positive side, it has been wonderful to hear the birds in the morning and less car noise and less pollution since the lockdown. I think this current situation will change the way we live our lives in the future.

Fergyfish profile image
Fergyfish in reply to Skysey

I dont have GCA, so cant help with that Im afraid..

Hopefully someone else with experience will see this and reply.

Glad to hear you too are finding benefits of lockdown ...theres often a silver lining to be found.

Skysey profile image
Skysey in reply to Fergyfish

Thanks for your reply Fergyfish.

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