I got this in an email to ilkley@pmrgcauk.org.uk. Its from Active Leeds and medippibr. I hope you all find it useful.
Dear all,
We have been passed the following information by Leeds Active which we thought may be of interest to you or your friends and family. It outlines some of the ways you can keep active and well during this challenging time.
Good afternoon,
Hope you, your colleagues and your family are well.
During these uncertain times the Health Programmes team at Active Leeds are aiming to ensure that you, your colleagues and service users still have the opportunity to take part in physically activity. Currently, physical activity, might not be priority so if we can provide support for anything else please feel free to get in touch with us and we will endeavour to help.
Our Health and Wellbeing Coaches have been working and developing video content to help older adults to stay active, the following link will take you to the ‘Active Leeds Health at Home’ page. The page will provide information on remaining active and health and wellbeing – with a list of services that might provide support during this time: active.leeds.gov.uk/healthy...
The following link takes you directly to the Active Leeds YouTube channel where we have uploaded video content for older adults to follow at home: youtube.com/playlist?list=P... . If you are working with other population groups the Active Leeds page and other useful links (below) should provide further support.
On the video list we have Tai Chi, Deskercise – stretching exercises (useful for those working from home), Introduction to Pilates and Chair Based exercises. Please keep an eye on this channel as we will be regularly uploading more videos (on a daily and weekly basis.)
Useful Links:
Sport England: sportengland.org/stayinworkout
Yorkshire Sport Foundation: yorkshiresport.org/get-acti...
We Are Undefeatable: weareundefeatable.co.uk/
Leeds Girl Can: active.leeds.gov.uk/leedsgi...
Mind Mental Health & Coronavirus – a page with information, guidance, support and activity recommendations
Mental Health Foundation’s Coronavirus page
Anxiety UK blog offering support during Coronavirus
5 ways to get moving and feel better
What are mental health problems?
How to relax | 8 relaxation tips for your mental health
How to manage your mood with food | 8 tips
Parenting with a mental health problem | Talking about mental health - Episode 14
Coping as a carer | Talking about mental health - Episode 12
Feeling Suicidal | Mental Health Talk
Mind Mental Health website – phone line if in urgent need or need to talk to someone
Samaritans Wednesday Wisdom is an ongoing series of videos offering listening tips and a series of videos and stories about ‘what it is like to call us?’
Thank you and please feel free to share this with any of your contacts.