Isolation question: caregiver who works outside t... - PMRGCAuk


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Isolation question: caregiver who works outside the home

Mstiles profile image
24 Replies

Should this be on a special thread?

I live in California, am 77 with PMRGCA, no other illnesses, currently on 9.5 mg pred. My son lives with me and does shopping and errands. He works for a janitorial company cleaning two joffices which are still open. We need the income. I have a very small social security check. His employers have given him no extra guidance about the virus. He’s worried about picking up the virus from his jobs and bringing it to me. We’re taking the recommended precautions but

he worries every day. He struggles with anxiety and some PTSD anyway without all this. Is it a big risk for him to continue at these jobs?

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Mstiles profile image
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24 Replies
Rose54 profile image


My Son lives with me and is in the catering industry

he's worried about the same thing.

We have plans in place if one of us falls ill that thay will self isolate in thier bedroom .

For now he is making sure he washes hands when leaving work come straight home shower and change has a bag to put his dirty washing in .

Work bag and personal stuff he will keep in his room and do his own washing He will also wipe all door handles light switch's and pull cords he touches .

Separate towels but as we have only one bathroom and toilet we have to share .

Take Care

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to Rose54

Very helpful, thank you.

Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to Mstiles

Wipe phones TV controls and computers

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to Rose54

Been doing that. How often do you need to?

in reply to Mstiles

I hotels I put remotes inside a plastic bag but don't think that helps you. Perhaps he needs surgical....if he is in the house after washing his hands or you wear them. I sanitise the gloves if I am out so no probs doing that indoors. It's sounding really complicated isn't it. As long as you both wash hands and try not to touch your faces and don't cough or sneeze on each other then you have to have a life too.

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to

I know, our apartment is so small it’s difficult. Doing what we can without becoming totally paranoid.

in reply to Mstiles

Exactly. As long as he tried to be careful outside and doesn't bring that inside then that's it really isn't it. Apart from one of you staying in your bedroom!?

Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to Mstiles

I do morning after he has gone to work


and my Son does evening before he goes to bed

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to Rose54

You rotate staying in your bedrooms?

Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to Mstiles

No not at present

When he is home he keeps his distance but we share the same lounge and bathroom we both clean bathroom after we use it.

If either of us had symptoms that person would then be isolated in thier bedroom only coming down to use bathroom making sure thay cleaned anything thay touched .

My Son will be home a lot as he will only be working 4 days a week from next week .

He is doing all he can to stay safe as it will help to keep me safe

I think as long as he treats himself and his clothes like he has been cleaning hazardous waste and cleans everything he touches, has a shower etc like scats says, there's nothing much you can do. Just stay as far away from each other as possible.

Yellowbluebell profile image

Yes it really should be on the covid thread. I will turn off replies on here. YBB

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to Yellowbluebell

I can’t seem to find the thread? Using an iPhone

in reply to Mstiles

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to

Thank you

in reply to Mstiles

It's ok. The daily diary chat is available via the pinned posts. You have to open any post and scroll down to pinned posts on phones. On desktop/laptop I think you can see it to the right if the screen. But I don't know I don't have one!!🌻

PMRpro profile image

Are people in the office when he is working or is it after hours?

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to PMRpro

There are still people working

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Mstiles

High level of social distancing - provision of masks and gloves and aprons at the very least. Be really scrupulous about hand washing before leaving work - too much to hope there is a shower? Leave all protective aprons and gloves at work having washed the gloves if they aren't disposable. And shower as soon as he gets in while you have a cleaning cloth to wipe the lift buttons/door bell/door handles. Can't think of anything else.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

Yes agree, leave work clothes at work and wear protective things as you say , changing into travel clothes which he then changes straight away in his room and showers.

Like my daughter , who has a cold at the moment , he could choose to take extra precautions by using his own cutlery , cups etc at work , and having ones set aside at home that he washes himself.

Also , he needs to do his own washing and cleaning off things like the sink , toilet after use.

Good thing for him personally would also be making sure he knows exactly what is helpful so he can feel less worried and it won't affect his own Health as much either.

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to Blearyeyed

Thanks Bea

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to PMRpro

Thank you, no shower at work, have been doing most of this but didn’t realize clothes too.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Mstiles

Probably OK but is extra security to help him too.

HeronNS profile image

There may be some relevant pointers on this page:

and this:

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