Roses are Red , Violets are Blue , Here are some Rules to make life better for You!
With lots of Enduring Love , hugs, and germ free kisses for all my Faraway Friends Auntie Bee xxx
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS of SELF LOVE ( 99% guaranteed to ease the Pain)
1. Thou shalt become your Best Friend and not your Worst Enemy.
2. Thou Shalt stop being all things to all people.
3. Thou shalt learn to say , " No!" . If possible politely but sometimes in a big , shouty , ' Nooooo!' voice.
4. Thou shalt leave things undone that otherwise would have been done . Spiders are perfect companions if you take the time to get to know them!
5. Thou shalt not compare yourself to others and learn to celebrate being occasionally boring , untidy , inelegant , downright slovenly , wobbly , forgetful and all your other wonderfully Perfect Imperfections .
6. Thou shalt stop judging yourself , unless it is to give yourself First Prize for Surviving another Chronic Day.
7. Thou shalt learn to plan a little ' Me Time ' into every day , and stand up for your right to enjoy your own company ( with a club if necessary!) .
8. Thou shalt learn that Doing Nothing is an Art and not a Sin.
9. Thou shalt learn to throw all those creeping negative emotions in the Mood recycling Bin and repurpose them into positive feelings ( or a crochet pot holder ) instead.
10. Thou shalt learn to Belly Laugh instead of beating yourself up at least once a day for forgetting to follow all the good advice you are given , including these Ten Commandments!
Here ends the Commandments of Self Love according to Aunty Bee!
Give yourself a little Love today and everyday Forum Folks
And give a pat on the back to your Carers too.
Absolutely huge but pathetically weak hugs to All
Auntie " couldn't get into her Cupid costume " Blearyeyed xxxxx π