this is what they look like and no they are not itchy just unsightly, any cures gratefully accepted - am trying Doublebase (UK) cream at the momtent
Pres spots on arm? Pics attached: this is what they... - PMRGCAuk
Pres spots on arm? Pics attached

Par for the course I’m afraid - you’re doing the right thing using Doublebase cream. You could also try their bath lotion - sparingly - ordinary soap can be very drying.
Also consider your clothes detergent/conditioner and go for the mild / non-perfumed varieties.

Petechiae I'd say. I get the scrape looking effect at times - wake in the morning and assume I must have caught my arm on the bedside table overnight or scratched myself!
I get purpura all the time. They can look like I have been fighting with a wild animal! I tend to get them on my arms and hands. They last about a couple of weeks then fade away. I just ignore them or count them for a cheap thrill to see how many I have. They don’t hurt.
When you go out you can use BBcream to cover them and it doesn’t come off on your clothes
Covered in them, arms and legs , I have both the Petechiae and the Purpura. Currently look like I’ve been carelessly pruning the roses and I’m only on 8mg.💐
Try this from Amazon
I had an arm full after a long hard day in the garden; applied the cream twice a day for a few weeks and the spots were gone as if by magic!
Exactly like me. Never know where they’ll pop up. Usually lower arms. Some times on shins. Last about 3 weeks, then new ones. When I was on methotrexate they were big ( inch or more). Sorry, goes with the territory. My best.
I also a covered with both. Mine sometimes are large and unsightly. Prednisone thins the skin sand we bruise easily. I have GCA and am down to 20 mg. I think the bruising is worse than ever. Mine sometimes bleed.
I started on 40 mg pred & am now almost ( fingers crossed) at 7 1/2, I still get these red marks on my kegs & arms, but much less now at lower doses.
"Senile purpura causes ecchymoses and results from increased vessel fragility due to connective tissue damage to the dermis caused by chronic sun exposure, aging, and drugs. Purpura refers to purplish cutaneous or mucosal lesions caused by hemorrhage." from Merck Manual. Dislike the name because it uses the word senile. But, it goes along with what men, who made these terms, decided that at age 50 and one gets GCA, we are elderly or a woman giving birth to her 1st child after 35, is an elderly primipara.
I had many of these bruises, when I was on steroids. And just brushing against something would cause the skin to tear and bleed. I spent a lot of time in the sun when younger. And only this year, did I cover my arms while gardening. Seems the very thin skin still lasts since off steroids. But, it doesn't tear so easily.
Protect your skin as best you can from bumps and scrapes. And have a wonderful holiday. Know you are loved and supported from more than you can see and touch.
Yep I suffer from this as well.......too much sun......slightest wee knock and WOSH....and huge red dot......strange thing tho, I got a knock on my lower arm while I was in Spain and it only took about 4 days to go. I think it's because your veins are more open. Btw it's only on my lower forearms. But if Im digging out cupboards etc etc I use arm shields.
I also use arnica but I'm not sure if it's the rubbing or the arnica....hmmmm