Itchy rash more: Folliculitis continues - wash fom... - PMRGCAuk


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Itchy rash more

Daffodilia profile image
35 Replies

Folliculitis continues - wash fom Doctor doesn’t clear aloe vera savlon hydrocortisone Aveeno don’t work - using ice packs at night and will try oatmeal bath tonight - any ideas please?

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Daffodilia profile image
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35 Replies
SnazzyD profile image

Hello, you must be getting a bit weary of this! Have you tried Tea Tree cream, one that is a medicinal type (not neat essential oil) rather than a cosmetic type? Presumably you’ve been given an antifungal at some point. Sometimes though with skin eruptions I’ve found that after having thrown the kitchen sink at it, the skin’s natural defensive organisms have packed their bags and left long ago leaving the cook behind to defend the castle. Whatever treatment is put on upsets the balance and other opportunists move in. A period of nothing with cotton placed between any opposing surfaces will restore things but it can take time. The trouble with that is the uncertainty and discomfort during this wait.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to SnazzyD

Ok, having just read your previous posts which I should have done first, I see you’ve tried Tea Tree. Does the hydrocortisone work at all? Is that the strongest topical steroid you’ve used? Also, what is your lower leg circulation like, are there any veins about or puffy feet?

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to SnazzyD

No puffy feet but a varicose vein on my ankle which has been leaking for a couple of years. Hydrocortisone doesn't do anything although it is cold which I think helps a bit. Tea Tree didn't work.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to SnazzyD

Hi I know what you mean about nature restoring things but I am desperate for some relief at night at the moment. Tea Tree didn't work this time.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to Daffodilia

Indeed, it is easy for me to say. My concern is that if you are applying an inflammation suppressing med like Hydrocortisone and there is an underlying bacterial or fungal infection it’ll allow that infection to keep going unchecked. As Blearyeyed suggested, an antibacterial needs to be applied as well or when infection is ruled out. Have you ever had a circulation assessment? Poor circulation can give rise to skin complaints. If the GP thinks they have done everything they can, perhaps they need to consider a dermatological referral or do a swab if there are any weepy bits.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to SnazzyD

Have Betvonate now - some relief yesterday

Blearyeyed profile image

Sorry I missed the original posts on this.

How long have you had it ?

Has it spread or become deep or ulcerated?

Have you been given Fucidin Cream prior to Hydrocortisone?

Folliculitis can take a very long time to clear , actually most dermatology conditions can take months to go entirely if you have reduced immunity and steroids can make your skin weaker which makes healing slow.

Have you had wound / lesion protocol advice and been told to remove all sugar and yeast products from your diet?

Let me know some more details if you are happy to then I might be able to give you some more tips.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to Blearyeyed

Thanks I will try diet ideas - how do you give up all sugar? Yeast must mean yogurt which I eat every day.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Daffodilia

Oddly no it doesn't , and the probiotics are helpful in rebalancing your system which can be part of the cause of dermatology breakouts like Foliculitis , if it wasn't just stimulus from an environmental reaction.

It does include things like yeast in breads , Marmite , Mushrooms and actually rice , peanuts and coffee and certain cheeses which can have types of moulds .

Giving up high sugar content foods as well at least for a month does also help but you can have some fruits after a few weeks , be careful of hidden sugars and yeasts though too in things like tomatoes and tomatoes puree , corn , peas , flavourings and processed soups and gravies.

Wheat free also helped me .

Did they try you on Fucidin cream ?

It's usually the first line ointment for Follicle issues.

Otherwise , you are actually better just keeping it away from most soaps and creams .

Keep it dry and allow it to be in the air regularly . Just use water to wash it .

Use a zinc / magnesium cream like Epaderm on the area around the rash to keep it healthy and mousturised and only put the medicated cream or ointment on the rash ( and an area about. Half an inch around the infected area to stop it spreading , certain types of Folliculitis can spread easily.

If you are going to go in the shower or even swimming , clean with water , dry well by gently patting then in the air and then put a film of vaseline on it to keep it waterproof .

This can work to help healing with small cuts and bites too.

The vaseline can also help if you have to wear something tight over it , but it is better to wear looser , cotton clothes that have had an extra water rinse after washing to remove detergents and have had no fabric conditioner added.

The most important thing is to stop it spreading and reduce itching , you can do this by gently rub itching skin near it not the infected skin or putting a cold pack on it for about 10 minutes. The rash can last for months after it stops being infected or contagious though and it's best not to use any products on it until completely cleared as they can trigger it again.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to Blearyeyed

Thanks for so much detail - doing some of it - have Betnovate from Doctor - gave some relief yesterday

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Daffodilia

Yeast is used in baked goods - not in yoghurt, that is made using a culture of specific bacteria that sours the milk. Yeast is used in making kefir - but not yoghurt.

Giving up all sugar is bascially the same as a low carb diet since simple carbs turn to sugar in the body.

When I first had PMR I had a persistent rash that would become infected - nothing to do with being on pred as I wasn't on it at the time. Eventually I worked out that it was due to eating wheat - not gluten, I can eat other grains and also spelt and kamut which are both wheats. It is something in the structure of modern commercialised wheat starch. No wheat - no itch.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to PMRpro

Thanks for info

Mary63 profile image

In my job as nurse specialist in food intolerance I see a lot of people with folliculitis, itch, rash and eczema. If you would like to please send me a PM and I will try to help you more.


Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to Mary63

Dear Mary I started with a similar rash on my foot which I cleared with diluted tea tree oil. Something similar started on my leg and I tried tea tree oil for 10 days. Saw the doctor who said it was folliculitis. I have been using the decontamination wash he gave me for 10 days with no improvement. In fact the rash has spread to my arms and thighs as bad as lower leg and body not quite so bad. I have tried Aveeno, Aloe Vera, Savlon, Hyrdrocortisone 1% and the only thing that works is Savlon bite gel with Lidnocaine. I have ordered on line but it is £6 for a tiny tube which will probably last a day if a I use it all over. The itching and burning is unbearable in the night (even if I don't scratch which is hard). I use ice packs and hot water bottles with cold water in, bathe in cool water with a flannel and leave to evaporate and try to get some sleep. I apply Aveeno or Aloe Vera but I think they only help a bit because they are cold. I am going to try an oat bath tonight as it worked for my grandsons excema - you hang a stocking foot in the water from the tap filled with oats. I am waiting for the doctor to ring now. Will he giv eme antibiotics or antibiotic cream - they often give me diarhea so I hope he has one that is ok. Any ideas please?

jinasc profile image

Has the GP diagnosed you with anything?. If not, ask about Hives, it is one of the uncommon side effects of pred.

If you are taking enteric coated tablets, wash the dye off before you take them.............the dyes can also cause a rash. It is just a colouring it does not affect the pred at all.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to jinasc

GP has given me Betnovate cream - it gave some relief yesterday but still bad at 1 am and 3 am - I asked about preds but he didn’t think that was it - on 6.5 mg - started last Oct on 40 mg

I am so sorry to hear hat this issue has persisted.... ☹️

Ruadh profile image

Chestnut based product. anti-itch and anti-inflammatory. You can use in a cool bath, or soak, also chestnut based cream. I had much the same, sheer hell, but mine was an allergic reaction to gadolinium - MRI contrast dye. Hit my lower legs, arms and back. The chestnut washes that the hospital worked to an extent. Helped to cool the horrendous inflammation, burning and horrific itch.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to Ruadh

Oh yes I had that after children - do you remember name of it?

Ruadh profile image
Ruadh in reply to Daffodilia

No, as the hospital just emptied the sachet of powdered chestnut into the warm bath water. Was very soothing. I put in an internet search, still checking through the results. There are creams, but no powder yet. Still searching...

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to Ruadh

I remember Badadas? Will look on line

in reply to Ruadh

You can buy chestnut flour while that be any good. It is like a fine powder abd usually found online or the local whole shop. You can compare medical grade and that online somewhere too.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to

Will see what I can find - maybe you can put it in a stocking foot like oats and run water from tap to bath over it

in reply to Daffodilia

Yes that was my original thought, but having looked further it ay be horse rather than sweet chestnuts. Its a pity yuu couldn't find a recipe for home made. There are still horse chestnuts around... Just.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to

Have ordered Badedas Chestnut bath gel and Loratadine anti histamines for night time

tangocharlie profile image

I get very itchy all over at night, from head to toe. I think it may be connected with the food allergies and histamine intolerance I have. I take a long-lasting antihistamine called Fexofenadine that my GP prescribed and it seems to help. No idea if that's relevant to you.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to tangocharlie

Ok will see what GP says

Thelmarina profile image

You poor love. This sounds horrendous. I do hope the tips you have been given help. For wounds - skin like paper tissue! - I’ve been using Manuka honey. I don’t suppose that might help? Really hope something works for you. 🌺

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to Thelmarina

Thanks - got Betnovate from GP at moment

Paulamac77 profile image

A simple moisturiser which gave relief to my veinous eczema has been Child’s Farm Baby moisturiser. It’s available from Boots as well as some supermarkets and is very reasonably priced. Once Betnovate had the inflammation under control, I used this instead and it is definitely providing a comfort.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to Paulamac77

I will give it a try once off Betnovate - how long did you use it for?

Paulamac77 profile image
Paulamac77 in reply to Daffodilia

I use it twice a day - after my shower in the morning and before I go to bed. It can be used indefinitely since it’s just a baby cream and therefore gentle on the skin but once the Betnovate has done its job then it’s an ideal daily cream and can be used all over. The manufacturer does not claim it relieves eczema or psoriasis but it has been reported to do so.

I do so sympathise with you. Itchy skin can be unbearable and it always seems worse at night especially after removing tights/socks etc. I hope whatever you use brings you some relief.

Daffodilia profile image
Daffodilia in reply to Paulamac77

Thank you

Hisue profile image

For itching;

Benadryl liquid or tabs orally. (Drowsiness is a side effect).

Caladryl or calamine lotion topically, if no open sores.

Ruadh profile image

Here's a search criteria - many links, just need to plough through them :-

powdered chestnut for a skin wash

Here's another search criteria - more links :-

chestnut benefits skin

Would also suggest a specialist organic / alternatives / supplements outlet shop - they should have over the counter. Please do not use Amazon for any supplements or herbs, you cannot be sure of quality let alone ingredients ! Amazon has admitted to fakeed supplements.

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