A question ids an itchy scalp a side affect of preds
Itchy scalp: A question ids an itchy scalp a side... - PMRGCAuk
Itchy scalp

I think itching in general can be. Check out any products you are using in case they have triggered this and “ horrors” any school age grandchildren, nits are still busy these days. 😱
Not even "still" busy - increasingly busy as they can't enforce proper checking and eradication. Human rights or something ...
Crazy! What about the greater good?
Don't get me started!!
What no nit nurse!?
Many moons ago I worked in a Social Services Day Nursery. I bathed and deloused a poor little girl everyday. A loving activity that we both enjoyed. Matron put a stop to it because “ I was making the parents lazy”.
I have no hair so its Ok people
So this thread is totally irrelevant to you. I think antihistamines are ok with Pred. I find that a plain base cream like E45 soothes, you could massage it in. Many Roads - see what I did there.
It would be the only way to get it done these days - but it isn't PC and not allowed ... So the lazy parents do nothing and the child reinfects the class and it becomes a permanent cycle.
I get that, but this was real poverty and deprivation and not her fault. I can still see her little pale face. Are you scratching your head? I am.
Oh yes - and both still apply in fact. There are parents who wouldn't afford the shampoo and stuff - but there is also the lack of education about nits, not to mention plain ignorance about parenting...
Not sure it’s lack of education but a combination of laziness and persistent belief that it is a slur on one’s social status, judging by the comments of my girl’s friends’ parents. If their kids didn’t complain they didn’t look. The schools banged on about it constantly in communications and leaflets were given out, even at secondary school. Prospective parents got the talk too. The loss of on site school nurses and no enforcement allowed made it safe to ignore it. If we got a few clear months I was delirious.
My head was the only bit itch free....not anymore🤢🕷️
It’s possible. Pred increases sebaceous gland production, i.e. sebum, which is why acne can be a side effect of pred. Could happen on your scalp too.
Another thought, malezzia, a fungus. My dog had that! Hang on I’ll look.
I used TGel shampoo once a week when I had it badly down to 10mg.
As far as I remember the itchy scalp was the very first symptom of GCA that I noticed. The strange thing is that it's wasn't like normal itching, it was in a very specific small circle on the very top of my head about 2-3 inches in diameter. The second noticeable symptom was hard skin on the soles of my feet that would only soak or scrape off with a pen knife. Both symptoms verified by my rheumatologist consultant, and long before they put me on preds. Hope that helps.
Yes, I had weird hard skin on my feet on the tops of my toes and it definitely wasn’t from my footwear.
I know of a couple of rheumies who mention the feet as a sign - I had similar effects. Strange isn't it!
My dermatologist told me to use Nizoral. It helps
Is the itching localised or diffuse? Is it itching with flaking or an itchy tingling sensation? The latter could be GCA related especially if localised. Itchy scalp is fairly common and there are several conditions that can cause this. I have a Diploma in Hair and Scalp Science to add to my other qualifications so if you want to PM me we can chat in more detail.
It may be your shampoo. The ingredient sodium laurel sulphate could be your problem. A person can become intolerant to it . Look for sulphate free shampoo. Check the label.
on 5 pred and itch on my head and the top of my ears. Is this not fun?
I suffered with itchy scalp at back of head for years before PMR. However my first dose of Prednisolone 30mg daily sorted this out & it wasn’t until reducing to ... (10 mg?? Not sure) that the itchiness returned. I mentioned it to Dr & was told that the irritated scalp was also an auto immune issue. Still on Prednidolone about 3.5 mg & scratching madly. No respite. I’ve been to specialist but doesn’t seem to be excema or psoriasis?? Just something I have to manage.