Need all teeth out in order to sort bones! Anyone... - PMRGCAuk


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Need all teeth out in order to sort bones! Anyone any experience of Guys Teaching Hospital Dentistry.

Marilyn1959 profile image
β€’41 Replies

Well Rheumy wants me to have annual injection for Osteoporosis. Yes, before you ask, I have had DX every two years for last eight. Results haven't declined too much so Osteopenia overall at present but bone at base of spine (which has always been lower than the rest ) has Osteoporosis level T scores. Plus Orthropaedic consultant recorded Osteoporosis in shoulder on discharge letter when I had op at Christmas. I can ask him more about that when I see him Friday.

Since I also had a crumbling jaw bone filed about eight years ago, and have had to have four teeth out in as many months due to infections, my new dentist referred me to Guys as a complicated case about two weeks ago. My Rheumy wrote to dentist to give her a bit more ammunition for my case.

Following severe toothache again this week I went as emergency to local dentist. Saw a lovely guy who showed me previous xray of tooth giving me trouble. Double rooted, one root has grown an extra 'ball' of bone so he was very concerned that if we went ahead with extraction we might need to abort and call an abulance if it went tits up! Deep joy. So he suggested he followed up my dentist referral to Guys with a phone call from him stating it might bump you up the list.

I am keen to have the rest of my teeth out as they are problematic and also I may need my jaw bone 'reconstructed' so I was told eight years ago when I had it filed. This was because with acute gum disease there will be no bridge for dentures to fix on. So Guys is definitely the best option for me as they will have access to a lot more than local dentist and also, if accepted, it will only cost me my train fare. A big bonus!

Well blow me down I had a call from Guys today! Whilst I was offered an appointment for tomorrow or Friday (when I already have a hospital appointment) I opted for Monday. I need to prepare if I am to travel to London at rush hour! I get anxiety when travelling somewhere new.

My question is has anyone been treated Guys? If so can you give me a bit of insight. It states short walking distance from London Bridge station to hospital. Since walking distances are an issue for me was wondering how far is short or is it worth jumping in taxi?

If anyone has experience of dental department at Guys a heads up would be most welcome. Many thanks.

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Marilyn1959 profile image
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41 Replies
PMRpro profile image


The website says it is 5 mins from London Bridge station:

Looks like maybe 2-300m??? Here I walk that in 5 mins - OH takes more like 10mins.

Hadn't realised it is the largest Dental School in Europe.

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toPMRpro

Nothing but the best for me! :) :) that is why I jumped at opportunity.

KellyInTexas profile image

London Bridge ( Lupus Centre) is where I’m seen. It’s nice if you’re near by to pop over to Borough Street market for a quick bite. ( not so far- by the SW cathedral. Great πŸ₯˜ paella outdoor restaurant- very fast- ready to serve- on the London Bridge side. Of the Market. Very fast and healthy.

Are you familiar with the Uber app? Many cars also have Lyft also as well as Uber- both certificates/ affiliates for same driver. They use your GPS on your smart phone. You pre load in your credit card info.

They find you and pick you up. Usually with 3 min if you are in a busy area.

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toKellyInTexas

Thanks for info Kelly.

Pristina profile image

They are one of the best teaching hospitals in the world, my son knocked his front teeth out when he was 8, we had them re-inserted and spent 10 years under Guys dental dept, Dr Sheehy one of the best, we had excellent treatment and with a lot of orthodontics and specialist care all his teeth were saved. Highly recommend.

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toPristina

That recommendation makes me realise that I am indeed fortunate. Hopefully they will take on my case. Thank you.

Pristina profile image

Oh and its 5 min walk from London bridge but steps involved down from bridge

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toPristina

Forewarned is forwarned. Thank you. Will get OH check out availability of lifts / escalators.

Marijo1951 profile image

I've no personal experience of the dental department but I can tell you that Guys is only 5 minutes from London Bridge station and a pretty easy walk. The area is well sign-posted and the station staff are used to directing people. If you get a taxi, make sure the driver knows that you know it is very close (but honestly I wouldn't bother and I'm not very mobile) I knew of somebody from out of town who took a taxi from St Pancras to Euston, not knowing they are in the same road and less than 10 minutes' walk. She was taken a long ride round god knows where, ending up paying a ridiculous charge.

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toMarijo1951

Thanks for heads up.

Blearyeyed profile image

Give yourself extra time and get an earlier train if you can.

It will help when you do the walk and even let you sit in a station cafe for a while to catch your breath and collect your thoughts before you walk over there .

If you really don't feel comfortable though , even if it's a short distance , if it will keep you more relaxed there is no shame in getting a taxi.

If you are feeling very tired after the appointment or a bit emotionally tired from it all you can always get a taxi back even if you walked there and get the Hospital to book it.

Good luck you will definitely be in very good hands at Guys xxx

SheffieldJane profile image

Wow Marilyn! It sounds like you’ve made a very sensible decision and of course Guys Hospital’s reputation precedes it. Will you be kept in? It’s the journey home again that I would try and make luxurious provision for. You are being brave. It will be wonderful to have this worry dealt with once and for all. I see that you’ve had sound advice about the meticulous planning for your journey and the wonderfulness of Guys. As soon as you are able, let us know how you get on. Will be thinking of you, big hug. Xx

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toSheffieldJane

I think Monday is just consultation at least that is all I am preparing for. They may want to do their own x rays but extractions should be at a later date. Will let you know.

43tripandskip profile image

I was referred to Guys for gum disease about 7 years ago. They were fantastic and most helpful.

As for getting there from the tube, the only way to do it is to walk. You follow the signs, go along a corridor to the exit and come out beside the Shard. You will immediately see the hospital opposite. Walk across the road and through the gates. You will see the entrance a little further on the left.

The tube staff are helpful as the station is busy in the rush hour.

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply to43tripandskip

Thanks for directions. My issues are all about advanced gum disease. My old dentost advised hanging on to teeth for as long as poss, but I have had enough of painful infections and raging toothache. Rheumy has done me a favour wanting me to have annual injections methinks, though I still have reservations due to jaw croniosis. Am hoping Guys might know more about this and risk probability given my dental history. Fingers crossed.

YuliK profile image

Marilyn you couldn't wish for a better hospital. πŸ‘

Good luck and make sure someone is with you after the treatment ...

Good luck.

YuliK 🌹🌹

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toYuliK

OH coming with me so should be ok. Have a friend who is black cab driver so may be able to arrange door to door pick up once teeth are removed!

Rugger profile image


Soon after I started on pred, I had a root extracted by a 'specialist' that my general dentist called into the surgery. He told me to take extra pred on the day of the extraction.

Will Monday be an assessment or the start of treatment? It might be worth asking about your pred dose.

Hope both the dentistry and the journey go well for you.

Take care.

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toRugger

Assessment I would think. But I will ask about extra pred and antibiotics at assessment if they agree to take on my case and do the extractions and aftercare (whatever aftercare might look like)

Jackoh profile image

Often go to London but no experience of Guys personally but seems the best to be referred to. Presumably it will be an initial assessment? Been given some good advice here. I would just write down everything I wanted to ask before I went ( I can never remember when I’m there)As Bee said just allow yourself plenty of time then hopefully you won’t feel so anxious. Are you in this instance going on your own?

All the very best will be thinking and praying for you Monday. Good that this appears to be being sorted quickly. Xx

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toJackoh

OH coming with me. Don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing?

Jackoh profile image
Jackohβ€’ in reply toMarilyn1959

Know what you mean but can only be a good thing - physically, emotionally and another listening ear.

Marilyn, do you have someone to go with you?

Guys sounds like the best place to go & it’s always best to go to a Centre of Excellence.

How are you feeling today?

MrsN 🌷

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply to

Am ok at present. Took last antibiotic yesterday and I can feel some sensitivity. However have some metronidazole in case I need it before Monday, but I hate taking it as it makes me feel sick, so desperate to avoid if I can. Fingers crossed I won't need it. OH is coming with me. Thanks for your concern.

β€’ in reply toMarilyn1959

Metronidazole is not for the faint hearted!

Glad you have OH to come with you, let us know how it goes xx

Lonsdalelass profile image

All the best tomorrow Marilyn. It sounds as if you are going to be in the best hands, very reassuring. I don't have experience of Guys at all, but do sympathise with having teeth problems. I'm back at the dentist myself next week and will be asking about possible extraction of yet another tooth, (filling won't stay put, problem tooth, and though they did suggest a crown at one point I'm not going there and paying, been there and got the t-shirt with a bad root canal which was previously crowned and then ended up coming out in May) which is way back next to a wisdom tooth, and my gut feeling is that she will suggest removing that as well. And this is someone who doesnt like having teeth out! So I think you are being very brave, but going to Guys is so reassuring. Let us know how you get on. All the best.

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toLonsdalelass

Do hope you are able to sort your teeth Lonsdalelass. I really empathise.

Zebedee44 profile image

I had the pleasure of many visits to the handsome young student dentists at Guys when I lived in the now fashionable Bermondsey Street while working in London. I lost a filling one evening as I travelled home from my late shift in the tube and presented myself the next morning at the dental clinic.

Over a period of weeks I had all my old fillings replaced and my wisdom teeth removed. Only now, some 40 years later, are the fillings beginning to fall out and only because the teeth are crumbling.

I really enjoyed my visits to Guys Hospital dental school with panoramic views across London and the best dental care you could ask for. I hope all goes as well for you.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorβ€’ in reply toZebedee44

Yes - not Guys but another top dental school did a lot of work for both OH and me when we were students, including gold work as we were finals students patients. Neither of us have had serious tooth problems since. The local dentist suggested replacing the gold with ceramic "because it looks better"! You what? If it ain't broke ...

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toPMRpro

Here's hoping for a finals student predicted the highest pass marks! Should I ask for their predicted grades? Don't fancy a beginner or one on borderline of failing. (HA HA just joking!)

β€’ in reply toMarilyn1959

I get treated at a teaching hospital. When I had 2 extractions, it was by a final year student helping, but the work was primarily done by, and closely supervised by a consultant/tutor. I did get a bit of pain in one side 3 days later and I went back. They cleaned it up, which didn't hurt at all, and no more problems at all.

I was in the chair yesterday from 9.15 to 12.45 having various things done by a student, again supervised by tutor. I would imagine in a complex case like yours it will either be done by a specialist or by a final year student under close supervision. I did have new bridges, a gold crown, some fillings and a plate made for a gap where I had broken off the anchor tooth of a bridge. I was the students long term finals work and went in for her exam etc. I am on my 3rd student dentist and have had a student hygienist who was fantastic. Which isn't bad for someone who was pretty phobic about dentist's. Good luck and I hope everything goes smoothly. 🌻

Marilyn1959 profile image

Thank you all for directions. The journey didn't involve much walking at all. I am washed out though as I was 'in the chair' for 1.75 hours! Then had xrays, then back in the chair. Outcome is I am currently no further forward. Two teeth need to come out urgently the others are ok ish. They are concerned about removing them and how I will tolerate dentures. So are now referring me to denture department to look at possibilities before final decision. Ho hum. Really fed up! Just want them gone!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorβ€’ in reply toMarilyn1959

Patience - they are looking for the best solution for the long term. I know, it is frustrating though.

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959β€’ in reply toPMRpro

Five months on am still waiting. They have agreed to take all remaining teeth out. Can't wait since I have no bottom plate at present. So very much the 'gummy' look at the mo. However you are right that it is the long term solution which is worth the wait, since they have said I may need a couple of implants to hold dentures in and they will apply for funding this. Everything comes to he who waits!

β€’ in reply toMarilyn1959

Frustrating and I know from experience that sitting in the chair for hours is exhausting. I had 3 1/2 hours in the chair plus x-rays on Friday. I had an achey jaw that night. As pmrpro says, patience. You want them to do the best job possible in the long term. 😁

Many many people loose their teeth and some loose their Jaw bone after taking the osteoporosis drugs which are all basically the same and ruin your teeth . My friend took prolia she had gorgeous teeth all her life and right after taking this drug her teeth became loose and she lost them and very quickly . OF COURSE THE MD SAID IT WAS NOT THE DRUG


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorβ€’ in reply to

Some people may have problems - it is not true to say that many have this problem, That particular adverse effect is very rare although I do not deny it doesn't happen with bisphosphonates. Prolia, on the other hand, is not a bisphosphonate.

If you continue to post such biased and innaccurate information I will have no option but to restrict your activity here.

β€’ in reply toPMRpro

that is your opinion however I work in a clinic with osteoporosis patients and its quite common . In fact it is almost expected if you dont have dental loss its amazing .

β€’ in reply to

Perhaps your approach should be more professional, less shouty, and have actual research evidence to back it up-I hope you don't talk to your patients like you have to us. My teeth have never been in such good condition after 4 years on steroids. Please don't come into a forum shouting at us.

these drugs will almost always cause your teeth to fall out

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassadorβ€’ in reply to

That is absolute rubbish.

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