My jaw and teeth are so bad but Dr doesn't think it's anything to do with pmr. My teeth are so sensitive thought it was with steroids and my jaw hurts really bad when I chew on both sides , been to dentist and had teeth checked and xrayed, they are ok . Getting bloods checked again , have mentioned to Dr about gca but he doesn't think it is that even though I have headaches but he will look into it when bloods come back . Any suggestions?
Jaw and teeth could it be GCA: My jaw and teeth are... - PMRGCAuk
Jaw and teeth could it be GCA

This must be so distressing for you!It makes me mad when doctors say, "I don't think......." and then leave the patient suffering and worrying.
You don't say what dose of Prednisolone you are on now and the dose you started on. Dates are necessary as well. This information will be helpful to people replying.
Blood tests will tell if you have inflammation in your body but won't diagnose the problem. If I were you I most certainly would return to the GP and ask for further investigations such as MRI.
just had my bloods taken and my inflammation levels are high so dr has raised my steroids and is ringing me next week to see if im any better

Jaw issues and headaches do sound GCAish….why does your doctor think not?
Just as a matter if interest what dose are you on now?…and as nothing on profile, what did you start on initially?
Could be TMD/TMJ, but would have though dentist might have suggested if it was - but see links -
Obviously if things get worse before doctor gets back then either ring him, or nhs 111, or if necessary A&E/ED.
Hi DorsetLadsy ,started on 15mg now on 8mg but today my inflammation markers are up so dr has put me up to 10mg and ringing me back next friday , if no better he will refer me rhummy .
Okay…but obviously if things don’t improve with the increase (2mg is not much) you do need to chase it up. Hope that’s not necessary.
Well, that’s not nice is it? Did the dentist check for temporomandibular joint dysfunction or did they just look at your teeth? The muscle weakening effect of Predcan play havoc with the jaw muscles. Is the pain in the joint or in the muscles of the whole jaw? Does it travel anywhere? Does it hurt the second you bite down or does it build up as the chewing goes on? There is also a Pred side effect that makes the dentine extra sensitive
. I seem to have that permanently now even though I’ve been off Pred for GCA for 14 months. It makes a whole bunch of teeth agony for a few minutes when I eat or drink anything hot.
It hurts as soon as I bite into something
That sounds more TMJ joint problems. The GCA pain is due to the muscles running out of oxygen when you need them to work when chewing. Rather like having to run up too many stairs the muscles start to burn from the build up of lactic acid. When you stop to take a breather the lactic acid is cleared. The jaw muscles are the same. Pain as soon as you bite suggests a different problem because the muscle hasn’t had time to conk out from lack of oxygen. If it hurts to put teeth together or wobble the jaw about certainly suggests mechanical problems for whatever reason. TMJ pain can get worse as you chew but from my experience it’s much more a sharp pain in a local area that can extend outwards from a point. The GCA pain was more a vague ache and the muscle running out of steam. A dentist, if they look, can feel the joint in motion and diagnose it. Did they do that?

When you say it hurts when you chew, do you mean you get an ache that starts after you start to chew and stops you continuing - and then the pain fades until you start to chew again? The SORT of pain is crucial in deciding what it might be.
This may not be your problem, but years ago I would wake up with jaw and said I may need a was the answer thank goodness. Even now if I forget to use it I can wake with an awful headache.....
Honestly, I would plan for a day at A&E where all the investigations for GCA will be done. The consequences of missing this short potential warning are so grave. I wouldn’t hesitate. Prior to my GCA/ LVV diagnosis my Rheumatologist put particular emphasis on the jaw claudication symptom as being strongly indicative of GCA. Let us know what happens.
My tooth sensitivity is greatly helped by rubbing Sensodyne toothpaste into the affected area.
Tried all that even have the special toothpaste from dentist
A long term help for sensitive teeth could be vitamin K2 (not K1). It should eventually help with tooth sensitivity, although of course not directly with any serious condition like GCA or TMJ. It will help strengthen the jawbone and may help prevent demineralisation of the teeth themselves. Not able to access some articles I found (computer trouble) on this but maybe there's info in the FAQ post.
Hello Bling123, Everyone on this site is so helpful and you’ve had great advice. I just wanted to ask if your jaw and teeth pain feels like really bad tooth ache.? There is a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia which is basically the Trigeminal nerve firing off pain or creating sensitivity and tenderness in the facial area.
I was diagnosed with TGN 17 years ago and pain is managed with Gabapentin as OTC pain killers don’t touch it. My PMRGCA experience has been guided by this website and occasionally my GP for just 2 years and I’m down to 3 mg daily of pred. Do follow up all the thoughtful suggestions from people on this site.