Hi friends. Back again.
Got over GCA and was proud I 'kept it in my head'. The last prednisone tab was June 4 last year. The end of those years of terror. But life's not that simple. A few months ago, came the onset of pain. Legs, knees, hips, elbows, upper arms and shoulders. Legs went into a sort of hot cramp, had to wait a few seconds before it disappeared and I could walk. Then after a few weeks, slowly, the legs were ok, arms functioned below the elbow, driving and playing petanque and playing pickleball was ok. But through it all there was pain.
I saw the GP, who prescribed a short burst of pred and in days it was all over. Spoke too soon. Think the short burst was a too short joke - it all came back to upper arms and shoulders. GPs got creative in coming up with diagnoses: it's frozen shoulder, they said, could be lupus (WHAT??), not PMR as CRP and ESR were normal. Finally, in desperation, they referred me to the hospital rheumatologist, who had treated my GCA. Nice to see him again. He said it was PMR and I'm on a longer treatment of prednisone. Will see him in a couple of months' time.
Yesterday I had my first three (15mg) tabs and off to play petanque.
Next day, amazed to find all the pain had gone. In one day?? A bit quick, surely.
Today it is the same. No pain - not even a residual pain. Hope it continues.
As an aside, the GPs prescribed celecoxib anti-inflammation and pain relief. Didn't do anything. Blood pressure was also 'off the chart' and prescribed a drug for that. But I read that celecoxib should not be given to those with high blood pressure. So stopped it. It was the right thing to do, said my rheumatologist.