Hello All, just thought I would give an update. I have been back on 10mg of pred from 8.5mg for 11 days now following all your expert advice and feel so much better, no more tears and in last 2 days no aching arms. Was definitely the right thing to do and as advised I will stay on 10mg for a month and if all is well start to tapper again to 9. The hots sweats have come back but that could also be to do with too many bad carbs, being a comfort eater and feeling low I fell off the wagon but I am feeling more positive now and know I need to sort out my diet.
I’m off on a 2 night mini break tomorrow, my first trip in 6 months since dx and my foot op, it’s just 2 1/2 hours drive away, I have rested all weekend in preparation and am really hoping the journey will not be too exhausting. I am always so thankful to all the advice on here, even preparing for holidays. Thank you 😊