It's a silly saying really - but like many of these little aphorisms - it contains some grains of 'truth' I guess - after all we do tend to notice when more than 'one' unwanted thing happens at any point in time. First it was the cold and hacking cough caught on the plane home (or just previously) from our delightful NZ trip - this bug - which I shared with my partner then provided the 'pleasant' background to the other 'stuff'.
So number 'two' - our plumbing sounded like (no joke) a sinking Titanic after just a flush or two on our return - resulting in several plumbers - with cameras, spades, long lengths of pipe and ultimately even a new toilet to be installed. This was apparently the consequence of some 'bright spark' hammering star pickets through the plastic pipes when the house was built about 12 years ago. We are surrounded by trees so it was inevitable that below us - twirling and whirling around for years were those very hungry roots. Hard to explain really but although I am a big plant and garden lover - I found the thought of all that subterranean activity rather sinister somehow !
Anyway to number 'three' - my much adored 'white' Toshiba Satellite PC crashed after I managed to stick the power cord into the wrong aperture and 'fried' the hard drive. OK it was 'old' and 2nd hand to begin with - but I kind of liked it and even dragged it around NZ with me as I knew I would have felt 'lost' without it.
To be fair - none of these are really major issues (although dreading the size of the plumbing bill) and I have already bought a smaller, cheaper and more contemporary pc/notebook - and very relieved to find that OneDrive did its job and 'saved' all my significant docs and pics - and the cold is much better - although 3 weeks worth and I risked the flu vax in the middle in case - as it is rife in our wee town at present - but as you might understand all this felt initially too much to come home to.
Not to be 'classified' as being too 'off track' here I managed to taper on our trip to 13 mg and I am about to reduce again to 12 mg tomorrow. I am however feeling a bit nervous about this - as this is close to the lowest dose I have managed since my dx when I got to 11.5mg - several months ago now and found myself in a nasty 'flare'. I am hoping my slow reductions will be sufficient (bloods have only shown smallish variations) to permit me not to 'overshoot' the mark again this time.
Best news is however I had my 2nd cataract op a week ago and as many others have testified everything then 'looks' amazing. I can't help but compare the new clarity and colour in my life to the removal of old varnish and dust from an antique painting - revealing a world of beauty, detail and nuance that I had almost forgotten. All this extra 'light' is very helpful in terms of mood I think - what more can I say - this is just 'bloody marvellous' !!
Hope everyone is doing as well as possible - I have yet to read some of the posts I have missed -but with a new PC and storms for the next week I will certainly 'catch up'.
Best wishes to you all