I don't like having PMR..but there you go. No one wants to be ill.
But, I'm feeling grateful that I could call my GP and see her the next day and get a blood test and provisional diagnosis.
I'm grateful that my GP listened to my concerns about AA and booked a DEXA scan.
I'm grateful that when I worried about painful legs and chest pressure, my GP saw me that afternoon, took more bloods, ran an ECG, took blood pressure and listened to me. She reassured me but said to go to A&E over weekend if worried.
I can see GP who listens.
I can drive to A&E or ring an ambulance if I need one.
I can do all this for free.
I do not pay anything, except my prescription fee. I pay my taxes willingly for this.
The NHS is incredible.
Life saving.
I know these posts aren't for sharing politics, so I'll leave it there.